I can add one every day

Chapter 49 Missed

The next day, everyone in Lujiang City knew about the second moon that rose last night, and there was a lot of discussion.

No one knew what exactly happened, and there was no way to guess. It was not until the three Lu Qiuxing brothers brought a large amount of blood crystals to the Martial Building to exchange for Xiantian Pills that some signs of the news gradually emerged.

"The three of them are Master Zhou's men, right? Could it be said that yesterday's big scene was Master Zhou's work?"

"Didn't Mr. Zhou still enter the Qi Refining Realm before? According to legend, in order to solve a big trouble, he entered the Qi Refining Realm in advance and had no potential at all.

Now it seems that everyone may have guessed wrong. He has simply completed the accumulation of Qi Condensation Stage. "

"The scene yesterday was too terrifying. You may not have been there. A few brothers and I were fighting a sixth-level vampire, and we thought we might not be able to make it back alive today.

And guess what? Without any psychological preparation, suddenly a ray of light fell down, directly killing the vampire. We all looked up, and we didn't know when a second moon appeared in the sky. "

"Have you ever seen a scene where countless blood crystals fly up at the same time? Good guy, they all fly to one place."

"Isn't that right? So, this is really Mr. Zhou's handiwork? But his age."

Everyone was talking about it, and this incident was really shocking, and the Jinyiwei interior was not airtight. Under the investigation of interested people, the incident spread throughout Lujiang City almost immediately.

Countless greeting cards were handed to the hands of the three Lu Qiuxing brothers, and the congratulatory gifts were enough to fill three Jinyiwei yamen.

They all wanted to meet Mr. Zhou and have a good relationship with him.

As for the head of the Guan family who had provoked Zhou Qingyuan in the Xiaowu Ju before, he had not closed his eyes for a whole day and night after hearing about this incident, for fear that he would never wake up after falling asleep.

At this time, Zhou Qingyuan had already bid farewell to the Lujiang City Palace Order again and was about to leave.

The matter here is over. There will be no vampires above level six in a short time. His suppression mission has been completed.

As for what other people think, it no longer matters to him. No matter what other people think, it has no influence on him.

Just when Zhou Qingyuan returned to Yongcheng, Jingzhou, Chen Bofu, who was covered in dust and had been traveling day and night, finally arrived at Lujiang City.

As a martial artist in the Aperture-Breaking Realm who has opened twelve acupoints, his speed is far faster than that of horses when he travels with all his strength.

Chen Bofu entered Lujiang City in a dusty manner, and according to his grandfather's previous instructions, he planned to go to Jinyiwei's archives first.

Without alerting anyone, like a ghost, Chen Bofu sneaked into the Jinyiwei Yamen and quietly rushed to the archives.

His hearing was at its limit at this time, and he was trying to detect all movements, and his steps were fast.

But just because of this, he stopped where he was not long after, gave up going to the archives, and instead focused on listening to the conversation between the two Jin Yiwei in the corner.

The two men were discussing the second round of the bright moon incident that was aroused throughout Lujiang City, and Chen Boxu was very interested in the content.

But after hearing everything, he just shook his head and headed to the archives again.

What those two Jinyi guards said was too metaphysical. A treasured sword could turn into a bright moon in the sky and cast countless sword lights within hundreds of miles. This kind of thing was far beyond the capabilities of the Aperture-breaking Realm.

How can it be so easy to control the light of each sword to land in the correct position without hurting anyone, and there are thousands of them?

The person who does it must have strong inner strength and strong control ability, as well as amazing eyesight, otherwise it will be impossible to control thousands of sword lights to land in different locations at the same time.

Chen Bofu believed that only his grandfather, who had entered the golden realm, could do this.

Chen Boxu hasn't been born for a long time since he practiced martial arts with his grandfather, but he still doesn't believe such rumors.

But at this moment, his grandfather’s instructions rang in his mind:

"Remember, this person's martial arts is far superior to yours. I'm afraid there is no other person in the world who can compare with him."

Grandpa Zu's attitude was so serious and anxious at that time that Chen Boxu even forgot to ask.

There is no one in this world who can compare with him, including you, grandpa?

Thinking of this possibility, Chen Boxu shook his head and denied the delusion in his heart.

Grandpa Grandpa has been sitting on the throne of the first man in the dynasty for two hundred years. No warrior in the world can be his enemy. How could anyone be stronger than Grandpa Grandpa?

Thinking about the huge internal energy tornado he saw that day, Chen Boxu's mind wandered and he quickly came to the archives.

As luck would have it, at this moment, a royal guard walked out of the archives and scolded Chen Bofu severely when he saw him.

The next moment, the huge internal force turned into substantial pressure, and the suppressed Jin Yiwei was speechless.

Chen Bofu saw the letter in his hand, and with a thought in his mind, he walked over and read it on the spot.

[Zhou Qingyuan, the envoy of Fusi Town in North Town, is only sixteen years old. His original realm was the Qi Refining Realm. Last night he wiped out thousands of vampires in Lujiang City with one move. His strength is unfathomable]

"Zhou Qingyuan?"

Chen Bofu looked at the suppressed and speechless Jin Yiwei in front of him, slightly reduced the pressure on him, and asked:

"Do you know this Zhou Qingyuan?"

Seeing the Jin Yiwei shaking his head, Chen Bofu nodded, drew his sword, killed the man, and hid his body.

Grandpa said that this matter should not alarm anyone.

If this person had an old relationship with Zhou Qingyuan, he would take this person to find Zhou Qingyuan without leaking any information.

Since you don’t know him, then just kill him. As for the secret letter, Chen Bofu casually smashed it into powder with his inner energy and dispersed with the wind.

"Zhou Qingyuan Zhou Qingyuan. I didn't expect that it would take no effort at all.

Since this person just arrived in the city yesterday, he probably is in the city now. "

Chen Bofu's eyes flashed brightly, and he felt a little excited that his grandfather's instructions would be completed soon.

Unfortunately, no matter how much he thought about it, he would never have imagined that Zhou Qingyuan only stayed in Lujiang City for one night and then returned to Yongcheng. No one except Lu Qiuxing and the Lujiang City Palace Magistrate knew about this.

In order not to alarm anyone, Chen Bofu did not seek help from anyone. He quietly searched for two days in Lujiang by himself, but found nothing.

On the contrary, I heard about the so-called Lujiang City Second Moon Incident countless times, and after understanding the details, I became more and more convinced that Zhou Qingyuan was the person grandpa was looking for.

"What. You said Mr. Zhou has left?"

Lu Qiuxing and the others looked at the cute young man holding Shang Fang's sword in front of them and nodded.

"Master Zhou has finished settling the matter in Lu Jiangcheng and is tired of other people's flattery. He has returned to Yongcheng."

Chen Bofu put away his sword and did not kill these three people. After all, it was said that they were Zhou Qingyuan's spokespersons in Lujiang City and could not be killed.

Then, he anxiously left Lujiang City and rushed back to Yongcheng.

In the past three days, he had not taken any water, stayed up all night, and devoted himself to completing the task of his grandfather. Unexpectedly, God played such a big joke on him.

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