I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 322: Cai Yuexian’s Shock

The next morning, Xia Ruo was about to leave Roswaal's mansion.

Xia Ruo, are you leaving?

Emilia looked at Xia Ruo who was about to leave in surprise, she just knew about Xia Ruo's departure just now.

Well, it's been a while since I came here, and I have to go back to deal with some things, Xia Ruo explained to Emilia, but I shouldn't be back soon.

That's it, Emilia nodded, expressing her understanding, but she looked at Subaru Natsuki with some confusion.

Then 486?

No, he will continue to stay here, Xia Ruo did not take Nayue Subaru back, because this world is not over yet, and the relationship between Nayue Subaru and Emilia is progressing smoothly. If there is a chance in the future, Xia Ruo If you will take Natsuki Subaru back again.

Xia Ruo patted Caiyue Subaru on the shoulder, and whispered into Caiyue Subaru's ear, Now is not the time for you to go back. I will report to your parents that you are safe. When the time comes, I can take you and Emilia back with me.

When Caiyue Subaru heard what Xia Ruo said, his eyes lit up, Hey, don't forget me!

rest assured.

Afterwards, Xia Ruo walked out of the gate without any luggage. He looked back at the person who came to see him off.

The people in the mansion, except Roswaal and Betty, have all arrived, but Xia Ruo seems to have seen Betty's figure from the window of the mansion.

Xia Ruo looked at Ram and Rem who gave her away again. Everyone got along well these days. Knowing that Xia Ruo was going to leave, Rem seemed a little depressed, but Ram's expression did not change, as always. Poker face.

I'm leaving, next time I come, I'll bring you souvenirs for everyone, Xia Ruo said, looking at everyone with a smile.

Goodbye, Xia Ruo, Lei Mu waved to Xia Ruo, but Ram didn't say anything else.

Well, I'm leaving.

After all, Xia Ruo used the wind travel technique to fly against the wind, and disappeared into the distance.

Ram looked at Xia Ruo's disappearing figure, his eyes were half covered by the pink hair, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Let's go...

In the mansion, in a certain window, a dark figure looked at Xia Ruo's leaving figure with a gloomy light in his eyes.

It's fine to leave. The Witch Cult will probably make some moves soon. No one around Emilia can survive. You are leaving now.


Xia Ruo went directly back to the vicinity of Nayue Subaru's house through the crossing passage, and found Nayue Subaru's parents, Nayue Kenichi and Nayue Keiko.

Xia Ruo came here to keep them safe and prevent them from worrying too much. After all, he has not forgotten his mission.

These days, they were still worried about Nayue Subaru's safety, and the police had no news, but with Xia Ruo's assurance, they still didn't give up that glimmer of hope.

Mr. Xia Ruo, how is my son? Cai Yuexian asked Xia Ruo eagerly when he found out that Xia Ruo had returned.

Where's 486? Didn't he come back? Cai Yuecai Keiko stared at Xia Ruo's back, but didn't see her son, a trace of panic flashed in her eyes, for fear that Xia Ruo would say some bad news.

Mr. Natsuki, Mrs. Natsuki, don't worry, Subaru Natsuki is safe, but it's a bit complicated to talk about. Before that, you watch a video first. After watching the video, I will tell you about Natsuki. The situation of Yue Subaru, Xia Ruo said, taking out her mobile phone.

Really? Natsuki Xian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that Natsuki Subaru was fine.

Xia Ruo clicked on her smartphone, and then found a video, which was shot by Xia Ruo at Roswaal's mansion, just to reassure Natsuki Subaru's parents.

Xia Ruo played the video.

Natsuki Kenichi and Natsuki Naeko also approached.

In the video, Nayue Subaru appeared, but at this time, Nayue Subaru was not wearing his own clothes, but a housekeeper's outfit. He looked quite good, and even looked more energetic than he was at home. It was much better.

Seeing that their son was still alive and his body organs were still complete, Natsuki Kenichi and his wife were relieved.

Mom and Dad, I'm fine now, you don't have to worry about me too much.

Nayuki Subaru yelled at the camera, and also performed the classic action of ponytailing and pointing to the sky.

I'm doing well now. I'm in Lugnica Kingdom, and I met a very beautiful girl, Emilia.

When Subaru Natsuki said this, the camera changed to a girl with silver hair in a white dress.

It was a very beautiful and gentle-looking girl, but just from her appearance, she gave people a natural affection, like an elf.

Hey, the 'shooting star' is aimed at me, Emilia's tone in the video was a little flustered, Should I talk at this time?

That's right, just introduce yourself to Meteor, Xia Ruo's voice came from the video, and it seemed that it was Xia Ruo who was holding the phone.

Oh, Emilia straightened her silver hair and clothes, put her hands together, put them on the hem of her clothes, and bowed to the camera.

Hi, parents of 486, my name is Emilia, and I'm a friend of 486.

Suddenly, a white kitten emerged from the back of Emilia's neck, and it also spoke.

Hello, my name is Parker.

Parker, don't make trouble, Natsuki Subaru pushed the kitten in the video away.

The scene changed to Nayue Subaru again, Dad, Mom, this is Emilia, isn't it super cute, I may stay here for a while, it's safe here, after a while, Xia Ruo will will take me back.


In the following video, Natsuki Subaru introduced his environment and the fact that he is safe now, so that his parents should not worry.

After about a few minutes, the video ends.

After the video ended, Xia Ruo also told Nayue Subaru's parents about Nayue Subaru's experience during this period, that is, what happened after Nayue Subaru crossed.

It's just that those things were a bit too bizarre. When Natsuki Kenichi and Natsuki Naeko heard this, their mouths grew wide in surprise.


That is to say, my son is not Shenyin, but has traveled to another world... Cai Yuexian took a puff of cigarette, with a complicated expression on his face.

This is capable, that kid... is much better than me.

Although the matter was very bizarre, he still believed it. After all, in the video just now, there was a cat flying in the sky, which did not look like a creature on earth at first glance.

As for why Xia Ruo was able to find her son, as soon as Cai Yuexian knew it, some could ask and some could not.

Does 486 like that girl named Emilia? That girl is so pretty, and she also looks kind. Keiko Natsuki was much simpler, focusing on Emilia. body.

Well, Miss Emilia is the candidate for the king of the Kingdom of Lugnica, and she may become the king in the future, and I noticed that she really cares about Subaru Natsuki, Xia Ruo revealed such information a little bit.

Cai Yue Na Keiko couldn't help covering her mouth when she heard this, she was so surprised.

Uh, that is to say, if Emilia becomes king, my son may become a princess in another world? He will be brought into the harem.

Xia Ruo touched his chin, he felt that there was something wrong with Nayue Keiko's way of thinking, but there was nothing wrong with what she said.

It is possible.

Cai Yuexian took a big puff of cigarette, with a complicated expression on his face.

My son is promising.

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