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Chapter 97 True Meaning Jade Slip

Zhou Qingyuan wanted to put the magic knife that was making a loud noise into his storage bag, but he suddenly felt a strong resistance.

"Oh? It has an owner?"

Zhou Qingyuan was interested, and his spiritual sense went straight into it, and saw the cultivators rushing towards him in the purple mist.

"Who are you, young man? How dare you covet my spiritual treasure?"

Feeling the opponent's strong pressure, Zhou Qingyuan withdrew his spiritual sense and raised a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth.

No wonder he always felt unhappy recently. It turned out that there were too few rats in the Wanhua Sect, which made him subconsciously forget some things.

It's time to settle accounts with these stink bugs in the sewer.

As for Zhou Qingyuan, who had never had any intersection with them, what grudges did he want to settle with them?

Zhou Qingyuan's mouth corners were slightly raised, and he easily lifted the magic knife that was extremely heavy because it had not recognized its owner, and casually carried it on his shoulder.

Ignoring the corpses of the scattered cultivators on the ground, he followed the flow of spiritual power in the formation and searched all the way.

Even if the demon cultivator didn't say it, Zhou Qingyuan had roughly figured out the situation here.

The so-called secret realm seemed to be a lie. It was just a means for the three demon cultivators to deceive the foundation-building cultivator to kill and sacrifice the demon knife in his hand.

The owner of the demon knife was also rushing here at this moment. It was probably because there was some kind of mark on the demon knife.

He didn't pay attention to the threat of the cultivator before. In fact, although the momentum revealed by the other party was extremely shocking, it did not cause any shock to Zhou Qingyuan's body in the Nascent Soul Realm.

This shows that the other party's cultivation is definitely not at the Spiritualization Stage.

There is nothing to worry about.

Come one, kill one, come a pair, kill a pair.

But isn't it too slow to kill like this?

Thinking about the previous conversation with Master Qi Yuan in his mind, Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help but ponder.

"Wouldn't it be better to kill them all?"

"How can we kill them all? And how many people will die?"

How can we not kill them all? He tried it before, but it was nothing more than spending some internal energy.

Now that there is spiritual energy, isn't it faster to kill?

If you are afraid of death, then he can do it. In a few days, no one in this world can kill him.

Zhou Qingyuan picked a method called [Blood Shadow Escape] from Qiu Chiyin's storage bag, and blood flashed all over his body.

With the strange magic knife on his shoulder, he looked more devilish than ordinary magic cultivators.

In just a few breaths, his understanding of Blood Shadow Escape reached a new level, and the information on the system panel also turned into an entry-level word.

However, Zhou Qingyuan was still a little dissatisfied.

The breath-holding method has not been completely cultivated, and he has not been able to test his conjecture.

The escape technique has not been fully cultivated, and the current means of attack are only one magical power and the magic flame technique. As a cultivator, his means are too simple.

However, there is nothing he can do about it. After all, the time for accumulation is still too short. It has only been less than a month since he entered the world of cultivation.

"Is this the center of the formation?"

Stopped at a node with abundant spiritual power, Zhou Qingyuan turned his spiritual power, swung the magic knife and chopped it casually, the ground sank, the rocks collapsed, and a tattered formation flag appeared in the deep pit.

As Zhou Qingyuan destroyed the center of the formation, spiritual power collapsed one after another, and the scenery in the cave changed rapidly.

The casual cultivators who had not yet been attacked by those demon cultivators looked puzzled, not understanding what had happened.

Without the obligation and necessity to explain to them, Zhou Qingyuan left the cave while searching the storage bags of the three demon cultivators.

Spirit stones, sundries, some unknown spiritual magic weapons, as well as a jade slip that looked quite extraordinary and an anonymous booklet.

Ignoring other useless things, Zhou Qingyuan focused his consciousness directly on the jade slip.

Who knew that this action directly sucked his entire consciousness in.


A pleasant silver bell sounded in his ears, and Zhou Qingyuan fell straight to the ground.

Due to the lack of common sense in cultivating immortals, Zhou Qingyuan didn't know that some things, such as the rare true meaning jade slip, should be carefully comprehended in a quiet and undisturbed place.

When Zhou Qingyuan came to his senses, his consciousness had entered a dark space, with only a huge light emitting not far ahead.

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes were sharp, and he didn't understand what happened. The next moment, his body was lit up with stars and all penetrated into his consciousness.

If Yu Le was resurrected at this time, he would probably be angry to death again.

When he used the true meaning jade slip, there were almost only one or two weak lights to help him comprehend the Tao, and he understood very little, so he was reluctant to use this treasure with limited carrying times.

As a result, when it came to Zhou Qingyuan, the light spots were so many that they were like fireflies in the forest at night, so many that it made people jealous and twisted.

At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan's brain had a lot of knowledge out of thin air, slowly building a system, and a new line of information began to emerge on the system panel.

[Turn the Pill Art (Taoism)]

As Zhou Qingyuan quickly comprehended this method, the spiritual space in the jade slip began to collapse, and his spiritual consciousness returned to his body from the space.

"What was that just now?"

Zhou Qingyuan came back to his senses with a slight chill in his heart, and remembered the appearance of the jade slip.

In the future, this kind of thing can't be touched casually outside.

But the turn the pill art? I got a good thing, just in time to use it later.

Zhou Qingyuan thought of the Dharma Transmission Hall that he had seen before and was swept away. I'm afraid this place was really a secret place in the past.

It's just that it was conquered and taken for itself by humans, or what happened?

However, this jade slip is really good. It actually skipped the proficiency level and directly allowed me to master a method at the Dao level?

Does the Dan Zhuan Jue stimulate the golden elixir through special techniques to further strengthen and nourish the Yuanying? How will it be different from the system's point addition?

Speaking of which, am I still missing a life-long magic weapon? I should think about it.

Zhou Qingyuan sorted out his thoughts and walked out.

He didn't know that although only a short time had passed in his senses, there was a huge commotion in the outside world.

"What did you say? It's not a secret realm at all?"

Fei Jian looked at the two friends who survived by chance, his eyes widened, and a string in his mind suddenly tightened.

"Yes, there is actually a formation inside. We thought that the power that isolated people above the foundation-building stage was actually the power of the formation.

As soon as we entered, we were isolated by the power of the formation. If it hadn't been broken by someone inexplicably, we wouldn't know what happened."


Flying Sword directly sacrificed his own life-saving magic weapon, Flying Star. With a flash of green sword light, he had merged with the flying sword and rushed straight into the secret realm.

The anxiety and self-blame in his heart reached a peak at this moment. He even studied the art of formation, but he didn't see the world inside?

If Junior Brother died in there for this reason, Feijian's tongue touched his teeth lightly. Just thinking of this possibility made him feel cold all over.

Junior Brother, please don't be in trouble.

Sacrifice another book from the same group, and add some cyberpunk.

Under the blue and purple neon, the roar of the ghosts was hoarse.

Su Qian came to another world and killed ghosts with his mortal body to gain sanity value and continue to grow.

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