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Chapter 72 Three ways to build a foundation

Zhou Qingyuan sat in the small cabin that was not spacious and opened the system panel.

Ignoring the slowly beating "Martial" grid, Zhou Qingyuan directly opened the column representing "Immortal".

[Xuan Ling Gong-Introduction]+

【Qi Condensing Pill Recipe-Dacheng】+

At this moment, the plus sign on the right side of Xuanling Gong is still dim gray.

This discovery made his heart skip a beat. Forget about forming pills, why couldn't he just add points directly during the foundation building stage?

Is there some kind of precondition like before?

Looking at the dim plus sign on the system, Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help but sigh again.

Since knowing the truth about the blood disaster, he has sighed more and more recently.

Could it be that something similar to the Foundation Establishment Pill is needed to build the foundation? Or do I need a foundation-building method?

But even if what he lacks is one of these two things, where can he find it?

As a mortal kingdom, how could the Great Zhou Dynasty exist?

No. There is another place where it might be.

"Chengru, don't let anyone in before I say anything."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Zhou Qingyuan lay on the soft couch, quietly started his fugue, and quickly headed to the direction of the Liao family's residence, following Jin Rong, who knew nothing about the matter.

Fortunately, in the spirit state, those warriors seemed to have lost their attraction to him again, although in this state Zhou Qingyuan could not do anything.

After receiving Zhou Qingyuan's order, Jin Rong led a team of people and rushed all the way to the Liao family's residence and took care of everyone in the residence.

These people are all ordinary people, regardless of their status, and there is no trace of martial arts training on their bodies.

This incident made Jin Rong feel a little strange, but he didn't think much about it. The most important thing for him now was to complete His Majesty's mission.

After a simple forced confession, a weakling quickly stood up, led Jin Rong in person, and introduced the distribution of the surrounding buildings.

"This is where Master Yeping lives."

Jin Rong stopped in front of the last Taoist temple with a calm expression.

Along the way, he searched twelve Taoist temples one after another, and also checked the places where ordinary people lived, but found nothing.

The Taoist temple in front of him is the last Taoist temple, and it is also the Taoist temple he has high hopes for.

Entering the Taoist temple alone, Jin Rong divided the entire room into two halves, starting from the left side of the entrance, searching bit by bit, tapping the stone bricks with his scabbard from time to time.

It took him half an hour to collect the Taoist temple, which was not that big, and found two things.

It turned out that his previous caution was somewhat unnecessary.

Except for some debris in the entire Taoist temple, the only valuable items were the two items in a locked box in front of me.

A jade box and a booklet.

Jin Rong opened the jade box and found a red pill inside, which was round and round. He took a look at it and closed it.

Then his eyes moved to the booklet beside him.

This book has no title and is simply bound into a volume. It looks very simple.

But Jin Rong thought of the identity of the owner of this Taoist temple and was sure that this elixir and this book must be the most critical things.

Then Jin Rong took the elixir and booklet into his arms, and spent some time to find the warrior trapped in the back mountain.

Although the people were found, it was not easy to rescue them. Every time someone entered the mist, they would faint quickly in the white mist.

After just two attempts, Jin Rong stopped sending anyone in.

A group of people searched the entire station and found a formation flag stuck on the ground. After asking a subordinate to pull it up, the white mist disappeared and the subordinates began to move people out one after another.

Seeing that these people gradually woke up after leaving Baiwu, Jin Rong ignored them, left everything to his subordinates, and sat down in the Taoist temple.

He took out the nameless book from his arms and began to read it quietly.

At first, he just wanted to check the contents at will, but the more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, and he became fully immersed in it.

A quarter of an hour later, Jin Rong put down the booklet in his hand slightly, without letting go, and let out a long breath.

What is recorded in the book is actually the cultivation methods and key explanations for ordinary people from the Qi refining stage to the foundation building stage.

There are actually immortals in this world? No wonder the family members are always so powerful that they cannot understand. So they are so-called monks?

Want to make a copy?

A trace of struggle flashed in Jin Rong's eyes. He would never have the courage to keep these things secret.

Because at this moment, he had already thought of a very serious question. These people were immortals, so what was the identity of His Majesty who killed them?

Zhou Qingyuan's soul stood quietly in front of Jin Rong, calmly watching the man's expression change, quickly copied a copy of the contents of the book, and then put it in his arms.

"Your Majesty, I searched the Liao family's residence and rescued 1,326 warriors. I found two things that you may need."

Jin Rong stood outside the hospital to report the news, and then handed the unnamed booklet and jade box in his arms to Li Chengru for delivery.

"You're doing well. You can go back and rest first."

He didn't care about Jin Rong's behavior of secretly copying the nameless pamphlet. This kind of thing didn't matter to Zhou Qingyuan at all.

Opening the jade box and confirming that it contained an unfamiliar elixir, Zhou Qingyuan closed the jade box and began to flip through the nameless booklet.

After a long time, Zhou Qingyuan closed the booklet and slowly exhaled.

The information he wanted was finally obtained.

According to the nameless pamphlet, there are three ways for monks to build their foundation after they have reached the stage of Qi refining.

1. Taoist foundation building: Based on the principles of immortality and deriving the true meaning of Taoism, this is the most difficult and most effective way to build the foundation.

If you want to build a foundation in this way, you must at least master an immortal method that reaches the [Dharma] level, which is a fantasy for a monk who has no foundation in the Qi refining period.

Just by looking at the people of the Liao family who are still at the stage of using arrays to cast spells, one can judge the difficulty of this matter.

2. Treasure material foundation building: Use heavenly materials and earthly treasures with a single attribute to be incorporated into the body with spiritual energy and turned into the foundation of enlightenment.

From now on, the monk's aura will have the special property of smelting treasure materials, and will have a great bonus on the corresponding attribute spells, and the speed of cultivation will also be accelerated.

3. Foundation building with elixirs: Building foundations with foundation building elixirs is the most common method of foundation building. It has no advantages and is just foundation building.

The upper limit for monks who use this method to build foundations is Nascent Soul monks.

"Can I only use the foundation building pill to perform the most common foundation building?"

This thought flashed through Zhou Qingyuan's mind. Instead of being anxious, he turned his attention to the column with the word [武] that was constantly beating.

Previously, I wasted time because I had to wander around. After making sure that I got what I needed, it was time to find out what happened.

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