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Chapter 64: Mysterious Spiritual Power

"You mean, because I practiced internal energy, it would have a great impact on my energy intake?"

"That's right."

"Moreover, the more internal energy you have, the stronger your body's rejection of spiritual energy will be."

Qiu Chiyin looked at Zhou Qingyuan's monster-like body at the moment, and couldn't help but sigh:

"For a warrior like you who has practiced internal energy to the point where it can break through the defense of my spiritual puppet, I doubt whether the spiritual energy will be wiped out by your internal energy when it enters your body."

"In this way, your body will never be able to adapt to spiritual energy, and you will never become an immortal."

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan's expressionless face, Qiu Chiyin still had something to say in his heart.

Even if you really become an immortal by chance, your body will continue to absorb internal energy spontaneously. Internal energy and spiritual energy are two energies that cannot communicate with each other, and your cultivation speed will become extremely slow.

But Qiu Chiyin didn't dare to say it.

He was really a little afraid that Zhou Qingyuan would destroy his spiritual puppet in desperation.

Fortunately, during Qiu Chiyin's observation, Zhou Qingyuan's expression was always very calm, not like a disguise, which made him feel relieved.

Zhou Qingyuan tapped his arm lightly with his thick fingers, thinking of the appearance of those Taoists in the land of the aristocratic families, and there was no doubt in his heart.

It turned out that the reason why those people looked half-dead was because they were in the process of eating air and were still adapting to the erosion of spiritual energy on their bodies.

I think the young people sitting in the last two Taoist temples are the cultivators who have achieved the foundation of immortality.

"If you want to become an immortal, you must consume Qi by taking pills? Is there no way to practice?"

"There is a way to practice, but that can only be started after you have completely consumed Qi and entered the Qi Refining Stage.

Eating Qi is the process of letting your body adapt to and feel the spiritual Qi.

If you skip the stage of consuming Qi, you can't feel the spiritual Qi at all, so how can you practice?"

Zhou Qingyuan didn't take Qiu Chiyin's words to heart. He only believed the facts he saw with his own eyes:

"It's okay if there is a method. Give me a method to cultivate immortality, and we'll forget about the feud."

Qiu Chiyin looked at the huge giant in front of him and sneered in his heart.

He admitted that Zhou Qingyuan had a good talent in internal Qi, but this kid didn't think that cultivating immortality was as simple as practicing martial arts, right?

What he said before was euphemistic enough. In fact, a warrior like Zhou Qingyuan who practiced internal Qi to the extreme could never become an immortal.

In the outside world, no immortal cultivation sect would accept such a disciple. He was destined to be a wandering cultivator like a lonely ghost.

Forget it. Anyway, when the blood disaster comes, he will cultivate this kid along the way.

It doesn't matter if I give him the skills at this time, lest this kid really chooses to lose both sides with me when he knows that he can't cultivate immortals and his mentality is unbalanced.

"Let me make it clear first. The method of cultivation is extremely precious. I will pass it on to you, and you can't embarrass me again in the future."

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan nod, Qiu Chiyin didn't care whether he was sincere or not. Anyway, as long as he survived the last month before the blood disaster, he would no longer need to rely on this spirit puppet.

What's more, is he sincere?

A skills book is nothing, but Qiu Chiyin can't accept that he was threatened to such an embarrassing point by a mortal.

Dragons swimming in shallow water are bullied by shrimps, and tigers falling into plains are bullied by dogs. This is what the famous old demon Chiyin is thinking at the moment.

"In that case, I will teach you the most popular and adaptable [Xuanling Gong] in the outside world. Please listen carefully."

"Feel the orifice of Dantian and seek the guidance of spiritual energy.

Accumulate essence and absorb qi, and circulate it in the three meridians and seven chakras"

"So, have you remembered it?"

Seeing Qiu Chiyin finish his silent recitation, Zhou Qingyuan searched the information on the panel, and there was no new technique on it.

The system will not make mistakes. The reason for this situation only shows one thing.

Looking at Qiu Chiyin, whose expression was calm and faintly revealed a bit of immortal style, Zhou Qingyuan sneered.


Qiu Chiyin, who thought that Zhou Qingyuan, a mortal, could not distinguish the immortal technique in the last second, found himself thrown heavily to the ground the next moment.

Staring blankly at Zhou Qingyuan, who had raised his hand knife in the sky and started to attack him, he felt dizzy.

Why? How did he find out?

Like a rag doll that was violently beaten, Qiu Chiyin was powerless to bear Zhou Qingyuan's attack, his body bounced up and down from the ground from time to time, without any ability to resist.

In order to prevent the possibility of being sensed by the immortal, this special human puppet made of sealed spirit wood does not have any ability to fight back.

All the spiritual energy is firmly locked in the body and cannot be used. It only has the function of repairing injuries.

If it is against a warrior below the broken orifice realm, it is okay. Facing a warrior like Zhou Qingyuan who has reached the peak of strength, there is no qualification to fight back.


Qiu Chiyin just opened his mouth to speak, and the huge hand knife has already chopped his neck heavily like a broken wave.

"Pah tah."

The head that was almost at the limit of injury and turned into wood color rolled and fell to the side. Finally, he found an opportunity to speak and said anxiously:

"I can compensate you!"

"No need."

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan walking towards his head, Qiu Chiyin was angry and anxious.

If it wasn't for the purpose of achieving great supernatural powers, and if he hadn't been preparing for this for twenty years, why would a great Nascent Soul cultivator like him tolerate a mortal?

damn it! damn it! damn it!

Seeing that the distance between Zhou Qingyuan was completely close, Qiu Chiyin said angrily: "My true body is now sitting outside the Zhu Kingdom. Do you have to force me to come here and kill you regardless of the cost?

Zhou Qingyuan, if it weren’t for my twenty-year plan, do you think you are really qualified to negotiate with me? "

Faced with Qiu Chiyin's threat, Zhou Qingyuan did not take it seriously, or in other words, he had already thought about it very clearly.

There must be something hidden about what Qiu Chiyin said before about the immortal's transformation.

Zhou Qingyuan didn't believe that people like Qiu Chiyin who spent so much time and effort planning their thoughts, the ultimate goal was just to make another immortal like him.

The other party did not dare to come here. Apart from the existence of the Lihua cultivator, Zhou Qingyuan could not think of any other reason.

The two immortals are about to engage in some kind of human-eating game in the Great Zhou Dynasty. If he doesn't get more chips now, the blood disaster will be nothing more than a blood meal.

There is death on both sides, so it is better to take a gamble, or in other words, be forced to take a gamble.

"First of all, I want to correct you. This is the Zhou Dynasty now, not the Zhu Kingdom."

Zhou Qingyuan held Qiu Chiyin's head with two fingers and brought it closer, smiling disdainfully:

“Since the founding of the country by force of arms, there has been a popular saying in the Zhou Dynasty.

The man was so angry that blood spattered three feet. When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses.

I am not only a common man in the blood-splattered Zhu Dynasty, but also the emperor who dominates the Zhou Dynasty.

Sir Immortal Lord, do you also want to feel my anger? "

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