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Chapter 56 Bloodbath

Wrong path?

Zhou Qingyuan recalled the strangeness of the silver-haired Imperial Master and had some speculations in his mind.

Could it be that this world not only contains inner energy, but also other energy systems? So both the aristocratic family and the old man can ignore their attack methods without using their inner energy?

But what energy system behaves so strangely? Could it be that the other party is really weird?

Thinking of the elixir mentioned by the silver-haired national master, could it be that there are immortals in this world? But is this the way immortals are painted? Did I make a mistake?

While Zhou Qingyuan was thinking, Chen Yanchao continued to describe his understanding of the silver-haired national master.

"Fortunately, although I can't kill him, he won't hurt me. And I found that except that the Imperial Master cannot be killed or trapped, he is no different from ordinary people at other times."

"Okay, I only know so much about the aristocratic family, the national master, and the golden body realm.

Next, is there anything else you need my help with? "

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head. Although the anger in his heart was still strong, he still said patiently:

"Thank you for telling me this. If you want to see with your own eyes the day when the family is destroyed, you might as well go into hibernation now."

At this time, Zhou Qingyuan already understood that after entering the golden body realm, he could use the golden light transformed from gold paint to lock the body's consumption. Although it could not completely seal it, it could also greatly delay the vitality.

It was obvious that Chen Yanchao's time was running out.

After saying that, Zhou Qingyuan did not wait for Chen Yanchao's reply, but turned around and walked towards the Alchemy Palace again.

What Chen Yanchao wants to do is his business. Zhou Qingyuan also has his own affairs and has no time to care about him.

He wants to try, can he kill the national master now?

"Bo Fu, follow him, remember, carry out all his requests unconditionally, and wake me up when necessary."

"Yes, Grandpa Zu."

Chen Bofu just wanted to follow Zhou Qingyuan, but he saw that he was already flying into the air with a heavy step, and was about to disappear from his sight after a few ups and downs, so he hurriedly followed.

What surprised Zhou Qingyuan was that the silver-haired Imperial Master was actually waiting in the Alchemy Palace with the old god as he said before.

"His Majesty."

Zhou Qingyuan didn't say anything, and the golden paint appeared outside. Feeling his re-expanded combat power, he didn't hesitate to slash at the place where Qiu Chiyin stood.

"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Seeing that he still couldn't kill this weird old man, Zhou Qingyuan frowned and turned around to leave.

Since the Golden Body Realm cannot kill this person, then he will continue to climb up and reach new realms until he is killed!

And in order to achieve this goal, he will use all the strength of the country to do whatever it takes.

After killing the emperor, it's time to clean up the mess.

History Secretary: In the 229th year of Rongjiali calendar, when the year was approaching, Emperor Wu of Qingyuan beheaded Emperor Zhu in the palace.

Together with the Cao family, the Han family, and the Li family, they captured the capital of the country and bloodbathed Yongcheng. It only took three days, and everything was settled.

After Zhou Qingyuan succeeded to the throne, he didn't even bother to change the country's title and only did two things.

1. Abolition of slavery. All slaves will regain their freedom from the promulgation of the law. No one can stop it. No one is allowed to discriminate against slaves in this world. Violators will be subject to rules and regulations.

At the same time, the amount of farmland owned by each person was limited, and any excess farmland would be confiscated and distributed to slaves who had nowhere to go.

Farmers were sent to various states and counties to teach them how to farm.

As soon as this decree came out, the powerful gentry and landowners in the world rebelled, and all states and counties were in chaos. Incidents of yin and yang that violated the law were endless. The slaves had no ability to resist and still obeyed the orders of their masters, without any change in their treatment.

Everyone was secretly watching Zhou Qingyuan's joke, thinking that the new emperor had no military power and no knowledge of politics, so he was worthy of fighting them?

At the New Year, all of them had a good year, thinking that even if there was a new emperor, their good days would continue.

In the 230th year of the Rongjiali calendar, Zhou Qingyuan began to travel around thirteen states and eighty-four counties with the information collected by Jinyiwei from various places.

Wherever they go, vampires will die, corrupt officials will die, nobles and powerful people will die, those who resist will die, those who bully the weak will die, those who do not want to make progress will die, those who violate the law will die, those who fan the flames will die, and those who burn, kill and loot will die. , all rebels will die.

"Your Majesty, are you also crazy?"

"No more killing, Your Majesty, what do you mean? No more killing!"

"Your Majesty, I'm so bold, I beg you to stop. The price of such a change is too high! Even if the world really gets better, is there any point?"

"To you, it may not make sense. But to me, it makes sense."

In the flash of the sword, where the former pavilions, pavilions, and palaces were, only broken walls and ruins remained, and corpses lay everywhere.

Afterwards, the accompanying Jin Yiwei team walked out of a hundred households, and their aura had reached the realm of true energy.

As the person who guards this place, he was given a large number of innate pills and achieved a breakthrough from the Qi Condensation Realm to the True Qi Realm in just half a month.

After that, Zhou Qingyuan followed the same pattern and massacred twelve counties one after another. The corpses piled up like mountains, the blood spread over people's calves, and the flames of burning corpses continued all day long.

The news only came out on the seventh day of the lunar month, and everyone who heard it was frightened. All the nobles dispersed their wealth, dismissed their slaves, and distributed fertile land, fearing that their actions would be delayed.

By the time Zhou Qingyuan reached the sixteenth county, the remaining sixty-eight counties had undergone earth-shaking changes.

But Zhou Qingyuan did not stop killing. More than 80% of the nobles were killed by him, and almost no landlords survived. All hidden assets were cleared and redistributed in a unified and centralized manner.

Zhou Qingyuan made the decisions they were reluctant to make.

Zhou Qingyuan divided the things they were reluctant to share.

He chopped off the hands of anyone who dared to reach out.

Every time he arrived at a place, there was a Jinyiwei in the Zhenqi Realm to guard it. As for the retainers secretly raised by the noble families, they were all killed by Zhou Qingyuan.

With the highest military force to suppress, the sharply reduced population was planned and protected by the enclosure, and low-level vampires could no longer hurt people at will.

The tall mansion was filled with blood, and the sticky blood plasma dyed the exquisite floor tiles dark red. Even if it was washed by rain all day and shoveled with tools, it could not fade away. Now it has become an ominous symbol in the gossips on the street corners.

When Zhou Qingyuan killed 32 counties, the remaining county gentry collapsed and didn't know what to do.

Some people gathered all their private armies and tried to kill Zhou Qingyuan, but they were easily killed by a 100-meter-long sword, saving Zhou Qingyuan countless efforts.

This sword also killed everyone's fluke mentality, and they began to give up on themselves. Some people were even ready to start the last carnival before the end of the world.

But at this time, Zhou Qingyuan gave them another way out, saying that as long as all their property was confiscated and they lived a law-abiding life as tenants from now on, they would be given a way out.

As a result, these people also lost their will to resist, thinking that they had found a way out and the states and counties could recuperate.

They didn't expect that after the emperor had thoroughly rectified the 84 counties, he would go back on his word and send out the Jinyiwei to liquidate all the people with bad records at the same time. In the end, only one of these people survived.

Faced with some doubts, he only said one sentence:

Repaying grievances with virtue, how to repay virtue?

The voices of discussion gradually stopped.

In just three months, the total population of the eighty-four counties dropped by 40%, and more than 90% of the nobles and wealthy families died. Only the last 10% of those with less serious crimes were kept alive to make use of their remaining energy.

In the same year, all regions opened their warehouses to release grain. After only three months of recuperation, the eighty-four counties all burst into unprecedented vitality, and the people began to prosper.

Even though the danger of the blood vampires was still there, all the people had smiles on their faces, as if it would not be a pity to die in the next second.

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