After returning from No. 3 Middle School, Qin Hongyu changed his clothes, brushed the Qing Bao Sutra for a while, and waited until the time was almost up, before he picked up his schoolbag again and went straight to the Municipal People's Hospital.

After the last course of acupuncture tonight, the third aunt's illness will probably be cured!

Thinking of this, Qin Hongyu felt a burst of excitement in his heart.

Especially when he arrived at the hospital, he successfully completed the last acupuncture for the third aunt, and after seeing the third aunt's complexion completely recovered and a smile appeared on her sleeping face, he couldn't help but be excited and didn't fall asleep all night.

The next morning, when Stark King asked the nurse to come over again and led the third aunt over for a physical examination, Qin Hongyu couldn't wait to follow along.

When the physical examination was over and he was waiting for the final results again, Director Wang suddenly came over and motioned for him to take a step to speak.

Qin Hongyu immediately moved away from the third aunt a little and asked, "What's the matter

, Director Wang?" He still had a good impression of this Director Wang, his medical skills were very good, and most importantly, he was quite professional, so his tone was more polite.

"I'll just tell you about this, don't let the patient know. Director Wang took a preventive shot first, and secretly glanced at the third aunt as he spoke.

Qin Hongyu's heart sank, but he still nodded: "Don't worry, you say."

Director Wang said: "Stark King has been doing physical examinations for patients every day in the past few days, and the results of the physical examinations in the last two days have ...... Some are not optimistic. "

Not optimistic, how can you say it?" Qin Hongyu asked with suppressed tension in his heart.

"It's just that the kidney function has declined a little bit compared to the physical examination three days ago, and the lesions have also recurred...... Judging from our experience, your third aunt's previous recovery may really be an illusion, but only a short-term effect in the process of lesions. Director Wang said, and added-

"This situation has occurred more than once in our previous medical work. Therefore, I am telling you this time, mainly to remind you that it is good to have hope, but do not have too many illusions beyond the scope of modern medicine.

His words were very tactful, but Qin Hongyu understood.

"Thank you Director Wang for reminding me, I understand. He replied with a blank face, glancing at Stark King.

Stark King seemed to have regained his confidence that his argument had been proven, and his expression was quite proud, and there was even a hint of mockery between his eyebrows.

Qin Hongyu didn't say much, and silently returned to the third aunt.

When the third aunt saw that his face was wrong, she thought that the situation was wrong, and subconsciously wanted to ask.

The medical examination report is out.

Director Wang saw Stark King start to open the report, and subconsciously gave Qin Hongyu a sympathetic look.

But at this moment, Stark King suddenly lost his voice and said, "Impossible!"

At the same time, he raised his head with a dull expression, looked at the third aunt, and his hand holding the physical examination report trembled.

"What's wrong?" Director Wang asked, and at the same time, he also stretched out his head to look over.

After reading the contents of the report, his pupils shrank sharply, and then he also whispered: "This ...... How is that possible?"

he said, ignoring his previous fear of Stark King, snatched the medical report from his hand, and quickly flipped through it.

After reading the full contents of the physical examination report, his voice trembled: "This ...... This is a miracle in the history of world medicine

!" The third aunt was a little uneasy, and asked tentatively: "Doctor, how is the situation

?" Director Wang was asked by this voice, put down the physical examination report, and quickly rushed to the third aunt's side, looking at her carefully with burning eyes: "Incredible! It's incredible! Your uremia has been cured! In just a few days, you have been cured!" "Healed?" The third aunt

was also a little stunned by the impact of the powerful amount of information. Dr. Wang, can you be more elaborate, I'm a little confused right now.

Qin Hongyu was on the side, and couldn't help but laugh knowingly.

After laughing, he quickly restrained his smile for fear of being discovered abnormally.

Director Wang and the others didn't have the heart to care about him at all, they just stared at the third aunt carefully, and said excitedly: "The meaning of recovery is that your terminal illness is completely cured! Next, you only need to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time before you can be discharged!"

"Ah? Really, I'm well? I'm healthy?" The third aunt looked at Director Wang ecstatically, and then looked at Qin Hongyu, "Xiaoyu, did you hear, the doctor said that I was healthy." You and your third uncle, don't worry anymore.

Qin Hongyu was also overjoyed and nodded again and again.

Only Stark King, with his hands deep in his hair, his eyes blood-red, and the whole person seemed to be a little stunned and said to himself: "How is

it possible, how is this possible?" "Obviously an incurable disease, obviously a medical problem that even our Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine cannot overcome, how can it be that Huaxia, which is far behind in medical standards and still has illusions about superstition and 'witchcraft' Chinese medicine, has been cured?"

"Impossible, this is impossible! Something must have gone wrong.

When Qin Hongyu heard this, he sneered: "If you don't go out for a walk, you will think that this is the world."


You think that Western medicine is advanced, and Chinese medicine represents superstition and backwardness, but you are afraid that the originator of Western medicine surgery is my 'medical saint Hua Tuo', right?"

Also, if you still feel that Chinese medicine is backward, then I would like to ask you, backward Chinese medicine has cured the incurable diseases in your eyes, so where is the advancement of your Royal Swedish Academy of Medicine? Is it a blow to the confidence of patients?"

Stark King's face turned pale for a while, and he was speechless for a long time.

Qin Hongyu didn't say much, and after sending the excited third aunt back to the ward, he left satisfied, ready to share the good news with the third uncle.

And just after he left, Director Wang finally reacted -- in his own department

, in this hospital, a miracle in the history of world medicine was just born! For the first time in the history of mankind, he defeated the terminal uric disease in the true sense without relying on kidney replacement

! This is a major event, and it is a major event that will be on the world news!

Thinking of this, he hurriedly trotted straight to the dean's office and reported the situation in detail.

The dean was originally reading the materials, and when he saw Director Wang coming over in such a hurry, he was still a little unhappy, but after listening to the report, he immediately forgot about the displeasure and raised his tone by eight points: "What did you say?

When the dean heard this, he stood up from his seat and said in a hurry, "Take me to see that patient...... Oh, no, it's a miracle! Take me to see a miracle!".

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