174 vs Zhang Yue Fei Xiang Yu (demand perfection seek custom order)

The original 100 years ago, they had encounter once.

Later in contact for 10 years.

See that they are to one another for fear the other will not grow old, you have to separate.

After it has been no contact.

But that 10 years, the two became very good friends.

And each other, do not know the true identity of the other party.

The results did not want even met here.

They went to chat in hand.

at the same time.

Linhai Changhe Airport.

After a simple renovation, this belongs to the Palace of Eternal airport has been officially put into operation.

The future, the city will enter the domestic longevity as a transit point.

As for the relevant procedures, Song Lining there were already opened the back door.

This should be the first large-scale domestic private airfield up.

Wear loose and comfortable and a black costume of Yue Fei Chi Chi Wu gown look to the sky.

Soon, Yue Fei smiled: “come.”

Although Ye Chen did not say so.

But Yue Fei also probably guessed, perhaps who come to the mysterious Mr. Gu Yu Ming!

Aside, Chi Chi smiled: “Guess what this valley is Yu Ming dynasty who?”

Yue Fei heard suddenly to the interest.

He thought: “The name, rare, must be in before me.”

“I think it is, is probably the Tang Dynasty? Or also the Sui Dynasty?”

Yue Fei nodded his head in approval.

Chatting, when a black and white aircraft from far and near.


Yue Fei Qi Jiguang and looked attentively.

This is the secret of the Court marks!

In fact, the two are related to the secret dealings Court.

However, not deep contact with each other.

For secret enough, they did not go directly to the contacts are in contact with his men.


Yue Fei Qi Jiguang and strode stepped forward.

When the aircraft hanging ladder slowly falling.

Three young men of varying slowly down from the plane.

See the moment that the three men, Yue Fei stopped the eyes of a condensate.

The next moment, his face slightly changed Qi said: “Three people?”

Whether or Qi Yue Fei, Gu Yu Ming is thought a person.

However, look at the order of the three, is clearly very intimate!

Clearly it is not subordinate ah!

Yue Fei laughed: “Interesting, really interesting,” “!

This, even he had expected it.

Soon the two men trot up.

“General Yue Hello!

Guiguzi three were Yue Fei Qi Jiguang and shake hands.

Yue Fei Xiang Yu looked at.

He did not know Xiang Yu.

Three are from the Southern Song Dynasty interval for a long time.

So the portraits in the history of no realism at all.

But Yue Fei Xiang Yu instinctively feel is a master!

Super expert.

Breathing rhythm, shook hands, although Xiang Yu did not use strength, but was able to feel contains an extremely terrible force.

Coupled with a pair of eye-handed in with that tomorrow under.

This is a true master!

Yue Fei Qi Jiguang and expression have become some dignified.

Dignified at the same time, but also curious.

Soon, Yue Fei smiled and said: “I do not know who the three Mr. Gu Yu Ming?

This is a rhetorical Yue Fei, in fact, talk about the end of the three men.

He did not think the three are related to Mr Yip had common ground.

Just thought it was one of them.

Xiang Yu three one smiled, looking.

Immediately Zhuge Liang said: “Yue, General, you say who we are?”

Problem has thrown Yue Fei.

Yue Fei smile soon.

Chi Chi’d thoughtfully and said: “Why do some think three familiar?”

Having looked Xiang Yu Qi Jiguang one again.

Xiang Yu smiled and said: “Hello, General Qi, the next Xiang Yu!”

Xiang Yu then down, Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang face drastic changes!

They really did not think that there is this era!

But I did not think that this person is the famous King of Western Chu Xiang Yu!

“The old lady Gui.”

Guiguzi smiling Road.

They have long known Yue Fei and their relationship with Mr.

So I didn’t hide it.

Zhuge Liang bowed his hands: “Zhuge is famous.”


Qi Jiguang subconsciously took a breath.

These three…to them, they are all old fashioned!

They are all very old people!

Has this arrangement been made, sir?

Xiang Yu looked at Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang and said with great interest, “The two of you, why don’t you learn from each other?”

Yue Fei and Qi Jiguang looked at each other.

Immediately, Yue Fei laughed: “General Wei, let me come!”

Finish talking and step forward.

This leap, Yue Fei’s momentum suddenly changed!

From the previous elegant, easy-going turned into a cold and harsh!

Although Yue Fei is a famous general.

But his force value is still very high.

Or rather, very high!

You know, in his day, he led the troops to go out in person.

Even his eldest son, Yue Yun, is a real expert.

Not to mention Yue Fei himself.

Guiguzi and Kong Ming looked at each other and laughed.

One is the Overlord of Western Chu.

One is an anti-gold star.

These two, no matter which one they are, are famous through the ages.

Moreover, there is still no conclusion as to who is stronger and who is weaker.

Today, there may be a rough guess.

Xiang Yu also took a step forward.

However, his aura did not change.

On the contrary, it is unusually restrained.

If it is a person who does not understand martial arts, he will only think that he is an ordinary person.

Seeing this scene, Yue Fei’s eyes narrowed.

His expression became more serious.

It’s easy to put away!

Or rather, it’s natural!

Qi Jiguang’s eyes lit up behind Yue Fei.

What a high realm!

One is like the sea, Xiao Ran does not move.

And one, like a mountain, is heavy and domineering.

“.General Yue please!”

Xiang Yu made a gesture of clasping his fists.

“Senior please!”

Yue Fei did the same.

The next moment, the two of them punched at the same time!


Whether it is Xiang Yu or Yue Fei.

The speed of punching is fast to the extreme!

This is a top-notch competition!


Xiang Yu and Yue Fei’s fists collided.

Yue Fei’s body trembled slightly to resolve the terrifying force.

Xiang Yu remained motionless.

(Zhao De’s) Yue Fei is not surprised.

Xiang Yu is capable of carrying a tripod.

In terms of power, there is no comparison in history.

Even if there is, it may be traced back to an earlier era.

Whether it is Yue Fei or Xiang Yu.

At the same time, sprinkle a step.

The next moment, Yue Fei punched Xiang Yu and kicked his legs.



Both have mastered ancient martial arts techniques long lost in modern times.

Fighting is more intense than modern life-and-death fighting.

And also has a higher viewing.

The huge airport is cold.

The two fought each other in an instant.

The three Guiguzi watched with a smile.

Zhuge Liang even lit a cigarette and started smoking.

1 minute later.


Yue Fei closed his fists and calmed down.

Xiang Yu stood there with a smile in the corner of his eyes.

Immediately, Yue Fei said with admiration: “As expected of the overlord of Western Chu! Yue Fei has learned!”

(Can you comment on some flowers?),

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