I can add one every day

Chapter 76 Make up for the regret

When Zhou Qingyuan and Qiu Chiyin didn't know, the clone of the immortal Li Hua fell into hibernation again.

If nothing unexpected happened, Li Hua's clone was prepared to stay dormant until the formation outside lost its effect.

The formation outside was a blood refining soul-sucking formation, which was specifically used to pollute the body and soul.

The person who set up this formation must have wanted to pollute his origin when he devoured the blood and essence of people across the country.

Originally, Li Hua estimated that he could only be resurrected with the cultivation of the Nascent Soul Stage. If the person who set up the formation succeeded again, it would be risky.

Although he was not without restraint, the lifespan of a Spiritualization cultivator was two thousand years. For Li Hua, who had already reached the peak of this world, losing a few years of life was nothing.

At this moment, Qiu Chiyin was still calm in the Dan Palace, looking at the clear sky outside the window and humming a tune leisurely.

There are still eight days, and this sky must be dyed bloody, right?

If Qiu Chiyin knew that the aura he had concealed for five years was easily exposed by Zhou Qingyuan.

This caused the immortal Li Hua to change his original plan directly. He would probably be so angry that he would vomit three liters of blood and come to kill Zhou Qingyuan on the spot to vent his anger.

But if the fact did not happen in front of him, how could he believe it.

A mortal actually used only one Qi Condensation Pill to complete the [Eating Qi] that ordinary people would spend ninety-nine days to complete?

"The pill is ready~ Why hasn't your majesty come to get his immortal pill~"

As the plan is approaching, Qiu Chiyin's mood has improved a lot since he hasn't seen Zhou Qingyuan, the killer who always offends him. He also forgot the unhappiness that the kid brought to him.

He imagined killing Li Hua in eight days, practicing supernatural powers, and then detaining Zhou Qingyuan, forcing him to practice martial arts, and finally refining him into a blood puppet.

Just thinking of these scenes, Qiu Chiyin showed a faint smile on his face.

At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan was sitting on the dragon chair alone, looking at the panel on the system, and he also showed a faint smile.

[Xuanling Gong-Dacheng (1%)] +

[Golden Body Realm-Entry] +

Looking at the still dim Xuanling Gong, Zhou Qingyuan did not hesitate and clicked it directly.

As for that 1%, it was the first time he saw it. It was the first time Zhou Qingyuan really made progress by practicing on his own.

After all, before, whether it was the fourth level of body forging, the third level of true qi, or the level of breaking the orifice, he almost reached a new level every day.

Even if he also practiced in his daily life, he always jumped to the next chapter before the progress recognized by the system.

At this moment, as Zhou Qingyuan added points, the text on the Xuanling Gong changed again.

[Xuanling Gong-Dacheng]

On the surface, it seemed that there was no change, but the 1% of progress disappeared.

In fact, the spiritual energy in Zhou Qingyuan's body has been directly promoted from the early stage of Jindan to the perfection of Jindan.

On his golden elixir, two more golden spiritual patterns appeared, the spiritual energy in his body surged three times, and the detection range of his divine sense also surged three times.

But at this moment, Zhou Qingyuan was very dissatisfied with the so-called golden elixir realm.

Yes, the total amount of spiritual energy has increased, and the detection range of his divine sense has also increased, but other than that, there is no other change.

Looking at the [Xuanling Gong] which is still in a dim state, Zhou Qingyuan always feels that he seems to be missing a key thing.

At this moment, the realm is more like using the divine power of controlling the spirit to forcibly suppress the spiritual energy and forcibly rise up.

"That's right. If everyone has to rely on comprehending divine power to advance to the golden elixir stage, this world of cultivation would have been abnormal long ago, and Qiu Chiyin, a Yuanying cultivator, would not have to lie dormant here."

Zhou Qingyuan felt the spiritual power in his body and stopped thinking about this matter.

In any case, he has now entered the realm of golden elixir perfection, plus the divine power. Is he now Qiu Chiyin's opponent?

Whether it is the cultivation system or the means to deal with the enemy, Zhou Qingyuan's means are too simple. After leaving this place, he will have to find an opportunity to make up for it.

Fortunately, he still has room for improvement now.

"There are still eight days before the blood disaster breaks out, so it should be in time."

As Zhou Qingyuan entered the perfection of the Golden Core Realm, the phenomenon of body and soul separation was further alleviated. I think he can continue to improve the body forging realm without worries.

Seventh day after the blood disaster broke out, [Golden Body Realm-Minor Success]

Sixth day, [Golden Body Realm-Great Success]

Fifth day, [Golden Body Realm-Perfection]

Looking at the faint layer of protective golden light on the body surface, Zhou Qingyuan nodded.

On the last four days after the blood disaster broke out, looking at the completely dim Xuanling Gong that could no longer be improved, Zhou Qingyuan turned his attention to the Golden Body Realm.

According to his guess, the Golden Body Realm cultivated with spiritual energy is probably equivalent to the strength of the Nascent Soul Stage.

If not, there is no reason why the body forging realm of the Poqiao Realm brought about the phenomenon of body and soul separation when he was in the Foundation Establishment Stage.

It must be that the physical cultivation realm is higher than the law cultivation realm, and there is an incompatibility, which leads to this phenomenon.

If Zhou Qingyuan guessed correctly, his current physical cultivation attainment should be equivalent to the strength of the Nascent Soul Realm.

But how exactly, because there is no comparison object, he himself can't say.

In a nutshell, Zhou Qingyuan now doesn't know whether he is strong or weak.

One knows his own business. His means of dealing with enemies are too simple. Although he has the magical power [Controlling God], he does not have any spells or magic tools, which is really cumbersome.

But there is one thing he can confirm, that is, the Golden Body Realm should be the end of his current body forging path.

Therefore, he also has time to make up for his own regret.

At the beginning, because he was concerned about the danger of the blood ghost, he did not have time to think about the other two Golden Body Realm exercises, resulting in the Golden Body Realm only staying at the perfect state, and then hurriedly entered the next body forging process.

Now, he should have a chance to make up for this regret.

With the vision of the Heavenly Man Realm, there is no need to create two other Golden Body Realm cultivation exercises.

It is just a certain change to the golden light in the body. With the help of spiritual energy and the great efforts of the system, Zhou Qingyuan lightly touched it, and the golden body on the surface of the body has quietly changed.

[Golden Body Realm - Perfection]

As the words changed, the golden light on the surface turned into a thin film of water, quietly attached to Zhou Qingyuan's body, and then slowly melted into his skin.

After reaching the Perfection of the Golden Body Realm, this golden body state is actually equivalent to permanent.

From the perspective of the immortal system, it is equivalent to a very strong protection.

And this layer of golden film itself is actually formed in advance by Zhou Qingyuan's spiritual power.

As his strength continues to grow, this layer of protection will become stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the thorough perfection of the Golden Body Realm also announced that Zhou Qingyuan had entered the Nascent Soul Realm in terms of body forging attainments, officially equal to his great enemy Qiu Chiyin in his heart.

Of course, if Qiu Chiyin had not reached the Perfection of the Nascent Soul Realm, Zhou Qingyuan might have surpassed him in terms of realm.

At this time, there were still three days left before the blood disaster that the two had expected.

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