Chapter 146 The Gospel of Humanity Has Come

Da Vinci thought about it and said, “At least 4 months.”

4 months is already very fast.

Ye Chen said: “You take a few time capsules from Einster and I’ll give you time stagnation. In 4 days, I will see a brand new maglev railway.”

“In terms of funds, you are considered the second sequence.

Da Vinci laughed.

There are time capsules, 1 day is enough.

“I will let the overseas staff of the original Tianren Club cooperate with your team.”

“In addition, I have already greeted Yue Fei and will provide sufficient security.”

in the afternoon.

On the lawn outside the Hall of Longevity.

Bruce Lee looked at the silver-gray humanoid mecha in front of him and said, “Sir, is this?”

Ye Chen said with a warm smile: “This is the latest achievement of the Cang Qiong Group, the exoskeleton mecha.”

“Bruce Lee, try it.


Bruce Lee suddenly became interested.

As a martial arts master, he rarely borrows external force.

However, this forward-looking technological approach is different.

Ye Chen introduced the rules of use.

Subsequently, Bruce Lee was wrapped in mecha.

Different from the last 10 Ye Chen experiment, this time Tesla equipped the mecha with an alloy sword.

Alloy sword, plus silver mecha.

The overall feeling is very dreamy.


Bruce Lee gave it a try and punched quickly.

Suddenly, a pleasant metal collision sounded.

Ye Chen was interested.

“Mr. Li, experiment for a while.”

The humanoid mecha nodded.

Immediately, a set of boxing techniques and movement techniques were displayed.

With the addition of mecha, Bruce Lee’s destructive power is stronger.

This can already crush tanks.


When Bruce Lee smashed the several-meter-high boulder with a whip leg, the whole building seemed to shake.

Bruce Lee “, attack me.”

Suddenly Ye Chen rolled up his sleeves and said.

Bruce Lee in the mecha was stunned.

This is a mecha, plus his own strength.

However, Bruce Lee did not refuse.

But took some strength.

Ye Chen stood with his hands behind his back and did not take a defensive posture.

But at the moment when Bruce Lee got close, Ye Chen exerted force on his legs.

The force is transferred to the shoulders and then to the palms.


A hand knife is cut to the joint of the mecha.

Suddenly, a dull collision sounded.

This blow Bruce Lee did not use all his strength, but the strength released by the mecha is still not something that an ordinary person can resist.

Seeing Ye Chen standing there steadily, he didn’t move half an inch.

Bruce Lee looked a little shocked.

20 minutes later.

Bruce Lee stepped out of the mecha.

There was a hint of joy in his eyes.

“Sir, this mecha is literally tailor-made for us.

Bruce Lee showed a bright smile and was extremely satisfied with the exoskeleton mecha.

“In addition to allowing us to play stronger, it also raises our limits.”

Ye Chen nodded thoughtfully after hearing this.

Immediately, Ye Chen asked, “How is the load on the body?”

Bruce Lee thought about it and said, “No problem at all.”

Ye Chen’s physical fitness is the limit of human beings.

It is the limit of comprehensive quality.

This is a level that cannot be achieved by human beings.

As for Bruce Lee and the others, one or several items have reached the limit.

Not to the fullest extent.

In the future, the first batch of mechas will also be the first to be used by them.

Therefore, the experience of the martial arts masters such as Bruce Lee is the most important.

“Later I will let the people from the God’s Punishment Unit attack you with firearms.

Ye Chen smiled and said: “In addition, Tesla has also researched a gadget, which will be used on you later.

“No problem sir!”

Bruce Lee was a little eager to try.

After half an hour.

20 top bodyguards armed with guns were in place.

These were all specially trained by Yue Fei and the others recently.

In the state of time stagnation, everyone’s combat power is not weaker than Qin Mo.

In order to prevent too much movement, Ye Chen moved the test site underground.

Here, there is a newly developed underground space with a huge area.

The future is to make exoskeleton mechs for Tesla for production use.

Just when Ye Chen and Bruce Lee were testing the mecha.

The world’s most authoritative scientific journal “Science” published a new text.

The article titled “The advent of lipid capsules! The gospel of mankind has arrived” quickly attracted the attention of many domestic and foreign authorities.

The gold content of “Science” magazine is unquestionable.

And the lipid encapsulation technology mentioned in this article has caused a great sensation.

North America.

in a well-known research institute.

“God! It’s impossible!”

An authority on biology and medicine, Professor Garcia’s hands trembled in shock.

Lipid capsule technology is a branch of Da Vinci’s research for 500 years.

Its role is to greatly relieve the patient’s pain.

At the same time, it can also play a certain role in delaying the disease.

Don’t underestimate this invention, it’s enough to drive patients in pain crazy.

You know, lipid capsules have no side effects and are inexpensive.

In other words, whoever has obtained this patented technology.

Then, there will be a market of hundreds of billions!

At the same time, various medical professors in China were attracted by the advanced technology of lipid capsules.

At this time, Song Lining was busy with his colleagues.

This technology was reported by researchers in Da Vinci’s laboratory a few days ago.

Even if Song Lining doesn’t understand medicine, he knows the application prospects of this technology.

The main thing is that the lipid capsule is not a link like a pain reliever.

Rather, it triggers from the source, reducing pain.

To this end, Song Lining, as the general manager of Group S 553, was anxious for the heads of various departments overnight.

In addition to the people in Group S, Professor Xiehe and well-known professors from various medical schools held a symposium at the same time.

Ye Chen did not have a price for this patent.

Because of this, Song Lining was extremely cautious.

After learning that China is the first country to acquire this technology.

Song Lining even expressed a lot of gratitude to Ye Chen.

at the meeting.

Experts are debating fiercely.

It is foreseeable that once this technology is applied, it will greatly reflect humanistic care.

Experience a people-centred approach.

Song Lining looked at the experts and was a little absent-minded.

He vaguely felt that the Hall of Longevity possessed more than this technology.

Because, this technology is only recommended by an ordinary researcher.

If it is really a major achievement, it is definitely those of the professor level.

It might even be Ye Chen who came to talk in person.

Song Lining is not only considering the pricing of patents.

He wants more tech!

He doesn’t care if the price is set a little higher.

Compared with money, development is the last word.

(Today’s 5th update, the author is already too sleepy, there are a lot of things at the end of the year, and various scripts to write, this book has 300,000 words at present, I beg you all to subscribe for a full subscription, your support is the author’s only Motivation, with you, there will be 40,500,000, or even 3,000,000 words of this book.)

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