Chapter 140 Tesla’s black technology: Helicarrier! (Please subscribe to customize)

Ma Yun was slightly taken aback.

I just thought that the old man with white hair and beard in a long white dress looked familiar.

As for Tang Bohu and Zheng Banqiao, Ma Yu didn’t see any clues because he didn’t study painting and calligraphy.


Da Vinci stepped forward and smiled: “Hello.”

“Hello sir!”

With a smile on his face, Ma Shao said, “It’s been hard work all the way.”

“Banqiao, we haven’t been out for more than 20 years, haven’t we?”

Just when Da Vinci and Ma Yun were chatting without a word.

Tang Bohu sighed a little.

He is tall and slender, with an air of immortality.

The fearful eyes added a bit of vicissitudes of life, and Ma Yuwei was stunned for a moment.

Immediately, Ma stopped and looked at Tang Bohu with some doubts and said, “You? Are you Tang Yin?

Ma Yun suddenly remembered a painting he had seen.

It was a self-portrait of Tang Yin.

The figure on the painting is 7 points similar to the “five five zero” person in front of you!

Thinking of this, Ma Yun suddenly widened his mouth.

Tang Bohu smiled and said, “It’s down there.”

Ma Yun was stunned for a long time, and then gave a wry smile.

It’s not the first time he’s been so provoked.

So I got used to it a lot.

However, Ma Yun’s gaze towards Tang Bohu and the three became respectful.

“Since you’re Mr.’s man, it’s okay to tell you.

Tang Bohu said with a smile: “This is Da Vinci, this is Zheng Banqiao.”


Ma Yun’s heart just regained his calm with a sigh of relief.

Looking at Da Vinci with both eyes, the shock on his face could not be concealed.


Zheng Banqiao said with a smile: “Mr. Ma, we have met before.”

Ma Yun’s smile was a little far-fetched.

He really couldn’t remember where he had seen it.

Da Vinci explained: “20 years ago, you met twice in Hangcheng.”

Longevity base.

Several Rolls-Royce Phantoms drove into the base respectively.

Led by Einster and Putin, everyone got on the elevator.

Before entering the elevator, Tesla’s breathing began to become rapid.

On weekdays, these steady hands also trembled slightly.

“Mr. Einster, are you all right?

Seeing the elevator door open, Tesla asked.

Einster turned his head to look at Tesla and smiled: “Mr. everything is fine.”

Tesla nodded thoughtfully, not knowing what he was thinking.

It’s time to get to the meeting room.

“I don’t know why, but I’m a little nervous.”

Lorenz said jokingly: “Hopefully I’ll be standing still later.

Schrödinger smiled and said, “Lorenz, you didn’t say that before.”

While chatting.

The elevator opens.

Immediately, everyone saw Ye Chen standing with his hands behind his back.

Ye Chen had a faint smile on his face.

Everyone at Tesla trembled.

“Hello, Mr. Ye.”

“Hello, sir.”

17 people greeted each other with respect and excitement.

Ye Chen looked at everyone in turn and said, “I haven’t seen you in 1992, are you all okay?”

“Sir, we are fine!

Planck said emotionally: “It’s just that we miss you very much.”

“I miss you too.”

Ye Chen said with a kind face: “Everyone, come in.”

After reaching the meeting room.

Lorenz showed an expression uglier than crying: “Sir, it’s an honor that you still think of us all the time.

“In the past 92 years, we have not been swayed by science, but we have quarreled a few times to see you in advance.”

“Ha ha.”

Ye Chen let out a hearty laugh: “It’s alright now, there’s no such argument.”

Tesla nodded, and immediately placed the suitcases on the table with Langevin.

The box is huge, about 2 meters long and wide.

However, the contents inside seemed to be very light, and Langevin carried it effortlessly.

After seeing the box, the conference room fell silent.

And Lorenz and Marie Curie were starting to get a little nervous.

They knew it was time to test the results.

92 years.

17 Nobel Prize winners.

Plus more than 400 researchers.

A total of 295 practical inventions were developed.

Among them, there are 182 breakthroughs and discoveries in theory.

In front of us, what Tesla and Langevin are showing are the three most crucial things.

These three items were also specially explained by Ye Chen back then.

Einster and Putin’s eyes immediately came over.

On the way here, Einster asked a few questions curiously.

But Tesla didn’t say so.

Einster and Putin looked at each other and saw the expectation in each other’s eyes.

17 of the world’s top scientists took nearly a hundred years to make things.

Absolutely astonishing.

Must be timeless!

Tesla opened the first box first, 0

Inside is a cowering ship about 1 meter long made of steel.

The moment he saw the boat, Putin blurted out: “Aircraft carrier?!”

Ye Chen’s eyes were condensed, very similar, but it shouldn’t be.

Tesla explained with a smile: “Sir, this is the Tiangong Mothership developed by the Tiangong Research Base. It is a super mothership that can travel in the sky and even outer space!”

As soon as Tesla finished speaking, Einster and Putin took a deep breath at the same time.

Ye Chen’s eyes flickered.

“Mr. Tesla, go on.”

“Okay Mr. Ye.

Tesla took a deep breath and said excitedly: “It is driven by light energy and aerodynamic energy, with 4 aerodynamic control towers and 2 light energy controllers.”

“At the same time, we are also equipped with reflective particles, and turning on the reflector can have an invisible effect.”

“In terms of engine, we have revolutionized the previous generation technology and adopted the latest anti-gravity engine!”

“In addition, it has a displacement of 500,000 tons, is 1,200 meters long, and can carry 218 fighters.”

Hearing Tesla’s words, a smile appeared on Ye Chen’s mouth.

this stuff…

So arrogant!

It’s too sci-fi.

Einster exclaimed: “Cool! This is a moving fortress.”

Neither the drive nor the anti-gravity engine can be achieved with existing technology.

Even, even in another 20 years, it will not be possible!

The release of such a helicarrier can definitely change the pattern of the entire world!

5.3 If anyone gets it, the combat power will skyrocket!

Lorenz and the others showed proud expressions on their faces.

“very nice!”

Ye Chen interrupted Tesla and praised: “Just this one, you have already fulfilled all my expectations.”

Ye Chen can even imagine that the future will carry the picture of the Vault of Heaven mothership inviting you to travel to the stars.

At that time, this helicarrier will be a means of transportation between the earth and outer space!

“Thank you for the compliment, Mr.

Tesla had a big smile on his face.

It was as if Ye Chen’s was definitely the best award in the world.

“In addition, sir, the flight speed of the Tiangong mothership can reach 9,805 meters per second because of its excellent drive.


Putin exclaimed: “Doesn’t this mean that it only takes one hour to go around the equator? Incredible!”

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