I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 319: Ram's Knight and Favorite Object

The Puppy Warcraft was instantly killed by Xia Ruo before it transformed. The speed was so fast that the surrounding Warcrafts didn't react. When the Puppy Warcraft really turned into a corpse and no one commanded it, those Warcrafts scattered in all directions. escape.

Soon, there was no more monster here except the corpse of the puppy monster.


Xia Ruo breathed a sigh of relief, because she had been carrying Ram on her back, and her back was in contact with Ram, so Xia Ruo felt the tension in Ram's body, which made Xia Ruo feel the tense atmosphere, so she directly used her full strength.

Xia Ruo's sword is definitely the most perfect sword. It has concentrated almost all the skills he has learned, and his momentum, swordsmanship and physical use are all at the peak.

Xia Ruo didn't expect to be able to make such an amazing sword with Ram behind her back.

After all, this is not a game world, and I don't have all-sensitive attributes. It's pretty good to be able to do this. Xia Ruo may not be able to enter this state every time.

What's the matter, has Rem's curse been lifted now? Xia Ruo asked Ram behind her, because Ram and Rem have the same feeling, so if Rem's curse disappears, she must know.

Well, I can feel that Rem's body is recovering rapidly.

A smile appeared on Ram's face, and her ugly expression returned to normal. Through empathy, she finally felt relieved knowing that Rem was safe.

That's good, Xia Ruo untied the rope that fixed her on her back and let Ram down.


Feeling relaxed, Ram lay on the ground. She was exhausted and was carried by Xia Ruo for so long. She was indeed too tired. Now that her nerves relaxed, her body immediately sat on the ground limply.

Thank you very much this time, Xia Ruo, if it wasn't for you, something might really happen to Rem, Ram thanked Xia Ruo.

She naturally knew that it was entirely thanks to Xia Ruo that she was able to save her sister this time. Without Xia Ruo, not only Lei Mu, she might die here too.

Rem is more important than my life. You saved Rem, which is equivalent to saving my life. This kindness, Ram will definitely remember it in his heart.

Ram is also a person who knows how to repay his kindness. After receiving such a great kindness from Xia Ruo, naturally he will not completely ignore it.

It's not necessary, I just don't want Rem to die, Xia Ruo said indifferently.

Huh? Why, I thought you hated Rem.

Ram looked at Xia Ruo curiously. Xia Ruo tried her best to help herself along the way. She could naturally feel that Xia Ruo was not lying.

Why do I hate Rem? Xia Ruo was puzzled.

Because you don't talk to Rem very often, and Rem is also hostile to you. As an older sister, Ram naturally sees everything about her sister.

Xia Ruo scratched her face with her fingers, You said this, Rem did have some misunderstandings about me, but the misunderstandings were only temporary, how could I hate that child because Rem was hostile to me, but That kid was just cold to me.

That child, Rem, is always easy to get into a corner. Ram also thought of his younger sister, who usually looks very stable, but sometimes is very stupid. Regarding this, Ram also has a headache.

However, Xia Ruo, you are such a strange person. Ram looked at Xia Ruo with a charming smile on his face, The way you acted behind my back just now is really handsome, especially The last sword is more attractive than the knights of the capital.

Really? Is Miss Ram fascinated by me? Xia Ruo asked Ram with a smile.

A little bit, a little bit, it's still there, Ram clasped his index finger and thumb together, and gestured for a very small distance.

It's only a little bit, it looks like I still need to work harder, Xia Ruo responded with a smile.

It would be great if you could work hard on your attire first. Your clothes are very similar to Barus. I don't know that your clothes are so strange. If you wear the white knight clothes of the kingdom, maybe that's the case. It will be more handsome, Lahm analyzed Xia Ruo's clothes.

If you need, I can prepare a set for you. Your costume is too strange.

Okay, Xia Ruo nodded.

After resting for a while, Ram sat on the ground and stretched out his hand to Xia Ruo.

Pull me up, knight.

Obey, my lord princess.

Xia Ruo stood in front of Ram and pulled Ram up. However, Ram seemed to have not fully recovered his physical strength, and he didn't have much strength under his feet. When Xia Ruo pulled him up, he tripped over a small stone.


When Ram got up, he was unsteady and fell into Xia Ruo's arms. However, Xia Ruo stood in front of Ram and pulled her, so now it seemed that Ram fell into Xia Ruo's arms on his own initiative.

The atmosphere suddenly fell into a strange silence, and there seemed to be some ambiguous atmosphere mixed in it.

Xia Ruo can clearly feel how soft and gentle Lamu's petite body is. She didn't care much when she was carrying it just now, but looking at it now, Lamu's body is really too small, just like a junior high school student .

My lord princess, do you need me to take you home? Xia Ruo whispered to Ram.

With a swipe, Ram's face turned red.

No, I can go by myself.

Ram left Xia Ruo's arms in a panic, and walked towards the village alone. Xia Ruo also hurriedly followed, but when leaving the forest, Xia Ruo glanced in a certain direction.

In that direction just now, Xia Ruo felt someone's breath.

Is it Merry?

That is Elsa's companion, but after Xia Ruo thought about it, she still didn't catch up to see it.

This incident was almost perfectly resolved.


Lord Roswaal!

After returning to the village, Ram saw Roswaal who was coming, and immediately ran over with surprise on his face.

Lord Roswaal, why are you here?

After I went back, Lady Emilia immediately drove me over, so I came to help, but it seems that you did a good job, Ram.

Roswaal praised Ram, and gently patted Ram's head by the way.

No, Xia Ruo has been working hard, Mr. Roswaal, is Rem's health okay? Ram confirmed to Roswaal.

Rem has recovered and is resting in the mansion now. You have handled the matter very well this time, and you, Xia Ruo, have also done a good job, Roswaal looked at Xia Ruo who was on the side.


For Roswaal, Xia Ruo just nodded slightly, hummed, and didn't say much. He didn't like Roswaal, so his attitude was a little cold.

Seeing Xia Ruo's attitude at this time, Ram frowned, as if he was unhappy because Xia Ruo was rude to Roswaal.

However, Ram didn't reprimand Xia Ruo for anything.

Soon, Roswaal brought Xia Ruo and Ram back to the mansion, but Xia Ruo found that Ram looked at Roswaal with a different look in her eyes, with a hint of admiration and dependence in her eyes, No, it's something deeper, it's the eyes of love.

It turns out... Ram likes Roswaal?

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