I can add one every day

Chapter 39 I just want to know how strong I am

"Whatever you need, my friend."

Upon hearing Cao Chen's proactive inquiry, Zhou Qingyuan said categorically:

"I only want the method to break through the orifice, and I don't want anything else."

Cao Chen sighed, shook his head slowly, and put forward a condition under Zhou Qingyuan's firm eyes:

"The third daughter born to the main wife of my Cao family is sixteen years old, with a beautiful face and a gentle personality.

You choose a day to marry her and join my Cao family. Three years later, I will give you the method to break the orifice. "

This time, Zhou Qingyuan did not refuse in a hurry, but continued to ask:

"Leave aside the method of breaking the orifice for the time being, is there any other Zhenqi Realm method in the Cao family that I can check out?"

Cao Chen did not answer the question, but directly gave instructions: "Cao Man, go to the library and get five copies of the True Qi Realm Dharma. Don't let your distinguished guests wait too long."

"Yes, sir."

A dull voice sounded in the room. Zhou Qingyuan's eyes glanced around him as if unintentionally, and he was slightly startled.

He didn't feel this person's aura just now. As expected, there are masters of the Aperture Breaking Realm in the Cao family. Maybe it was right not to try to break through before.

While waiting, Cao Chen invited Zhou Qingyuan to move over. He was going to host a banquet in honor of Zhou Qingyuan.

While they were drinking and drinking, the five books of Zhen Qi Dharma were delivered to Zhou Qingyuan. After they were all entered into the system, they were returned as they were.

Afterwards, a young woman came out of the screen, with a fair complexion and a slightly charming face.

However, her whole temperament was very timid. She stood behind Cao Chen and whispered shyly: "Grandpa."

Cao Chen nodded and looked at Zhou Qingyuan:

"This is the third daughter of my Cao family, Zhiqing. How have you considered the previous proposal?"

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the pretty woman, tapped his fingers on the table, and said nothing.

Don't look at the fact that he had already taken in four maids before, but they were just for fun, Zhou Qingyuan knew clearly.

Deep down, he is still a person with very traditional views on marriage.

Once he marries the woman in front of him, even if he is not familiar with her, he will try to show his sincerity and gradually treat the other person as the person closest to him.

He does not want his marriage to be an exchange of interests, nor does he want marriage first and love later.

It was just the current situation. The reaction of the vampire and the court really made Zhou Qingyuan feel insecure.

On the first night after returning to the hospital after half a month of killing, he even dreamed of being grabbed by an eighth-level vampire.

Although all states and counties are constantly hunting vampires, this weird creature seems to be endless, and it always appears in cycles, endlessly appearing on this land.

Zhou Qingyuan even doubted that his methods really killed these creatures?

At the beginning, the strongest vampire he encountered was only a fourth-level vampire, whose strength was comparable to that of a blood-refining realm martial artist.

On the last day he left Pengcheng, fifth-level vampires had begun to appear there.

This is the result of Zhou Qingyuan sitting in the place where the blood energy is the strongest and hunting vampires day and night.

But even so, it still failed to stop the continuous improvement of the strength of a large number of vampires.

It is foreseeable that if there is no strong external interference, vampires in various states and counties will become stronger and stronger as time goes by.

And once the vampire reaches the eighth level, or even the ninth level, Zhou Qingyuan, who is still stuck in the true energy realm and cannot improve for a long time, has no ability to resist at all.

"Rather than marrying into Cao's family, I want to ask two questions more."

Cao Chen looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a half-smile, feeling a little unhappy in his heart, but he forced it down.

The other party has rejected the Cao family's invitation to marry into the family twice in a row, and together with the previous time when Xiaowen was asked to send a message, this is already the third time.

Does this kid look down on their Cao family so much?

Thinking of this, the enthusiasm in Cao Chen's tone weakened slightly, and he said with a little stiffness:

"Have you thought about it?"

"I've thought about it."

After asking these two questions, the Cao family and I (you) owe nothing to each other.

They both made a decision in their hearts. Zhou Qingyuan looked at Cao Chen and asked the first question:

"As far as I know, there is the so-called Golden Body Realm above the Broken Aperture Realm.

I want to know, among you nobles, are there any strong people in the Golden Body Realm or even above the Golden Body Realm? "

Cao Chen raised his eyes and glanced at Zhou Qingyuan, feeling disappointed that the other party asked such a high-level question.

But since you have already made up your mind to draw a clear line with this person, there is nothing wrong with telling him.

"In my Cao family, there is no strong person in the Golden Body realm."

Thinking about the large amount of Xiantian Pills sent by Zhou Qingyuan, and regretting that his relationship with this boy was too shallow, Cao Chen, with the idea of ​​getting together and getting together easily, added:

"It's not just our Cao family. I can say that in the entire Da Zhu Dynasty, there is currently only one known strong man with a golden body, who sits at the imperial mausoleum all year round."

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan nodding, Cao Chen's eyes became more complicated: "You have one last question. Maybe you should think about it and ask more valuable questions."

"The second question is actually a merciless invitation."

Zhou Qingyuan leaned forward slightly and placed his right hand on the sword on the table.

With just this action, the momentum in the field suddenly changed. Zhou Qingyuan looked behind a column with a smile on his face.

Just now, the guards there were concerned and confused. With the inner energy mobilized, he had found his location.

From this point of view, the gap between each other may not be as big as imagined, or even...

"Let the Poqiao realm hidden behind the pillar fight with me, regardless of life or death."

". I am really surprised, my friend, even if the deal fails, the friendship still exists. Are you crazy?"

Cao Chen raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Qingyuan, and suddenly felt that the good impression he had accumulated before was broken by the boy who did not play by the rules.

The Qi Refining Realm fights the Poqiao Realm? And regardless of life or death? Even Cao Chen, who has decades of experience, can't figure out why Zhou Qingyuan dared to make such a request.

But it's okay. I originally cherished some talents, but it seems to be redundant. He is just a fool who can't see his position clearly.

Cao Chen waved his hand, lost interest, and stood up to leave.

"Cao Man, let him see the difference in strength, don't kill him."


Behind the column, the terrifying might began to radiate, and a momentum began to turn into a substantial pressure under the action of the huge internal energy. Layers of air began to surge and entangled Zhou Qingyuan.

To Cao Man's surprise, he thought that this move was enough to suppress this ignorant Qi Refining Realm so that he couldn't get up.

Who knew that the other party seemed to be unaffected at all and stood up easily with the knife.

Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan had already held the hilt of the knife with one hand and was about to draw the knife, Cao Man used the same trick again, flashed forward, and slammed Zhou Qingyuan's hand holding the knife with one hand.

He wanted to suppress Zhou Qingyuan like he suppressed Cao Lvwen at the Cao family dinner last time, and end this battle with a huge gap in strength.

But the next moment, his eyes were already wide open.


In Cao Man's unbelievable eyes, Zhou Qingyuan's hand holding the knife held the hilt in the form of reverse push, and forcibly, inch by inch, firmly pushed away Cao Man's trembling big hand that was suppressing it.

PK will be read on Tuesday. If you have the conditions, follow the latest chapters to the end tomorrow. Thank you, thank you, love you.

py book in the same group, a slow-paced journey of evil gods in another world starting from infancy.

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