I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 329: I beg the anchor to buy an apple

Although the audience in the barrage liked Elsa's image very much, the ending still couldn't be changed, and Elsa would not show mercy. In the end, Yu Hua was gutted by Elsa.

There was almost no resistance, and the weapons he brought were like children's toys.

It hurts!

Just seeing the anchor died, the audience also knew that the anchor was in pain, and there was no barrage of gloating, but Elsa was clearly a villain at first glance, but there were still many audiences who liked her.

The host should take her in quickly. You can see that she wears so little, she must be very cold. My heart aches.

Let's take Shatila and the bad girl together.

Big big big big!

When the bad sister kills, the voice is so nice, I like it very much.


After returning to the save file of the fruit stand, looking at the barrage, Yu Hua gave a wry smile, the audience was really troublesome, and he didn't even look at how cruel that dangerous woman was, how many times he would have to die to accept it.

Moreover, is this game really a harem theme?

Yu Hua was a little skeptical. It didn't mean that there were more female characters, so it was about the theme of the harem. If it was the game author's bad taste, what should I do if I put a label of the harem to lure the players in and kill them.

There are not a few producers of such bad taste.

The painful feeling that his stomach was cut open and his intestines pulled out just now has not dissipated, Yu Hua has some fear of that dangerous woman.

Is it worthwhile to use the harem?

Yu Hua naturally wouldn't say what he was thinking in his heart, and he could only continue the live broadcast by fooling the audience.

Close, accept, listen to you, definitely accept, then just look at mine. I just tried it out, and it will be absolutely fine next time. Everything that woman has done to me now will definitely be repaid a hundredfold by then. !

Although Danmaku didn't believe it, he was also supporting him.

6666, come on.

The Dragon King is back, you are the Dragon King.

Come on, the big brother who wants to take the harem.

For it.


Although he said he would accept it, Yu Hua still planned to get rid of that woman according to his own thinking. It seemed that getting rid of that woman was the condition for customs clearance.

In Yu Hua's view, the first death was due to the other party's sneak attack. If Shatila was prepared, as an elf envoy, she might be able to get rid of that bad woman.

Yu Hua then called again. This time he changed his mind and took Shatila directly to Lord Roma's stolen goods house to find badges. During the day, Parker hadn't slept yet. This time he almost did enough. I'm going to find Elsa.

But what I didn't expect was that the woman was really strong and terrifying. Even in the daytime, the full-state Parker Jiasatila was no match. He was dragged by that woman until night. After Parker fell asleep, the two still couldn't escape. The fate of being gutted.



Yu Hua knelt down again.


Brother, do you want an apple?

It was the familiar apple stand again.


Seeing Yu Hua return to the apple stand, the barrage became lively again.

Please, anchor, just buy one of his apples. You see, he has called you several times. The apple stall uncle is tired.

Young man, do you want to buy it or not? You have been here several times.

Hahaha, you can ask the uncle at the apple stand to wait and buy it next time we meet.

It's all your fault for not attacking bad women. According to my years of experience in galgames, the details of customs clearance lie in capturing bad women.

Is the technical anchor stuck? Why don't you wait a few days and call us after the strategy is released.

Shatila's death is so miserable!


Everyone, don't worry, just now I have almost understood the strength of that bad woman, I will do it again, this time it will be absolutely fine, Yu Hua said to the audience again confidently.




Yu Hua knelt down again.


Brother, do you want to buy an apple?


Brother, do you want to buy an apple?


Afterwards, Yu Hua died twice in a row. When he returned to the apple stand, he looked at the uncle selling apples in front of him with a dazed expression on his face.

No way, this game is so difficult.

Now he doesn't dare to look at the barrage anymore. In fact, he doesn't even need to look at it. He can guess that the barrage must be for him to buy an apple.

He has no money, how can he buy apples.

However, Yu Hua died a few times in a row, and at the end of the day, he learned some information, that is, the name Shatila is a fake name, and the villain who killed him is called Elsa, but these information are useless for customs clearance .

Looking at the time, he found that he had been playing for more than ten hours. Although virtual reality is a game, such high-intensity play is unbearable. Yu Hua felt that his thinking ability had declined to a certain extent.

The sense of substitution in the virtual game is too strong. When he was killed, he would have a certain hatred for the black-haired woman, and when Shatila died, he would also suffer. This emotional fluctuation affected his brain .

This made him unable to think calmly after his resurrection, and fell into a vicious circle.

Yu Hua decided to give up first. Although it took a day and it was embarrassing to not even pass the first stage, he really couldn't hold on anymore. Now he needs to calm down.

The anchor can't hold it anymore, let's download it first, and play again tomorrow.

Immediately, he turned off the live broadcast.


In fact, Xia Ruo only watched half of it, and left the live broadcast room. He went to other anchor rooms to watch it as well.

It's not just Yu Hua who is the anchor, almost all the anchors who live broadcast the re0 game, as long as they meet Emilia, they are caught in a cruel cycle of being killed and resurrected.

In the end, those anchors turned off the live broadcast in exhaustion. Of course, there were also some ruthless people who continued to go on after they died, frantically looking for trouble with Elsa, and some who started to learn swordsmanship and fought with Elsa.

It is said that there is a technical anchor who took a whole day to catch Elsa and survived three swords. He is considered a master among all players.

However, Xia Ruo feels that although the players are stuck, it is only temporary. The players are definitely the most intelligent group of people. Once they get familiar with the game, it may not take too long to clear the level.

However, the influence of the game is fermenting.


On the second day after the game was released, the comment area of ​​re0 exploded, almost all of which were complaints from players, and the level of resentment could be felt just by looking at the comments.

Does the designer who designed this game still have a heart? My Shatila died so many times in front of me, what is coming for me, woo woo woo

Give me a sweet encounter first, and then destroy it, making Shatila forget everything. What kind of vicious operation is this?

I beg the game designer to stop targeting Shatila. Although this is just a fake name, I really like her. Please, don't let her die.

I really don't want to see Shatila die by my side. Before I have a strategy, I don't plan to open this game again, because as long as I play it once, Shatila will die once.

I've been hacked out of my mind. Elsa's knife is too fast. I can't remember how many times my intestines have been taken out. Now I can only remember Elsa's cute smiling face, hehehe

Has anyone cleared the level? This game is too difficult. Elsa is Superman at all. Let me use the body of an otaku to fight Superman. This is too outrageous. Can't you set the difficulty? I feel like giving me an AK I can't beat her.

Wait for the strategy, don't play for now.

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