I can add one every day

Chapter 41: Reaching the True Qi State

"Oh? Isn't this the unspoken tacit understanding between you nobles? Have you changed your mind?"

Facing Zhou Qingyuan's sarcasm, Cao Chen knew that he was angry and smiled bitterly.

But as a terrifying genius who could defeat the Aperture Breaking Realm at the age of sixteen, Zhou Qingyuan did have the right to be unhappy.

Cao Chen still hasn't figured out why Zhou Qingyuan was able to defeat Cao Man even though he didn't have the secret to break through the Aperture Realm.

The specific reasons can only be explored later. The most important thing now is to stabilize the relationship with this person.

"My little friend, I don't know people well. Don't laugh at me anymore."

“The Cao family almost lost a distinguished friend, and it was all my fault.

I also ask the children to move over and stay here for a light meal.

Xiaowen will also be back today. She often mentioned you to me before, and she seems to be very concerned about your current situation. "

Seeing Cao Chen's enthusiastic eyes, even willing to offer Cao Luwen a favor, Zhou Qingyuan thought for a while, although he could borrow the orifice-breaking method from other nobles, the risk and impact would still be high.

Moreover, now that Jinyiwei is scattered all over the country, everyone is desperately hunting vampires in exchange for innate pills to strengthen themselves, and his information channels have become very blocked.

Since the Cao family intended to keep a low profile and make good friends, there was no need to push them away.

Later, with Cao Chen's deliberate efforts to please him, Zhou Qingyuan, as an outsider, attended the Cao family's family dinner at night and sat next to Cao Chen.

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan sitting on the main seat, the Cao family secretly guessed who this person was, but they did not dare to ask.

Cao Zhiqing was sitting among the crowd, peeking at the handsome Zhou Qingyuan from a distance, feeling a little regretful and sad.

Such a young and capable man was almost going to become her husband. How could she not regret missing him now?

Are you so miserable? From the moment he took a look at himself, he no longer saw himself in his eyes.

"Grandpa, I'm back."

"Hahahaha, is Xiaowen back? Come on, come on, grandpa is worried about everything."

Everyone in the Cao family looked at Cao Chen, who was laughing out loud from his usual serious look, with expressions on their faces that they had seen a ghost, and their eyes almost popped out.

When did the old man's temper become so kind?

Cao Luwen was also a little confused at the moment. She had been at loggerheads with the Cao family since the last time they refused to help Zhou Qingyuan.

After that, Zhou Qingyuan resolved the crisis with his own ability. Her grandfather directly lifted her from confinement and restored her rights in the Cao family, which already made her very confused.

The enthusiasm that Cao Chen burst out at this moment made Cao Luwen even more frightened. What happened?

"Tongzhi Cao, long time no see."

"Zhou Qingyuan? Why are you here."

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan sitting in the main seat, Cao Luwen felt even more confused.

Is the other party finally going to marry Cao's family? But how could a son-in-law sit next to Cao Chen?

When Cao Luwen was arranged by Cao Chen to sit next to Zhou Qingyuan, everyone in the Cao family was confused.

What exactly happened here? It turns out that the boy in front of me is Zhou Qingyuan? Did Xiaowen quarrel with her family just because of him?

He is a good person, but why is he sitting in the main seat?

"Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Zhou Qingyuan Zhou from Fusi, Beizhen."

Seeing that Cao Luwen was already in place, Cao Chen no longer waited for the other people who had not yet arrived, and directly opened the banquet and introduced Zhou Qingyuan's identity.

"From now on, from this moment on, Mr. Zhou is the closest and noblest friend of our Cao family. If I hear any news that the Cao family neglects him, I will punish him severely!"

The Cao family stared blankly at the young faces beside the old man, their hearts filled with a sense of absurdity.

After bidding farewell to the surprised Cao Chen, Zhou Qingyuan and Cao Luwen, who was forced by his grandfather to send the distinguished guest out, walked side by side and exchanged the recent situation along the way.

"Except for the Imperial City, vampires everywhere are getting stronger. If this continues, I really don't know what the world will become."

Cao Luwen worriedly shared her knowledge with Zhou Qingyuan: "What do you think His Majesty is thinking about?

Why haven't the army been dispatched to suppress the vampires everywhere when the situation is already so critical? "

Zhou Qingyuan also frowned slightly at this moment and sighed: "There are many doubts about this matter. I hope Sir Tongzhi will be more careful."

Cao Luwen smiled and asked, "Are you concerned about me?"

"Speaking of which, I haven't mentioned you yet. I heard from grandpa that you defeated Cao Man? When did you break through the Aperture Realm without saying a word?

How many Xiantian Pills have you taken? How did they break through the blockade of these noble clans? "

"It's a long story. If there is a chance later, I will definitely talk to Master Tongzhi about it."

"whispering sound"

Zhou Qingyuan said goodbye to Cao Luwen, returned to his courtyard, and sighed.

The panel emerged as he thought, and a new line of text appeared on it.

[Cao's method of breaking the orifice-for beginners]+

"I finally got the method to break through the orifice, but unfortunately, the fact that I entered the True Qi Realm was completely exposed."

If it weren't for the huge pressure brought by vampires, Zhou Qingyuan would really not want to expose this level of strength.

The words that the old man in the library said to him back then are still echoing in his ears now.

"As soon as possible, enter the True Qi Realm, and there will be a great gift waiting for you."

A huge gift? Recently, there are rumors in Yongcheng that the emperor has gone crazy, and the news cannot be suppressed. What great gifts can be waiting for him?

I'm afraid this so-called gift is more of a surprise than a joy.

Never mind, since it has been exposed, it is useless to be sad. This news can be known one day later, so let it be one day later.

Zhou Qingyuan was not in a hurry to add some methods to break the acupoints. He still remembered that his Qi realm had not yet reached the ultimate state.

[Cao's Qi Method-Undergraduate] +

[Cao's Qi Method-Introduction]

"I will not go out recently. I will take a leave and spend nine days to perfect the two Qi methods, enter the ultimate Qi realm, and then break through the realm of breaking the acupoints in one fell swoop!"

On the eighth day, Zhou Qingyuan stood in his own martial arts field, calm and relaxed.

At this moment, the three Qi methods on the panel have been integrated into one, turning into a new line of information.

[Qi Realm-Perfect] +

Zhou Qingyuan's mouth corners were slightly raised, and he gently clicked on the + sign.

[Qi Realm-Ultimate]

As the text shook and changed gently, the internal Qi nebula in Zhou Qingyuan's body changed again.

Stars of light appeared inside the nebula. The scattered and free nebulae gradually came into contact and merged together under the traction of the light, and gradually turned into a sea of ​​internal energy in Zhou Qingyuan's body.

It seems to be a simple change, but the change to the internal energy is amazing.

After the transformation inside the body was completely completed, Zhou Qingyuan's mind moved slightly, and the internal energy that was at least 30% more powerful than before instantly turned into a tide and dissipated from his body.

The output power of the internal energy was so fierce that even Zhou Qingyuan was shocked, and then he couldn't help but feel happy.

If he fought with Cao Man in this state, when he used the [Sky Meteorite Knife], the time to use the scabbard to nourish the internal energy would be greatly shortened.

"So. Now it is considered that I have truly completed the three realms of true energy, and it is time to step into the realm of breaking the orifice."

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