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Chapter 54: Road to Revenge

After the three of them left the Alchemy Palace, Chen Yanchao asked belatedly: "By the way, do you want to be emperor? Do you want me to help you?"

Li Qinglong, the chief minister of the dynasty on the side, was stunned when he heard this sentence. He didn't know what the madness of the Dinghai Shenzhen of the dynasty was going on.

This kid from nowhere committed the crime of regicide. He actually didn't want to comfort the thief who killed the royal family. Instead, he asked him if he wanted to be the emperor?

The next second, Zhou Qingyuan's answer made Li Qinglong feel even more subtle.

Facing the old man's question, Zhou Qingyuan nodded and shook his head.

"The position of emperor is so easy to get, why do I need your help?"

Chen Yanchao nodded. The young man in front of him did have this ability.

Feeling the strong inner energy in Zhou Qingyuan's body like the blazing sun, Chen Yanchao suddenly began to become a little nervous.

This young man's talent definitely meets his requirements, but will the other party agree to his request?

"Then what do you want? You have already achieved perfection, right? Do you want the cultivation method of the Golden Body Realm?"

"What, you will give it to me if I want it?"

Li Qinglong was shocked and looked at Chen Yanchao to dissuade him: "Mr. Chen, why are you so optimistic about this regicide? Think again."


Chen Yanchao stretched out his hand and pushed. Li Qinglong flew over a hundred meters and landed safely with the help of his inner strength.

"If I didn't keep him to help you manage the dynasty in the future, I would kill him now."

Chen Yanchao suddenly made a move, looked at Zhou Qingyuan who was expressionless, and continued to smile kindly and said:

"When the person who is in the way is gone, I will tell you whether it is the Golden Body Realm or the secrets of this world."

Zhou Qingyuan was not happy when he heard these words. Instead, he took a step back and looked at Chen Yanchao warily:

"You and I are not relatives, so why are you so attentive to me?"

Chen Yanchao paused for a moment, looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a somewhat subtle look, and said slowly:

"If you want to know the reason, I'm afraid you have to listen to a rather long story first.

After you listen to this story, I think your doubts will be answered. "

After saying that, the old man led Zhou Qingyuan in silence inside the palace, as if he was sorting out his thoughts.

The two of them arrived at the thatched hut next to the emperor's mausoleum. The old man just sat down on the bench in front of the thatched hut, patted the seat next to him, motioned for Zhou Qingyuan to sit down, and said:

"About two hundred years ago, a baby from a noble family was born.

The privileged environment he grew up in made him repulsive to boring physical exercises. He believed that he could face any difficulty by relying on the power of his family.

Wouldn't it be a pity to spend a hundred years of life in a hurry, all wasted on practicing martial arts?

That's what he thought, and that's what he did. "

Chen Yanchao paused for a moment and said with a wry smile: "But the unfair thing about God is that the young man who is least interested in martial arts is also the person with the best martial arts talent in the world.

The so-called physical training of the four realms requires ordinary people to waste at least ten years, and even the children of wealthy families with sufficient resources will need at least three years of effort.

And that young man, who obviously didn't practice much martial arts, easily spent a year with the help of the resources provided by his family to complete the four realms of physical training that trapped countless people.

Not only that, every time he stayed in a realm for a period of time, the young man could feel a wonderful change taking place in himself. His skin became tougher, his bones became harder, his muscles and veins expanded, and his blood sublimated.

The young man can possess all the treasures in the four realms of body training. "

Zhou Qingyuan listened silently without any reaction.

Chen Yanchao guessed from his reaction that this young man might have followed the same path as him.

"The funny thing is that this young man is obviously very talented, but he doesn't take martial arts seriously. He wanders among flowers all day long, which greatly slows down his progress.

But it happened that he practiced with a half-hearted attitude, and at the age of only twenty, he entered the realm of breaking through the orifice.

Before I created my own Golden Body Realm, the Broken Aperture Realm was the ultimate dream of all warriors. "

"But...what's the use? The smug frog in the well, when the world reveals its true face to him, is as helpless as an ant, he can be trampled to death by raising his foot."

At this point, Chen Yanchao started to get a little excited and said with grief and anger:

"At that time, when the prince was competing for the throne, various noble families hurriedly took sides. Those who were in the wrong team were brutally purged afterwards.

Do you think this boy’s family is on the wrong side? No, they made the right choice.

But they did not expect that the emperor did not have the final say in this world.

Above the emperor, there are even more terrifying behemoths who regard us as pigs and dogs in captivity and as their serfs. "

"That's when the young man realized that the dynasty had to provide huge resources to the so-called Liao family every year.

Because the prince was in a hurry to ascend the throne and neglected this matter, the family showed their ferocious appearance to us for the first time. "

Chen Yanchao let out a breath and his eyes were a little dazed: "With just a look from the other side, hundreds of Aperture-Breaking Realms who besieged him died. This battle directly destroyed the foundation of the Da Zhu Dynasty.

No one could understand what he had done. He just stood there, and there was no internal energy flowing in his body. However, everyone died.

If the other party hadn't kept us nobles to continue to provide them with resources, I'm afraid the other party would have killed all of us.

And that young man was busy drinking and having sex when the incident happened, so he was delayed. When he returned home."

"When he returned home, all the family members were dead."

Chen Yanchao's eyes were red, and the unforgettable scene appeared in front of him again.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there was still one person alive? Then there is no need to keep this person."

As soon as the gorgeously dressed nobleman finished speaking, the man beside him had turned into a ball of flesh and blood and exploded. A little blood splashed on Chen Yanchao's face from a distance, accompanied by a strong smell of blood.

Fear, anger, regret, guilt, all kinds of emotions invaded Chen Yanchao's brain, his cheeks twitched constantly because of pain, but the nobleman just admired Chen Yanchao's expression, laughed, and floated away.

"The way he looked at me was as if I was not a human, but a lowly species.

Since that incident happened, I have regretted it every day.

If I had started practicing martial arts since I was old enough to understand, would I have been able to reach the Golden Body Realm sooner, or even realize a realm above the Golden Body Realm?

By then, would I be able to protect my people and kill that beast? "

Chen Yanchao's eyes were red, staring at Zhou Qingyuan, one hand firmly grasping his wrist.

"I taught you the Golden Body Method only because I saw the shadow of my youth in you, and I have no other request. "

As for the people from that family? Even if Chen Yanchao didn't speak, he believed that Zhou Qingyuan, who dared to kill the king, would sooner or later confront them.

He only needed to make Zhou Qingyuan stronger, so strong that one day he could defeat those inhuman monsters, and then the other party would sooner or later embark on the road of revenge that he wanted to see.

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