I can add one every day

Chapter 43 Preparation before borrowing

"Lord Governor, have you finished your vacation?"

"It's okay. I'm here to check something. You don't need to follow me."

Zhou Qingyuan passed two hundred households and walked towards the archives under their respectful and yearning eyes.

"I haven't seen Master Zhou for a long time. He still has the same style. I heard that in Pengcheng, which he suppressed before, no sixth-level vampires have been born until now. It's all because of your great efforts."

"My lord, you are still as beautiful as before? I can see that you are even better than before.

Even you and I have relied on Xiantian Pills to advance a lot, and we don’t know how terrifyingly fast a young genius like Mr. Zhou will improve.

I heard before that the Lord took a whole bag of vampire crystals to redeem them, and the inventory of a martial arts building was all exchanged by him. "

Two hundred households were discussing the Governor who had passed by him just now. A man with disheveled hair in the corner suddenly raised his head, with a little light in his eyes, and stepped forward to ask.

Zhou Qingyuan came to the Zhenfusi archives, where news from the past month was temporarily stored. He would come here from time to time to learn about what happened recently.

However, since the arrival of the vampires, Jin Yiwei has been exhausted and his original work of collecting information has become much less efficient.

Zhou Qingyuan came to the wooden shelf that stored information about the gentry, and quickly read each volume, focusing on looking for those gentry who had occasional conflicts with the Cao family's power.

"The Xu family, the Wang family, and the Chen family should all have what I want."

Zhou Qingyuan counted the information he had collected, and after sorting out the research, he eliminated the Chen family that was the greatest threat.

He only needs two more orifice-breaking techniques, any more will be useless.

After sorting out the files and restoring them to their initial appearance, Zhou Qingyuan nodded, locked the door again and left.

Who would have known that as soon as he walked out of the archives, someone was guarding the door and knelt down in front of him, hitting his head heavily on the ground and never raising it again.

"Xu Tie, one of the hundred households in Nanzhen Fusi, I beg you, the Zhenfu Envoy, to save my brother's life."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the kneeling man in front of him, expressionless: "Raise your head."

Xu Tie did not raise his head, but said in a deep voice: "I have been waiting here for seven days. I am really desperate and have no other option.

Now that my eldest brother has been framed and imprisoned, my second brother is running around to protect me. Please be merciful and save the lives of my brothers and me. "

"Why did you come to me, North Town Fusi, about the matter of Nanzhen Fusi?"

Xu Tie kept grabbing the ground with his head and wailed: "The sixth-level vampire crystal Li Zhuo from Qianhu in Fusi, Nanzhen plotted to kill me and my brothers, has repeatedly designed to frame us.

The governor of Nanzhen didn't care about this matter. The three of my brothers are all members of a hundred households, so it is really difficult to resist.

I beg you to take action. As long as you can save my eldest and second brothers, I am willing to dedicate my humble life to you. "

"I say it one last time, hold your head up."

Xu Tie raised his head blankly and saw a pair of indifferent eyes, which made his heart tremble.

He had only met Mr. Zhou from a distance a few times before. He heard that Mr. Zhou was a good official with strict discipline but very lenient towards others. He was also a young and talented man who had once killed a powerful man with a sword for a country woman.

The two brothers were in danger, and he was really desperate. He found a way to come here regardless of violating the taboo of not having contact with each other in the northern and southern towns.

Could it be that you have asked the wrong person? No, Mr. Zhou is already the last hope. We must seize this life-saving straw.

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the hundreds of households in front of him and began to think quickly in his mind.

Except for the powerful man in the golden body who guards the imperial mausoleum in the palace, I don't know if he can be touched. Now his strength can be said to be lower than that of one person and higher than that of ten thousand people.

If Cao Chen's statement is true, he has almost reached the peak of the Zhu Dynasty's military strength.

And based on his experience in fighting against Cao Hao in the True Qi Realm, when he steps into the Ultimate Aperture Realm, even if he is not the opponent in the Golden Body Realm, he will always have no problem protecting himself.

Even if something really happened that caused the other party to attack him desperately, he could still manage it.

As for the so-called members of the aristocratic family that both Cao Chen and Chen Qinghe mentioned, Zhou Qingyuan had never met or heard about the activities of these people. He probably advocated escaping from the world and not considering their problems for the time being.

In this case, maybe it is time to form some teams, or he is short of manpower for the next thing he wants to do.

Now that Zhou Qingyuan has the ability to protect his subordinates and not give anyone face, it is time to change his work style.

The reason why he forbeared before was just because he was not strong enough. Now, he has the power to say no to everything.

Of course, this matter is not serious enough to require him to reveal his strength.

For the Xu Tiesan brothers, this matter may be a disaster of a narrow escape.

For Zhou Qingyuan, this is just a small matter that can be solved casually.

This is the confidence brought by strength.

He is no longer the slave who was always on tenterhooks, always afraid that someone stronger would oppress him.

"Xu Tie, how can I trust you based on your one-sided words?"

"Sir. I. I really have no evidence."

As Xu Tie spoke, he suddenly realized the brilliance of that Qianhu.

This matter only happened between the three brothers and the Qianhu, and he had no evidence to prove that the other party was making things difficult for him.

Thinking of this, Xu Tie's originally stiff face became excited.

Thinking that his elder and second brothers were dying, he could no longer sit still. He pulled out his embroidered spring knife and put it on his neck in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

"I really don't have any evidence to prove this, but I'm willing to guarantee my life and never dare to deceive you.

I just hope that you can save my elder brother Lu Qiuxing and my second brother Zhan Yuanchun in the future."

As he said this, Xu Tie exerted force with his hand holding the knife, and was about to commit suicide in front of Zhou Qingyuan.


The embroidered spring knife in Xu Tie's hand had just entered his neck a little bit, and two fingers had easily grasped the blade, preventing Xu Tie from committing suicide.

Seeing that he didn't seem to be faking the force in his joints just now, Zhou Qingyuan nodded, this person might be useful.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now."

Xu Tie stared at Zhou Qingyuan's two fingers holding his blade, and his heart was trembling.

He was already in the Great Condensation Stage, but Lord Zhou actually stopped his movements with just two fingers when he was using all his strength?

Thinking of the previous conversation between the two centurions, he couldn't help but guess how strong Lord Zhou was?

Then, his heart warmed up. In this way, the eldest and second brothers would be saved.

"Let me be frank. If I find out that you have concealed or deceived anything afterwards, since I can save you, I can naturally take back your lives."

Xu Tie's heart trembled, and he quickly knelt down with his fists clasped, nodding his head.

"In addition."

Zhou Qingyuan slowly pulled out the unique sword of the pacification envoy and placed it on Xu Tie's neck.

"From now on, your life belongs to me. Is there a problem?"

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