Originally, Xia Ruo was going to help Nayue Subaru, but unexpectedly the system gave him a task, which was really an extra surprise.

Mysterious protection, I don't know what it will be?

'Protection' is a special ability unique to another world. It is almost the same as super power. There are various types. Xia Ruo doesn't know what protection the system will reward him.

But now we still have to think about the things in front of us.

By the way, Xia Ruo turned to look at Nayue Subaru, Naiyue Subaru, since you want to help your sweetheart, do you have any plans for the next step?

A plan...

Natsuki Subaru rested his chin on his hand and thought about it in his mind.

After being killed a few times, Nayue Subaru's spirit was actually a little tense, but after communicating with Xia Ruo, it may be that Xia Ruo's consolation was really effective, and Nayue Subaru returned to the way he came to the other world at the beginning. state.

After summing up the experience of being killed several times, Natsuki Subaru also found a way to clear the level.

Shatila's stolen badge will be with Felt. I plan to find Felt earlier, and then use my previous plan to use my mobile phone to exchange for the badge. As long as I get the badge before that crazy woman, Sati La should be safe.

Caiyue Subaru had previously told Xia Ruo about his death, including some details, and Xia Ruo had no doubts.

In this case, you must be in a hurry, let's go, Xia Ruo responded, and at the same time touched the sun wheel knife on his waist.


After that, Natsuki Subaru took Xia Ruo to the place where Felut lived, relying on the route he remembered.

However, when he was on the road, his eyes still seemed to be a little hesitant.

Well...if the time comes quickly, it's okay, we can get the badge in advance and get out, if it's too late, we may both die when we meet that crazy woman with a knife...

Regarding the danger of this operation, Subaru Natsuki still spoke out in advance, and Subaru Natsuki still had lingering fears about the woman who liked to cut her intestines.

Although she has a seductive figure and a beautiful face, that woman is definitely the cruelest assassin.

Xia Ruo naturally knew who Nayue Subaru was talking about.

Bowel hunter? A formidable enemy indeed.

Xia Ruo patted Nayue Subaru on the shoulder, Don't worry, don't underestimate me, I am an undefeated swordsmanship master, if I meet, I should be able to hold on for a while.

No, that crazy woman is really strong, super brutal! Her knife is also super sharp, we are definitely not her opponents, she is a pervert who likes to cut people's intestines, a murderous maniac who likes to kill.

Nayuki Subaru thought that Xia Ruo didn't understand the horror of that crazy woman, and described Elsa's horror to Xia Ruo.

Although Caiyue Subaru said so, Xia Ruo still gave him a reassuring smile.

Believe me.

Xia Ruo often said these three words, which contained Xia Ruo's strong confidence.

Really! Although Caiyue Subaru didn't know Xia Ruo's strength, but Xia Ruo said so, he still had a little more confidence, as if he felt a sense of peace by Xia Ruo's side.

Xia Ruo, thank you for coming, it's really reliable.

Haha, let's go, teammate.


Xia Ruo followed Nayue Subaru, and followed the route he remembered, trotting all the way, the two of them crossed the dark alley, and soon, they arrived at a place that looked like a slum.

In the dilapidated houses around, there were many poorly dressed and malnourished civilians. They all looked at Xia Ruo and Nayue Subaru with hopeless eyes.

No wonder in the original work, Lord Roma thought that Subaru Nayue might be a nobleman from somewhere. Compared with these commoners, Subaru Nayue and Xia Ruo's modern attire really looked like rich people.

After jumping over a puddle of unknown origin, Xia Ruo accidentally ran into a black-haired, scantily clad woman who suddenly appeared from the side.

Maybe it was a coincidence, Xia Ruo just bumped into the other person's chest.

so soft~

Unexpectedly, Xia Ruo seemed to be trapped in some kind of cotton.


Of course, Xia Ruo didn't care about this, but the person she bumped into. Xia Ruo quickly stepped back and looked at the woman she bumped into.

Elsa Gransilt, the brutal assassin who killed Natsuki Subaru many times, Xia Ruo saw her for the first time in reality.

He looks to be about twenty years old, tall and tall, with drooping eyes, elegant and luxurious temperament, and skin that is as white as sick. Although he is wearing a black coat, because the front is open, the black dress that clings to his body is inseparable Eye.

The body is slender, but there are protrusions where it should be. It is simply a devil figure.

In the original work, Elsa the intestine hunter should have collided with Subaru Natsuki, but at this moment it seems that because of Xia Ruo's arrival, the world line has undergone some changes.

Sorry, are you okay, Xia Ruo subconsciously apologized.

At the same time, he was still a little surprised, with his own reaction speed, how could he not be able to react to such a caricature-like coincidence collision accident, it was really unreasonable to be hit.

Could it be said that when the apple is bigger than the earth, the legend that the earth will be attracted by the apple is true?

It doesn't matter, it looks like it was just an accident, little brother.

Although Elsa, who was hit by Xia Ruo, was taken advantage of by Xia Ruo, she didn't mean to be angry at all. After sweeping Xia Ruo's face with a pair of winking eyes, she poked Xia Ruo's nose with her slender fingers.

It seemed that she forgave Xia Ruo easily.

She brushed up the hair hanging by her ears, just a simple movement was full of beauty, and there was a sense of lust in every gesture.

Although Elsa is a vicious and brutal assassin, no matter her figure or facial features, her allure to men is definitely at the forefront in this world.

The dangerous beauty is even more irresistible.

Unlike Xia Ruo admiring the beauty there, Natsuki Subaru's body froze the moment he saw Elsa.

The object he absolutely didn't want to see, the woman who had disemboweled herself twice, was right in front of him, Subaru Natsuki's breathing seemed to be stagnant.

Elsa also noticed Natsuki Subaru's strange reaction, but in this world line, the two hadn't met, and Natsuki Subaru's abnormal state at this time attracted her attention.

Funny boy, why are you so afraid of me? Do you know me? Elsa asked, licking her red lips.

Scared... I'm not afraid... Natsuki Subaru hurriedly retorted.


Elsa narrowed her eyes and twitched her nose lightly, When you're afraid, human beings emit a smell of fear. You're afraid now...and anger, all aimed at me.

Caiyue Subaru's heart was about to jump out at this time. He originally planned to avoid her, but unexpectedly met her unfortunately. Caiyue Subaru was afraid that Elsa would pull out a knife at this time and take out the intestines of himself and Xia Ruo .


The air suddenly became quiet.

Elsa, who was staring at Natsuki Subaru curiously, seemed to have sensed something.

Is this... murderous intent? No, it's... a warning?

For a moment, Elsa's pupils narrowed like a snake, eyes that were ready to fight, and the next moment, she moistened her lips with her tongue.

The source of the breath just now was the boy who bumped into him.

I actually missed it just now. It's really...it actually made me encounter such an interesting thing...

Elsa turned her head slowly, and looked at Xia Ruo who just bumped into her. At this time, Xia Ruo's gaze was always on Elsa's body.

Stared at by Xia Ruo's bold and burning eyes, Elsa's white cheeks were stained with a blush, and her body trembled because of the stimulation, as if her skin felt the feeling of that gaze.


Your gaze is really bold~~ It makes people excited~

Elsa's breathing became faster, and she looked at Xia Ruo with snake-like vertical pupils, as if she was extremely interested in Xia Ruo.

She stroked her white neck with her index finger, and Xia Ruo's eyes were all focused on here.

It seemed that the next moment, the blade at his waist would cut off his own neck.

It's really dangerous...


It was hard for Elsa to imagine that she had been mistaken, which was definitely a fatal mistake for an assassin walking in danger.

When the two collided just now, Elsa didn't smell a strange smell from the boy who hit her body.

Elsa has smelled a lot of people.

Because life is not perfect, almost everyone will have some special negative and unpleasant smells, such as killing intent, anxiety, confusion, panic, shrinking, low self-esteem, timidity...

But Elsa didn't smell anything on the child in front of her.

If anything, it's a clean, warm, confident scent.

Elsa only thought that she met a pure boy, and even after the two faced each other, Elsa didn't notice anything, she could only feel that the other party's eyes were very clear, and it was difficult for people to arouse hostility.

Just thinking about it now, it looks like I was cheated.


Assassin not inferior to himself, the ultimate camouflage.

Cold, indifferent.

This is Elsa's judgment on Xia Ruo at this time.

Just by relying on his eyes, the opponent will make his body feel the danger. This is definitely a phenomenon that will only happen after countless real slashes.

In other words, this young man's knife has cut countless people's necks, and his strength is not weak.

An assassin who is good at chopping necks.

Even the moment they collided, the opponent had a chance to make a move.

It's so interesting, it's rare to see someone like you, Elsa said, and the murderous aura overflowed from her body, colliding with Xia Ruo's aura.

A battle between the two seemed imminent.

I'm really sorry. Maybe it's because I seldom see a beautiful girl like you, so I couldn't help but take a second look. I was rude.

Xia Ruo apologized, and withdrew her bold gaze from Elsa's neck. He doesn't want to fight Elsa here for the time being, because doing it here deviates from the original work, and there is no way for Natsuki Subaru to gain Emilia's favorability.

It's okay to look twice more, if you don't look twice, it will make me think I'm not attractive, Elsa saw that the young man in front of her withdrew her momentum, and also stopped her preparation to draw the knife.

Xia Ruo didn't want to fight, and neither did Elsa.

There are many people in the slums, and the other party is not a small character who is easy to deal with, which will affect her subsequent actions. Since the other party does not radiate hostility or willingness to fight, Elsa is not willing to fight that boy here.

Although I am a little concerned about your purpose, forget it, I have other things to do today, and I can't cause riots here now.

Then see you another day, beautiful lady, Xia Ruo said with a smile.

Yes, I believe, we will meet again soon, Elsa glanced at Xia Ruo, then at Nayue Subaru.

At this time, Natsuki Subaru still stood there without saying a word, his body stiff.

By the way, you've pretended well. It would be even better if your companions could put away their hostility.

After all, Elsa left a seductive smile, flipped her black coat and blended into the darkness of the alley, like a black elf.


Seeing Elsa leave, Natsuki Subaru panted heavily, and his body relaxed. It seemed that Natsuki Subaru was under a lot of pressure when he faced Elsa just now.

It's dangerous.

What? That woman is the crazy woman who killed you twice, although Xia Ruo knew the plot, but the necessary performance was still required.

Caiyue Subaru nodded quickly, Yes, it's her. I didn't expect it to be different from last time. I met her here. It seems that she has been wandering around before. We have to speed up, Xia Ruo, we must not let She found Felut ahead of time.


After that, under the guidance of Nayue Subaru, Xia Ruo and Nayue Subaru quickly found Felut, a thief girl who lived in a slum. To Lord Roma's house.

Here, Natsuki Subaru started a deal with Felut just like in the original work.

I have some money here, so I'll lend it to you first... Xia Ruo knew that Nayue Subaru had no money, and wanted to support Nayue Subaru with some funds, but was rejected by Nayue Subaru with righteous words.

How can this be done, I have troubled you too much, how can I still trouble you, just let me handle it this time, Nayuki Subaru confidently took out his old flip phone, facing Rom Grandpa and Felut are a nine-continuous shot.

Click, click...

Look, this is the latest magic weapon 'Meteor', which can stop time here... Nayuki Subaru showed Felt and Lord Roma the camera function of his flip phone, and it really gave the two different worlds The natives were not lightly shocked.

And Xia Ruo quietly watched Nayue Subaru's performance, and did not join in. While watching Nayue Subaru negotiate with Felut, he drank the milk served by Master Roma.

This milk is indeed the same as what was said in the animation, it’s like mixing water, it’s so hard to drink that Xia Ruo just took a sip, and she has an urge to vomit,

Drinks from another world are terrible.

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