I can break the dimensional wall

Chapter 310: Subaru Natsuki’s Thanks

Not long after, Natsuki Subaru woke up leisurely, the physical pain had disappeared, but there was still a feeling of trance mentally.

The familiar ceiling.

Looking at the white ceiling above, Natsuki Subaru uttered the classic wake-up lines.

Guest, are you awake?

Nayuki Subaru raised his head and found that the two maids from last night were standing in front of his bed, but they both had embarrassing expressions on their faces.

Guest, I'm sorry, but Ram didn't protect you well, Ram apologized to Natsuki Subaru.

It's not my sister's problem, it's Rem's failure to notice that the guests have gotten up, it's Rem's problem, Rem helped her sister defend herself.

What are you talking about? Natsuki Subaru looked blank.

Emilia also stood beside Natsuki Subaru, looking at Natsuki Subaru with some concern.

That... I just found out about this. 486, it's all Betty's fault. Your health is better. Is there any problem?

Hearing what Emilia said, Natsuki Subaru knew that what the other party was talking about should be about the little girl.

No, I'm just a little tired now, but seeing Emilia Tan, my body will be all right at once.

Nayuki Subaru looked at Emilia beside him, and felt that he was much better all of a sudden. He jumped up from the bed and shouted with full momentum.

Emilia... Carbon? Carbon? Emilia asked, tilting her head.

Tan is a pet name. By the way, where is Xia Ruo? I remember seeing him when I was unconscious. What about others? Caiyue Subaru looked around, but unexpectedly did not see Xia Ruo.

Ah, Mr. Xia Ruo, Emilia turned her head to look outside the door with a strange expression on her face.

Outside the door, Xia Ruo's stern voice seemed to be heard, as if a teacher was lecturing elementary school students.

Elf, Natsuki Subaru is awake, go in and apologize now.

In addition to Xia Ruo, there was also the voice of the elf named Betty, Why should Betty apologize to a human being!

Didn't it be agreed before that if you lose, you will apologize? Will the elves go back on their word?

Betty's voice became softer, Got it, got it, the elf will abide by the agreement.

With the end of the noisy sound, Betty walked in slowly with a few funny big bags on her head, and there seemed to be a trace of unwillingness and resentment in her light blue eyes.

Betty walked to Natsuki Subaru's bedside.

Natsuki Subaru looked at her quietly, and Betty turned her head away from being stared at.

That... I just attacked you, and I am indeed a little bit, a little bit embarrassed, so just forget about what happened just now.

During the speech, Betty also gestured with two fingers, how little is there.

This way of apologizing seems to have no sincerity, but for an elf like Betty, saying such words is already the limit.


In fact, Natsuki Subaru didn't take what happened just now to his heart, so he looked at Betty calmly.

I see, accept your apology, and let this matter pass.


After Betty apologized, the matter was over, and everyone dispersed slowly, but Nayue Subaru walked to Xia Ruo's side.

Thank you.

Caiyue Subaru thanked Xia Ruo earnestly, in this different world, only Xia Ruo would help her out.

For Nayue Subaru, maybe because he is also a time traveler, Xia Ruo does have some kindness towards him.

Xia Ruo hit Nayue Subaru on the shoulder with his fist, You're welcome, we are all time travelers, if I don't help you, whoever will help you.


Xia Ruo's kindness to him, Caiyue Subaru remembered everything in his heart, to be honest, Caiyue Subaru was a little moved.


After breakfast, Natsuki Subaru and Emilia went to the garden.

The garden of this mansion is really huge and scary, and Natsuki Subaru is energetically taking Emilia to do radio gymnastics, and Emilia is also fooled by Natsuki Subaru to do the same movements.

Although it was very embarrassing, Emilia unexpectedly felt pretty good.

486, it's really scary, when your friend is angry, Emilia whispered to Natsuki Subaru.

Yes, yes, Betty has been taught by him, Parker also got out from behind his neck.

Really? By the way, what happened after I fainted? Natsuki Subaru asked.

Parker circled in the air, I don't know too well. When Emilia and I went, the matter had come to an end. It seemed that your friend was angry because of your injury, and fought with Betty, and finally rushed When I passed by, I saw your friend playing rock and roll with Betty.

Shake music? Nayuki Subaru looked puzzled.


Seemingly recalling something angry, Emilia couldn't help laughing.

It was Xia Ruo who pulled Betty's calf and shook her like a windmill. Betty couldn't resist at all, Parker described to Xia Ruo with his little claws.

486, don't worry, this matter was originally Betty's problem, she attacked you for no reason, I am really sorry, Emilia explained to Natsuki Subaru.

It's okay, it's okay, didn't you all apologize? I forgave her, Natsuki Subaru smiled and touched the back of his head.

It's good that you forgive her. Also, your friend is so kind to you. He looks so angry when he sees you fainted. Even if he is an enemy of the elves, he has to make her apologize. That's great. Can you I have such a good friend to you, Emilia said enviously.

Ha ha.

Natsuki Subaru just touched the back of his head and smiled, but didn't say anything further.


At this time, Xia Ruo was lying on a lounge chair in the garden basking in the sun.

Because Nayue Subaru pulled Emilia to do radio gymnastics to increase her favorability, Xia Ruo didn't bother them in the past. After all, the leading actor was still Nayue Subaru, so Xia Ruo didn't need to grab his part.

When Xia Ruo was resting in the garden, he seemed to feel a strange gaze. He always felt that someone was staring at him. Xia Ruo's perception was very keen, so he knew it was not an illusion.

Xia Ruo was very concerned about that gaze.

The source is...

Xia Ruo looked at the mansion, her eyes came from the mansion, as if a pair of eyes were staring at herself, Xia Ruo looked at the mansion, at a certain window, Betty's figure flashed past.

Is it Betty? Because of being taught a lesson by me, I feel a little unwilling and want revenge? By the way, Rem seems to have some doubts about me. Is it the two of them, or... there is a third one.

Xia Ruo carefully looked at the windows of the mansion, followed the gaze she felt, and saw a familiar black figure at a window.


Why is she still here?

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