I can add one every day

Chapter 5 Don’t bother with a dying person

After Qian Lili finished speaking, he looked at Yan Zuo, raised his chin proudly and asked:

"What do you think? Do you still think this guy can stand to the end? I'll give you a chance. Do you want to change your decision?"


Yan Zuo was really a little hesitant now, but just when he was weighing the pros and cons, the eyes of others were red, and they all rushed to Zhou Qingyuan.

After the elimination of the players in the field, there were only twelve people left except him. Facing this situation, Zhou Qingyuan frowned and was very angry in his heart.

Originally, this competition was a sure win, but the third lady of the Qian family insisted on doing this. Was she going to torture him to death?

When he took down Li Hu just now, he had already made some judgments about his own strength in his heart.

If it was one-on-one, let alone twelve people, he could take down even twenty-four people.

But at this moment, he had to face twelve people at the same time, even if there were only four or five people around him, it was not something he could handle.

Facing the crowds of people who were rushing up, Zhou Qingyuan realized that this was the most critical moment. If he didn't pass this level, he might even have to give his life here.

"Hey. You guys."

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes widened, his strength was surging, and he suddenly roared. This roar was like a tiger in the mountains, terrifying, and directly stopped the slaves who were still rushing towards him.

"Did you see Li Hu's miserable state?"

Seeing that everyone saw Li Hu on the ground, his life or death was unknown, Zhou Qingyuan stretched out his hand and made a three, and said in a deep voice:

"If you push me to the limit, I can at least kill three people. Are you sure you want to fight me?"

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan's eyes widened, his whole body was full of vigor, and the blood of Li Hu on his body made him more ruthless, the group of mud legs became more hesitant.

"We all see each other every day, and I don't want to make things too ugly.

If you spar with me one by one, I will still hold back for the sake of our old friendship.

If you choose to rush forward, three of you will die, and one of the remaining nine will be selected. You can choose what to do."

Originally, they were a group of peasants, and there was no one to lead them. At this moment, they all stood there in a daze, not knowing how to deal with the current situation.

Among them, there were also desperate people who wanted to fight, but they didn't dare to speak out at this time.

Once they took the lead, they were very likely to be hated by Zhou Qingyuan, and the probability of being killed by him was even higher. No one dared to take this risk.

The scene froze for a while, but this was not what Qian Lili wanted to see.

Just as she was about to speak again, Yan Zuo suddenly said:

"This man has some martial arts skills and can use his brain. He will be a good dog after a little training.

If the lady speaks out to embarrass him again at this time, I am afraid that even if he is accepted, he will not be popular.

"Why, do you think I am embarrassing him?"

"I dare not."

Qian Lili snorted lightly, and people could not hear her inner emotions.

This Yan Zuo, who signed a ten-year agreement with their manor, has been with her for three years now, but still has no intention of resuming his heart. He actually speaks for an outsider?

"I will let you know, Yan Zuo, you are far worse than me in vision."

As she said, Qian Lili stood up and pulled out the goose feather knife from her waist, aiming at the hesitant slaves under the stage and throwing it directly.

I don't know what kind of clever force she used, the goose feather knife rotated very fast in the air, and finally accurately inserted into the body of a slave.


"What is that."

The people under the stage turned their heads in fear and saw a man with a knife in his chest, falling to the ground in a daze.

"All of you, come at me, or you'll die."

As he spoke, a guard handed his saber to Qian Lili, who had spoken.

Seeing the goose-feather saber in Qian Lili's hand, everyone was shocked. They didn't care about anything else and rushed towards Zhou Qingyuan.

Facing this scene, Zhou Qingyuan glanced up and vaguely saw a pair of small feet.

Because he couldn't look up and look directly at his master, he couldn't see Qian Lili's face at this moment, but his heart suddenly turned cold.

"There are only eleven people left. That's all. It seems that we have to fight hard today."

Zhou Qingyuan's eyes were cold and he rushed back towards the slave team without fear, with murderous aura overflowing.

The few people in the front saw that Zhou Qingyuan was not afraid, but charged back at them. They were suddenly shocked and their courage disappeared.

The two groups of people collided with each other, and Zhou Qingyuan was the first to knock down two people.

"Hahaha, good, good, good~Finally, it's a little fun."

Qian Lili looked at the people fighting like wild animals in the audience, looked at the blood and teeth splashing on the ground, crossed his legs and shook leisurely.

Yan Zuo looked at Zhou Qingyuan, whose face was gradually becoming crazy, and felt a little regretful.

As a disciple from a martial arts school, he still likes people like Zhou Qingyuan who dare to fight and fight, but unfortunately, he is a slave and has a poor background.

No matter how smart you are, how clever you are, and how outstanding your talent is, as long as you have a bad background, you can't get ahead in this world.

This is an iron rule that no one has stated explicitly.

Just like him, he is just a thug in this life, serving as a guard for others, and when his father gets old, he will take over his father's martial arts school, marry and have children.

After that, his son will also become a thug of a manor, and it will be impossible for him to surpass his level in his life.

But Yan Zuo is very satisfied. After all, as the son of the owner of a martial arts school, he has people serving him every day.

In this cannibalistic world, many people live worse lives than him, so he has nothing to complain about.

It was obvious that the slaves in the audience were fighting for a guard job, but Yan Zuo on the stage was already in a daze.

When he came to his senses, the results came out in the audience, and he couldn't help but clapped his hands in admiration.

"It's surprising that he actually won?"

Qian Lili also smiled at this time and glanced at Yan Zuo:

"How do I see it?"

"The eye is as sharp as a torch."


Qian Lili stood up from the chair and jumped off the high platform neatly.

At this moment, under the high platform, there was a man covered in blood and his clothes were torn, kneeling on one knee, holding the riding whip that Qian Lili had thrown away before.

"Well done, I had fun."

Qian Lili took the riding crop, looked at the new guard who almost dropped his head to his chest, and gave a slight compliment. Then she looked at the blood all over Zhou Qingyuan's body, a look of disgust flashed in her eyes, and called the guard who was watching from the side. The two butlers at the end.

"Butler Qi, take him down to wash himself up, change into clean clothes and come to me again. He won't have to do those farm jobs in the future."

"Steward Xue, please clean this place before the end of today."

"Yes, miss."

Originally there were three guards to be recruited, but now only one was needed. The rest of them all fell to the ground at this moment, dead and injured, but no one in the room felt strange.

After explaining the matter, Qian Lili dismissed everyone and left.

Qi Run looked at Zhou Qingyuan who was still bowing his head and said with emotion:

"Get up and follow me. The days will get better in the future. You must know how to cherish them."

Zhou Qingyuan paused for another moment, and finally put all the gnawing cold light in his eyes away. He raised his head, showing an expressionless face.

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