Chapter 153 The Great Qin Yingzheng

God of War, God of Killing, Habitat.

There are different opinions about Bai Qi.

Bai Qi’s achievements and achievements are obvious to all, but his cruel bloodthirsty is also recognized.

Bai Qi noticed Ye Chen at a glance.

As the first of the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, Bai Qi has extraordinary eyesight.

Just a casual glance at him can tell that Ye Chen is a master!

And definitely a super pro.

Because he smelled the indifference on Ye Chen!

That is indifference to life, Bai Qi also has this kind of temperament, but it is much weaker.

Bai Qi turned sideways and quickly dismounted.

Bai Qi was tall and tall, especially when he put on the armor, he was even more mighty.

The soldiers behind him dismounted and showed their weapons.

The atmosphere instantly became tense.

In the face of this killing god, everyone in the Warring States countries was afraid.

But Ye Chen still looked indifferent.

He smiled at Bai Qi.

Bai Qi frowned slightly.

He has heard of masters from all over the world, and many of them have played “five or sixty”.

But this…

So calm, even with a hint of playfulness in his eyes.

Bai Qi can be called the first of the four famous generals of the Warring States period by later generations, of course he is not an idiot.

He looked at Ye Chen cautiously.

He looked at the man with the straw hat behind Ye Chen again.

Vaguely, he felt that this person was a little familiar.

Immediately, Bai Qi said solemnly: “Mr. is not a native of this country.”

Ye Chen smiled slightly.

His clothes were more in line with Zhao’s.

Wen Yan said lightly: “General Bai is trying to block my way?”

As soon as this statement came out, the audience changed slightly.

A general after Bai got up was furious: “Bold!”

Go forward when you’re done.

However, just as the general took a step, Guiguzi moved.

As one of the most outstanding beings in history, Guiguzi is not only proficient in literature.

In martial arts, he is also a great master.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to cultivate so many famous officials and generals.

Guiguzi moved extremely fast, and he strode over in black sackcloth.

Immediately afterward, he withdrew.


Everyone didn’t even see how Guiguzi made his move.

The general named Qi Zhang fell to the ground with his neck in his arms.

Blood spurted out of his neck.


Everyone was shocked.

Bai Qi’s pupils shrank.


Super expert!

The next moment, Bai Qi noticed the sword in Guiguzi’s hand.

That’s a peach wood sword!

In this era, there is only one who uses a peach wood sword.

That is the Guiguzi who is called the master of swordsmanship by Bai Qi and others!

Suddenly, Bai Qi’s face changed.

He lowered his voice and said in surprise, “Teacher?”

That’s right, Bai Qi is also a disciple of Guiguzi.

Only half a disciple.

When Bai Qi was young, he followed Guiguzi to learn martial arts and the art of warfare for several years.

Then Guiguzi raised his head and slowly took off his straw hat.

The soldiers after Bai got up did not recognize it.

Because Guiguzi has lived in seclusion for many years.

And he was already a hundred years old.

Who would have thought that Guiguzi suddenly became young?

Seeing Guiguzi’s young and indifferent face, his face changed dramatically!

He subconsciously took two steps back.

There was a hint of fear in his eyes.

He recognized it, this is his teacher with unpredictable abilities!

Bai Qi had a great record in his life, but he was very afraid of one person.

This man is a ghost!

Bai Qida was in awe of Guiguzi in his heart.

Guiguzi said indifferently and softly: “I bumped into Mr., damn it.

Bai Qi’s face changed greatly.

Damn, did you say this to yourself, or to your subordinates?

And why is the teacher so respectful to this man?

Bai Qi looked at Ye Chen cautiously.

Immediately, Bai Qi took a step forward.

He clasped his fists with both hands and said respectfully, “Bai Qi apologized to Mr.

After speaking, he bowed deeply in front of all the soldiers.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the people behind them turned pale.

Except for the current king, they have never seen General Bai be so polite to others.

Ye Chen looked at Bai Qi with a half-smile but not a smile.

Bai Qi’s face became a little awkward.

Immediately, he pulled out the long knife sharply.

In the astonishment of everyone, Bai Qi shaved off his hair.

The indifference on Guiguzi’s face disappeared.

The more he came into contact with Ye Chen, the more he knew how terrible this man was.

Guiguzi is very clear in his heart.

If the gentleman is willing, he can easily slaughter the Qin state.

Even, it is easy to unify the countries!

“Bai Qi replaces his head with his hair, I beg Mr.

Bai Qi knelt on the ground and raised his hair with both hands.

Ye Chen said, “Let’s go.

Bai Qi’s body trembled and he got up quickly.

Bai Qi took a deep look at Guiguzi and hesitated.

But Guiguzi shook his head without a trace, signaling Bai Qi to keep quiet.

When Bai Qi led the army to leave.

Ye Chen had no plans to accept Bai Qi.

This one is not the top in terms of force.

In terms of military ability and strategy, he was also a little worse than Guiguzi and Yue Fei.

Mr. “Where are we going?”

After Bai Qi left for a while, Guiguzi asked respectfully.

“You asked me a few days ago when the Qin kingdom was unified.”

Ye Chen looked at Guiguzi with a gentle attitude: “Today, I will let you see the prosperous world of Qin Dynasty.

Guiguzi’s body was shocked!

The next moment, a picture scroll of time appeared in front of Guiguzi.

Guiguzi’s face changed slightly, and his eyes were full of awe and shock!

He saw it.

I saw the picture of Bai Ziqi.

I saw Wang Jian destroy Zhao.

I saw that Wei, Chu, Yue, and Qi were annihilated in turn by the Qin State’s iron cavalry.

I saw familiar characters die in battle, die of illness, and die of old age.

Until the picture is fixed in 221 BC.

In this year, Ying Zheng, the great king of Qin, unified the six countries!

Guiguzi’s body trembled.

There was intense horror in his eyes.

Time travel!

He actually came to 48 years later with the thought of Mr.

When Ye Chen and Guiguzi walked out of the picture scroll and reappeared in King Qin City.

Guiguzi took a deep breath.

This is not a dream!

It’s a fact that happened with my own eyes!

A few breaths ago, the houses and buildings in front of me were not like this.

But after a few breaths, times changed.

Guiguzi was filled with emotion.

The world regarded him as a god.

But in fact, Mr. Ye is the real god!

The only god!


Guiguzi looked at Ye Chen and said respectfully: “This is

His mood was so complicated that he didn’t know what to say.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: “Go, go and see the first emperor.

According to historical records, the Qin State was still implementing the Shang Yang Reform at this time.

With the technology and economic policy of over 5.3, the Qin state has achieved unprecedented power.

Even the Roman Empire in Europe is far from being an opponent of the Daqin Iron Cavalry.

Guiguzi followed Ye Chen with a sigh in his eyes.

Until now, he has not recovered.

This has come from the Warring States Seven Heroes to the era of great unification?

His disciples, old friends, and brothers and sisters have long since disappeared in the long river of history.

After a long time, Guiguzi let out a long sigh.

Suddenly he seemed to have an epiphany.

How small are people.

In front of the gentleman, these disputes and wars are nothing but the play of ants.

(Thanks to the first love for not erasing the reward of 100 VIP points, thank you brother for your support, the reward yesterday was very powerful, the author will continue to work hard, everyone don’t have to worry about breaking the update, and don’t worry about finding someone to write it on your behalf, these will not happen, new One day for full subscription, for automatic subscription, for monthly pass for flower evaluation, thank you. ).

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