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Chapter 275 Mysterious Crystal, Inside the Gate

"let's start."

Even so, Zhou Qingyuan was the only one who could touch the light door.

With a flick of his fingers, a golden fish flew past the black clouds and merged into the golden door of light.

Although the black cloud is powerful, it is still in a state of accumulating energy. As long as you avoid it carefully, nothing will happen.

The expressions of the three old people also became nervous.

In the end, the idea of ​​using the law of time to open this light door is just their guess, and it may not be accurate.

If this method doesn't work, they will have to keep looking for other methods.

The first thing Zhou Qingyuan tried was the power of [Future].

Unlike the three old men, only when he mastered the three major aspects of time and used this power could he show real insight into the future and the ability to deduce.

Among the endless deductions, Zhou Qingyuan grasped one possibility among countless futures and grasped it instantly.

Then, he opened his eyes.

"found it."

The three of them were overjoyed when they heard this: "Great!"

They couldn't help but be excited. They searched the entire universe. This light gate was most likely the only chance. It was in line with the concept of escaping one of the fifty great avenues and the forty-nine heavenly evolutions.

"Not in a hurry."

Different from the excitement of the three people, Zhou Qingyuan was not in a hurry to open the door. Instead, in the astonished eyes of the three old people, he once again drove out a koi.

This is the power of the past. He wants to see if there is no inference from the future, is there any hidden opportunity in the past that has been ignored?

The three old men immediately understood what Zhou Qingyuan meant and laughed dumbly.

Laughing at Zhou Qingyuan for being able to think to this level at this time, laughing at their own worries about gains and losses.

I have been waiting for tens of thousands of years, but now at this time, I have become irritable and my performance is not as good as that of a junior.

After this incident, the three of them became calm again and watched Zhou Qingyuan act quietly.

To the surprise of the four people, this attempt, which was originally an idle attempt, actually yielded an unexpected result - a blue crystal.

Retained in the tunnel of time, there are blue crystals that have been sealed for a long time.

"You three, do you recognize this thing?"

The three ancients felt the structure of this wonderful creation with their spiritual thoughts, and frowned slightly.

At first contact, the three of them were completely confused.

But since this object was found from the trajectory of the Light Gate [in the past], it must have a big background and have a different kind of profound meaning.

There was still a long time before the catastrophe, and no one knew what was hidden behind the gate. The four of them temporarily put aside their exploration of the golden gate and turned to studying the blue crystal.

After observing for a quarter of an hour, the four of them still found nothing. After discussion, they decided to take further measures.

But before that, they need to make insurance first.

The nails of the old man in green suddenly grew longer and became extremely sharp. He gently scratched the green spar, leaving a shallow mark on it.

Zhou Qingyuan took the crystal and activated the power of the law of time, trying to trace back the mark on the crystal.

If this move is successful, they will then use various radical methods to test the crystal.

However, their plans were soon hindered.

Everyone was surprised to find that the power of time had no effect on this crystal.

It was born in the [past], but fell into a stagnant state in the [present] state, unaffected by any power of time.

"Amazing. Anyone who can do such a trick must also be a strong man who can control the power of time. In the past years, has there been such a person?"

The old man in red exclaimed in surprise and couldn't help but look at the others to confirm:

"Why have I never seen such a wonderful and gorgeous person in my memory? Do you two have any impressions?"

The old man in white thought for a while, shook his head, and looked to his side.

The old man in green frowned continuously, searching through the information grids in his mind that he divided into pieces according to time periods.

This is his unique way of processing memory. Although the retrieval at this time is slow, it is better than fine.

A quarter of an hour later, he opened his eyes and said:

"Found it, that person's name is Luo Sheng."

"This is a strong man who became famous at the beginning of the century. I was still very weak at the time and only glanced at him from a distance."

"When I was growing up, I never heard anything about this guy again."

Zhou Qingyuan took the crystal stone handed over by the old man and followed the other person's thoughts and said:

"In other words, this is something left to us by a strong man in the past, and it is this gate?"

Everyone looked at the golden door, and this time their eyes had another meaning.

It turns out that this door has been opened by someone?

The strong man named Luo Sheng might have foreseen the demise of the universe here very early, or was looking for a new breakthrough, so he entered this light gate?

Why did the other party never return?

Various thoughts were circulating in the four people's minds, but no matter what, they couldn't stop here.

"Since I don't understand the purpose of this crystal stone yet, and I can't use any means at will, then let me collect it for you first, no objection."

Seeing everyone nodding, Zhou Qingyuan pocketed the crystal and used the law of time again to change the state of the golden door.

The golden door that had been sealed for a long time opened again, and it was impossible to detect the spiritual consciousness inside.

Zhou Qingyuan emitted a little spiritual light, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a flying bird and fled into it.

The other three also used their own methods, either technological products or elemental creations, to explore the risks inside.

After confirming that there was no obstacle inside, the four people, led by the old man in white, entered the corridor first.

It was at this time that Zhou Qingyuan knew that this person had turned to the power of reincarnation, and his soul was almost perfectly in line with this universe.

Even if he died in an unexpected situation, he could still ensure that a little of his true spirit would turn around and peek into the mystery of the womb.

This person was born to be reborn. He walked step by step to the present. I don’t know how many difficulties he had overcome and how many times he had rotated his life.

In just a few breaths, the figure of the old man in white reappeared, but his face was a little complicated.

"Go in, there is no risk at the door."

As for the road behind, he did not explore it. This place was discovered by them together, and they should dig together.

The four entered the cave together and understood the reason for the expression of the old man in white before.

After entering the golden gate, there is a wide corridor. The materials on both sides are similar to the most common stone walls, nothing special.

What strongly attracted everyone's attention at this moment was a statue kneeling in the middle of the corridor.

The golden gate, which was regarded by everyone as the only possible hidden hope of transcendence, was the first scene that caught their eyes.

Everyone was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

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