I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 414: The Arrival of Heroic Spirits (Part 2)

It was already night when Lin Yue was killed, and the moon was hanging high in the sky.

The body of a young girl lay across a path like this.

Xia Ruo, who changed into a black windbreaker, floated down from the sky under the moonlight, and stopped in front of Lin Yue's body. The breeze blew by, and the corners of Xia Ruo's clothes were blown up by the wind.

Accompanied by a light sigh.

I'm late.

Under the white moonlight, this scene is mysterious and artistic.

The audience's barrage also increased in a timely manner.

Who is pretending to compare? It's so dazzling.

Ahhh, my husband has appeared again.

Lin Yue is already dead, so can it be saved? Xia Ruo won't have such a setting, right? I know that Xia Ruo's role can't be taken seriously, but it shouldn't be too outrageous.

Although I'm not very happy with this guy, but once Xia Ruo comes out, it's still reassuring.

Seeing Xia Ruo's appearance, Yu Hua felt relieved like other audiences.

He didn't believe that Lin Yue, who had so many pictures in front of him, died like this. Since Xia Ruo came, Lin Yue might still be saved.

To be honest, Xia Ruo's character is really unreasonable. I knew it when I first saw him go to Tom.

Yu Hua looked forward to the next plot.


In the video, Xia Ruo turned over Lin Yue's body.

On Lin Yue's body, there was a big hole where the heart was, and it looked like the monster was killed with one blow.

Looking at the corpse, Xia Ruo sighed again, Because I'm so qualified, I can see that youkai have suffered misfortune instead. Alas, poor girl, she is obviously the best candidate for the Master. It would be great if I could find this child sooner. It's...

Only relying on me, there is no way to deal with so many monsters, and it is impossible to seal the black hole. You must find more candidates for the master. If you want to resist the shattering of the dimensional wall, you need the power of more people. This world is already at stake. gone.

Xia Ruo in the video revealed a lot of information again.

The audience can hear these messages clearly.

Xia Ruo's words are not difficult to understand, probably the world is at stake, and some qualified people are needed to become 'masters', so that the world can be saved.

And those who can see monsters are qualified people.

Some smart people have almost guessed the content of the game. The game routines are similar. Putting on AR equipment to save the world and resisting monsters from another world is the main storyline. Players should be the masters who save the world.

Some smarter people are already thinking about how much krypton can save the world after they become masters.

After all, what is being saved this time is the real world, and the sense of substitution is really too strong. However, some viewers are still very curious about what the Master is.


The video continues.

Xia Ruo hesitated for a moment in front of the corpse, then took out a spherical jade from her bosom.

Such a young life shouldn't just die like this. Come back to life. With your aptitude, you may be able to summon the top heroic spirits to save Tianbai City. The hope of this world may lie in you.

After Xia Ruo finished speaking, she put the jade in her hand into the big hole in Lin Yue's chest.

When Yu entered the cave, something magical happened.

The moment Yu entered the big hole in the wound of the corpse, a burst of blue light suddenly burst out. The powerful repairing ability was healing Lin Yue's body, and her pale face, which was obviously dead, also became a little more rosy.

A dead girl, under the influence of jade, began to come back to life.


The audience watching the video recognized what it was the moment Xia Ruo took out the jade.

Jade of the Four Souls, the most important item in the world of Inuyasha.

It is rumored that the person who owns the Jade of Four Souls can use the Jade of Four Souls to make a wish. For this thing, countless bloody storms have been caused in the world of Inuyasha. However, Xia Ruo took out a Jade of Four Souls so unreasonably , the audience is not unacceptable.

The Jade of the Four Souls, my God, the Jade of the Four Souls!

How did Xia Ruo get the Jade of the Four Souls of Kikyo, and did something happen in the middle that I don't know?

Xia Ruo and Kikyo seem to have a good relationship, maybe they borrowed it for a while.

Borrow? Borrow what? Was Xia Ruo the one who borrowed it? Maybe it was Xia Ruo who tricked her from Bellflower.

Hehe, Ruogou is underestimated. Maybe Ruogou tricked Kikyo and the Jade of the Four Souls into it. Both people and jade will receive it.

Damn it, is he such a dog? You really deserve to be a scumbag.


The Jade of Four Souls in Xia Ruo's hand is of course not the real Jade of Four Souls, it's just a prop in the game.

Modify the game data a little bit, as much as you want.

But at this time its effect is the jade of the four souls. Under the influence of the jade of the four souls, Lin Yue in the video slowly opened his eyes.

Just came back to life, Lin Yue didn't seem to realize that she had been killed by a monster, how come she came back to life, but Lin Yue soon noticed that there was a mysterious man standing beside her. My own resurrection might be related to this man.

Did you save me? Lin Yue asked cautiously.

The mysterious man did not answer this question, but stared into Lin Yue's eyes.

This world has become very dangerous. People with strong inspiration like you will be targeted by monsters. If you want to survive in this world, you must master the power and summon heroic spirits to become masters. Otherwise, the next time you encounter monsters, it will be true. died.

Summon a heroic spirit and become a master?

Lin Yue didn't understand what the mysterious man said at all, but she also knew that she was indeed in danger now. There were more and more monsters in Tianbai City, and the mysterious man in front of her seemed to have a way to deal with this situation.

Excuse me, what is a heroic spirit? How to summon a heroic spirit? Lin Yue asked eagerly to the mysterious man in front of him.

When you summon the heroic spirits, you will know what they are. The mysterious man took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Lin Yue, Take this.

This is?

Lin Yue opened the piece of paper and found that there was no text on it, and the whole piece of paper was covered with a mysterious-looking magic circle.

The magic circle for summoning heroic spirits, only those with inspiration and spiritual power can summon heroic spirits. If you meet this condition, you can find an open space, draw this magic circle with a pen, and then drop your blood on it, and it is possible to summon Out of the heroic spirit.

It's just that the success rate of summoning heroic spirits is very low.

When the mysterious man said this, he frowned, as if he had sensed something.


In the south of Tianbai City, there was a shuddering beast roar, as if some kind of very terrifying monster had appeared.

I'm in a hurry now. You need to rely on yourself to summon the heroic spirit, the mysterious man looked anxious.

Wait a moment!

As soon as Lin Yue's voice sounded, the mysterious man had disappeared in place, leaving only himself and the piece of paper with the magic circle in his hand. Lin Yue was in a daze. Everything that happened today was too unreal.

Lin Yue picked up the paper, looked at the magic circle on it, and murmured.

Summon a heroic spirit? What will be summoned?


At this time, the barrage has already started a carnival.

A dense, completely uniform barrage brushed up on the screen.

It's time to draw a card.

It's time to draw a card.


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