I can break the dimensional wall

The beginning of September is really a good day for chatting

emmmmm Author: Fairy Tale


I've been very busy at work recently, I lack energy, and I've been completely exhausted. I feel a lot emaciated. When I weighed myself, I gained another five catties. I felt a little hopeless.

It happens to be the 1st of every month, so today I plan to fish for a day and take a rest. Actually, I don’t like fishing, mainly because I don’t usually watch the episodes very much. It’s very difficult to think about the plot, and sometimes I think about it for a long time in front of the computer.

996 is very hard, plus the code word, now it is 007...

So please do your best, and give web writers a way to survive.


Because it's a chapter testimonial, it's completely free, so make up some free words, and here's a passage from the original work that I like very much.

Elsa's childhood experiences.


The place where I was born, the northern land of Gustico, is a very, very cold land

It is a country with a large gap between rich and poor. It is not uncommon for people in the poor class to abandon their children. I am also one of those children. I have no parents since I was sensible, and I survived drinking muddy water.

Stealing, threatening, doing these things to get by, and the faces around me are constantly changing. What is life for, what is happiness...the days when I don't even have time to think about such things

That day was a very cold day

The day when the wind blowing from the mountains was cold and strong, and the whole town was frozen. In the extreme cold, even the exhaled breath would freeze immediately, and I was caught by the store owner for stealing.

It's a situation where I didn't complain when I was killed, but I'm a woman. I can still recall the expression of that man who was smiling obscenely and trying to take off my clothes.

Under the cold wind, I took off my coat and stripped my underwear... I felt like I was going to freeze to death before someone did something to me, and I accidentally picked up a glass shard

I didn't think about anything at the moment. I just pushed the picked up glass shards to the pressing abdomen, moved, and cut.

Whether that man's screams or the feeling of taking someone's life, I didn't feel anything. It's just that I was thinking like this in the cold wind.

Blood and internal organs, how warm—

If there is happiness in this world, it is the warmth and beauty that make people forget the cold. It is the first time I have confirmed the form of happiness that I have obtained since I was born with nothing.

——I can’t understand it, right?”



Drunk Meow: I understand!


Cough cough.

I don’t code today, I have nothing to do, I just wrote here, let’s talk about re0 in the testimonials, purely personal opinion, I like the plot of reading files after death, when the bgm sounds, there is indeed a kind of trembling excitement.

As for the characters, I actually like the setting of Elsa's sickly big sister. As the first villain to appear on the scene, Elsa is really good. I have a sense of suffocation.


As for Emilia, she is so pure that she can't find any flaws. She is a perfect heroine. If there is no Rem, I believe Emilia's popularity will be much higher.

I haven't thought about the following plot yet, let's talk about it when the time comes, everyone go to bed early.

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