Chapter 134 Pu Jin stood up (please subscribe and customize)

The Dayu Academy of Fine Arts looks dilapidated on the outside.

But the underground world is extremely magnificent.

The silver research room and design room are like the future world, full of lines and designs.

There are 9 floors in the entire underground world.

There are a dozen to dozens of people on each floor – at work.

It is divided into six categories: art institute, architecture institute, biology institute, animal and plant institute, astronomy institute and geology institute.

Among them, the Art Institute is mainly responsible for design and modeling.

The Architectural Institute mainly solves architectural problems.

There are a total of 166 people on the 9th floor, which is the hard work of Da Vinci in the past 500 years.

Each one is the best in the world.

Many of them were dug from major research laboratories.

The three of Da Vinci came to the third floor, which is responsible for the visual arts.

There are 11 people on this floor.

In the extremely modern studio designed, a giant design drawing with a length and width of about 5 meters comes into view.

Da Vinci took a closer look with his eyes.

After a while, he said: “Everyone, you did a good job.

“However, the sense of technology is a little weaker, and this one needs to be strengthened.”

The second sentence was addressed to Zheng Banqiao.

Zheng Banqiao nodded.

Da Vinci’s level of fine art is beyond doubt.

Especially after 500 years of precipitation, the artistic attainments have reached an extreme.

Immediately, Tang Bohu led Da Vinci to the next floor.

He is in charge of the fourth floor of the building.

The responsibilities of the Architectural Institute are of course related to architecture.

Including site selection, climate, soil, environment, materials and so on.

The building area is larger.

A model with a diameter of 10 meters is placed in the hall.

The model is the epitome of a small city.

The area is about 150 square kilometers, which is about the same as a district.

This is the shape of an island.

Da Vinci looked closely.

After 20 minutes, Fang Cai said: “The overall urban planning is not bad.”

“However, there is room for improvement in space utilization.”

Da Vinci wrote and drew on the recorder next to him as he spoke.

20 minutes of effort.

A complete and advanced spatial layout has taken shape.

Tang Bohu nodded again and again.

“We can meet Mr. soon, we have to speed up the progress.

After Da Vinci finished speaking, Tang Bohu smiled curiously: “Sir, it’s really exciting to think about it.

Tang Bohu, as a great genius in the Ming Dynasty, is very arrogant.

But in front of Mr. Ye who had never met, Tang Bohu had always maintained a strong sense of awe.

After finishing these, Da Vinci returned to the research room located on the 5th basement floor.

In the past 500 years, Da Vinci was mainly responsible for the research work of the Academy of Biology, the Academy of Animals and Plants, and the Academy of Astronomy.

As for the others, they are all attached.

In the biological institute, an old man with gray hair stepped forward and said, “Sir, the No. 09 experimental body is activated!”

Da Vinci suddenly became interested.

A little excited, he took a step forward.

Inside a huge alloy glass bin.

There is a middle-aged strong man about 1.8 meters tall.

The muscular body of the strong man is full of explosive energy.

At this moment, this naked middle-aged strong man was swaying the instrument in front of him unconsciously.

That’s a force meter.

A gadget researched by Leonardo da Vinci, very high-tech.

If it is announced, it will definitely cause a huge shock.

Da Vinci looked at the instrument.

After a while, Da Vinci clapped his hands: “Not bad!”

The index on the instrument stopped at 789 kg!

This value is comparable to the well-known boxing champion Tyson.

However, the subject is just an ordinary person.

Da Vinci and the researchers beside him had a gleam in their eyes.

This is a project that Leonardo da Vinci has been working on for nearly a hundred years.

An era-defining plan that allows humanity to push its limits.

“very good!”

Da Vinci took a deep breath.

For a long time, the big stone that was pressing in my heart finally fell.

If this project was unsuccessful, Da Vinci would not even have the face to meet Ye Chen.

While Da Vinci was busy in the underground laboratory, he was facing the sea.

Ye Chen and Chu Fangyu returned to modern times again.

Inside the base of the Hall of Longevity.

Einster pushed Putin to find Ye Chen.

The two had uncontrollable excitement and excitement on their faces.

Especially Putin, he was so excited that he almost stood up from his wheelchair.

“Sir! Great progress!”

We “find a way to tug on the asteroid belt!”

After Einster finished speaking, Putin quickly walked to the table.

Immediately, a huge blueprint was spread out.

On the drawing, a densely packed large flying object similar to a space station came into view.

Ye Chen immediately became interested.

The biggest difficulty in building the city of Tiangong in outer space is the rock needed to build the city.

Fortunately, there is a huge belt of planets around the Earth.

It was enough in the beginning.

-0 for flowers…

Traction technology is a problem, though.

It’s not like on Earth, just use an excavator.

Space requires a detachable vehicle.

This is the huge problem.

Einster chatted on the sidelines.

Putin added a few words from time to time.

Listening and listening, Ye Chen’s eyes filled with a smile.

The approximate orbit of the Earth has been resolved.

And the use of nuclear and solar traction technology has also solved.

Two major problems have been solved,

The rest is the matter of the Tiangong Experimental Base.

After speaking, Einster scratched his messy hair.

He hasn’t slept for days.

In the state of time stagnation, he and Putin have done 10 years of research in this area.

In 10 years, the average person would have collapsed long ago.

“You did a great job!”

A gentle smile appeared on Ye Chen’s face.

In such a short time, the two completed two major technical problems.

In Ye Chen’s eyes, the value of the two has been realized.

“Professor Pujin, this time I will grant you 80 years of life.”

“Your leg can recover.”

The smile on Putin’s face instantly froze.

The next moment, his eyes were red, and his breathing became rapid.

After contracting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis at a young age, he lost his ability to live.

Food and daily life must be served by people.

Even, he has been discriminated against and hurt a lot.

It is for this reason that Pu Jin devotes himself to scientific research.

The meeting room was extremely quiet, except for Pugin’s rapid breathing.

Ye Chen placed his right hand on Putin’s shoulder lightly.

80 years of life, no more or less.

Pukin’s pale face began to flush.

The skinny face became rosy and plump.

A gray hair gradually returned to blond.

Einster stood aside, looking at Ye Chen in shock and awe.

As the god of science, Einster respects Ye Chen stronger than anyone else.

The end of science is theology.

And Mr. Ye, that’s the end!

Gradually, Putin’s legs regained their intuition.

His hands shook subconsciously.

Putin wept with joy, tears falling like rain.




With all kinds of emotions mixed in his heart, Pu Jinteng stood up with a loud bang.


Pugin’s lips trembled with excitement. what,

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