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Chapter 36 Disaster is coming

Zhou Qingyuan sat in the courtyard of the Cao family, thinking quietly about Cao Chen's words, with a thoughtful look on his face.

Cao Chen sat opposite him, and seeing that Zhou Qingyuan did not have any anger on his face, he nodded silently.

Although his words just now were a bit harsh, it was indeed the unspoken understanding of the gentry.

He pointed out this fact to Zhou Qingyuan not out of sarcasm, but out of good intentions.

If the other party did not even understand this truth, but instead took his anger out on him, the Cao family would never have anything to do with Zhou Qingyuan again.

However, judging from the current situation, Zhou Qingyuan is still a smart man, and he is teachable.


Zhou Qingyuan sighed, his expression returned to calm, and he bowed to Cao Chen and said:

"Thank you for your advice, old man. Whether it is the help of Cao Tongzhi before or the reminder this time, Qingyuan will remember it in his heart."

"I understand the kindness of the Cao family. If there is a chance, I will definitely repay it double."

After saying that, Zhou Qingyuan turned around and left without any nostalgia.

Cao Chen was a little dazed watching Zhou Qingyuan leave, and couldn't help stroking his chin and thinking.

He originally just wanted to suppress Zhou Qingyuan, let this young man take back his arrogance, and then see if there is a chance to take him into the Cao family.

Who knew that although the other party accepted his kindness, he had no intention of bowing his head and surrendering.

"Yes, after all, he is still young, and he won't turn back until he hits the wall. I think it's not time yet."

Thinking of this, Cao Chen no longer focused on Zhou Qingyuan, but began to study the chessboard that was put in front of him again.

The method of breaking the orifice was firmly grasped by these people. Let alone Zhou Qingyuan was only in the Qi Refining Realm, even if he was in the True Qi Realm now, what could he do?

How could he break the blockade of hundreds of years by himself?

Compared with Zhou Qingyuan's affairs, Cao Chen is now more concerned about another matter.

"Your Majesty has ordered the closure of the city for nearly a month. If it continues, the domestic demand of some small cities will not be able to support it.

What is your Majesty thinking?"

Thinking of this, Cao Chen frowned, and he really couldn't guess what the emperor who was acting more and more erratic was thinking.

Not only Cao Chen frowned, but Zhou Qingyuan, who had left the Cao family, also frowned tightly at this time. For the first time, he really felt that he was a little restrained.

These people actually took the method of breaking the orifice so seriously and didn't give any chance?

Does he really have to marry into the Cao family, obediently serve others as a dog for countless years, and expect them pitifully

"I don't know how big the gap between me and the broken orifice realm is now?"

Zhou Qingyuan thought about the possibility of seizing by force, but he felt it was unreliable no matter how he thought about it.

There must be strong people in the broken orifice realm among these wealthy families. This matter cannot be impulsive and needs to be considered in the long run.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingyuan's eyes moved to the embroidered spring knife on the table, and his mind moved.

After using the system to perfect the Qi method, he put all the remaining points on the sword method.

Opening the panel, a series of perfect sword methods appeared in front of him.

[Xuanyuan Sword Art-Perfect] [Tianyun Sword-Perfect] [Xingyun Sword Slash-Perfect] [Reverse Blade Inner Yuan Sword-Perfect]

These four sword methods are the best methods he can find to drive sword methods with internal energy.

According to past experience, the system often combines three methods of the same level into one, thus leading to the ultimate state.

But now it seems that this experience is only applicable to the method of body training and Qi training, and is not universal. The earlier twelve-form boxing is just an accidental product.

But this discovery did not discourage Zhou Qingyuan. Instead, it provided him with another way of thinking and let him see another way to get in touch with the broken orifice state.

Every time he upgraded a high-level internal Qi sword method, his internal Qi in his body could get some subtle improvement. Although it was less and less obvious, it was still a change.

Zhou Qingyuan has already recorded all the Qi-level sword techniques in the martial arts building into the system. Excluding those that have been perfected, there are still thirty-six left.

If all the remaining thirty-six sword techniques are fully mastered, will it be possible to prove the truth with force and find the mystery of the so-called Breaking the Acupoint Realm?

Thirty-six sword techniques, a total of 144 days. As Zhou Qingyuan masters more and more sword techniques, his proficiency in sword techniques will naturally improve, and the time will only be shorter.

"Less than half a year in total, in exchange for a slight chance of entering the Breaking the Acupoint Realm? It's worth a try.

If it doesn't work after half a year, I will contact the Cao family again."

After making up his mind, Zhou Qingyuan's heart was completely at peace. This body is only sixteen years old now, there is nothing to worry about.

In the palace, the fifty-year-old Emperor Zhu sat high on the dragon throne, supporting his chin with one hand, staring blankly at the sky outside the hall.

"Your Majesty, the Qizhou Ruicheng Prefecture has reported that the city has been closed for almost a month, and the people in the city are already experiencing a food shortage. I beg you to open the city for trade to solve the problem."

"Your Majesty, Xuzhou Jingxiu City is also in a state of emergency. Local tyrants have settled in the city, and food prices have skyrocketed. The situation is not good."

"Your Majesty, when will this city closure stop? You have to give me a reason, right? If this goes on, the states and counties may be in turmoil."

The prime minister Li Qinglong watched as one party member after another offered advice and suggestions, but the emperor remained indifferent. He stared blankly at the sky outside the temple, confused.

What is outside? Is your majesty crazy?

Ever since Zhu Rongjia appointed a demon Taoist priest who came from nowhere as the state teacher, Li Qinglong could no longer understand the emperor's actions.

However, the emperor has sealed off the thirteen prefectures for more than a month without any reason. If this continues, it will inevitably lead to disasters and the country will no longer exist!

Thinking of this, looking at Emperor Rongjia who remained indifferent to the advice of his ministers, Li Qinglong, who usually waits and sees, finally couldn't wait and see any longer.

"Your Majesty, what exactly do you want to seal off the city? Can you give me a clear indication?"

As Li Qinglong walked out, Zhu Rongjia's expression suddenly changed. He patted the dragon throne hard and stood up excitedly.

Li Qinglong was feeling strange when he heard a noisy sound around him.

"What's going on outside? Why is there a bright red light? Why is the sky dark?"

"It's an ominous sign. It's an ominous sign. All this is caused by the closure of the city."


Zhu Rongjia interrupted the discussion of the ministers and laughed: "This is not an ominous sign at all. It is clearly the auspicious sign that I have been waiting for for a long time!"

"Didn't my dear ministers say that there is not enough food in the states and counties? Don't worry, there will be enough food soon."

"Hahaha, hahahahahaha! The auspicious sign from heaven makes me very happy. I will retire today!"

Emperor Rongjia walked out of the temple with a big laugh, leaving the ministers looking at each other in bewilderment.

In the 229th year of the Rongjia calendar, blood ghosts descended. Blood ghosts cannibalized people in all states and counties, and the world was in chaos.

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