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Chapter 272 The Source of All Destruction

‘What is this, internal strife? ’

Almost as soon as the grand handprint appeared, Zhou Qingyuan's entire body was alerted to the extreme. He was about to use all his means to fight, but the palm of his hand slapped their ally Mo You to death in an instant.

As if not to arouse Zhou Qingyuan's alert, the old man in green put his hands in his sleeves and raised them slightly after finishing his move. The three of them tacitly agreed not to take action again.

However, Mo You's figure did not reappear as before, but completely disappeared from the world.

"You don't have to look at it. The move I made just now with the Buddha's Hand Seal has killed his future along with it. He doesn't have enough knowledge of the law of time, so he can't retrace my damage."

The old man in green smiled kindly at Zhou Qingyuan and continued:

"My friend, we don't mean any harm.

The previous attack on you was just a benefit promised by Mo You. There is no unsolvable knot between you and me, right? "

Zhou Qingyuan looked serious: "So this is what you want?"

The expressions of the three old men also became serious. The old man in green just waved his sleeves, and the surrounding space froze instantly, and a sound like the freezing of Arctic mountains continued to sound.

The old man in red waved his hand and laid out the second arrangement. The space was superimposed ninety-nine times in an instant and frozen simultaneously.

Looking around, it feels like you are in an ice crystal fantasy.

"My friend, do you know that this universe will be destroyed in a thousand years?"

Seeing that there was no surprise on Zhou Qingyuan's face and he just nodded calmly, the old man in green nodded and continued:

"If you want to transcend, you have to conquer immortality, but the road to immortality is vast and hard to find. The three of us have been reincarnated and rebuilt, and we have visited the road all over the place, but we still can't touch the edge of the road to immortality."

Having said this, the old man in green paused for a moment, and suddenly talked about another thing.

"Do you know the reason for the destruction of the universe here? We can take you to see what the center of the universe looks like."

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head, "I don't trust you."

The old man in red had actually killed him before. If he hadn't mastered the ability to go back in time, he wouldn't have had any chance of blocking that move.

Even if these three people are not strong men in the immortal realm, they are probably strong men who started practicing not long after the birth of this century, so they can be so tyrannical.

At this moment, they were just standing there without concealing their auras, and the ancient and powerful sense of mystery was constantly impacting Zhou Qingyuan's nerves.

The pressure these three people put on him actually far exceeded the sum of all the enemies he had seen before.

If he wanted to fight with them, Zhou Qingyuan would probably have to rely on constantly going back in life to strengthen the causal connection, forcibly comprehending the ultimate law of cause and effect, and then using the old man in red to understand the ultimate space law. Only by fighting with the three ultimate laws could he have a chance of survival.

"I forgot that our sincerity has not yet been expressed."

"As I get older, I become a bit meek in my actions. Don't blame me, little friend."

As he said that, the old man in green stretched out his hand and grabbed the mark where Mo You died. He caught it out of thin air and handed it to Zhou Qingyuan.

"My little friend, this is the way of time mastered by that boy Mo You. It is [the past], one of the three major items of the law of time. I give it to you."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the time mark floating towards him, felt the pure and great aura on it, and cautiously stretched out his fingertips to touch it.

The next moment, this brand was directly integrated into Zhou Qingyuan's body, and a lot of insights about the law of time emerged in his mind.

But instead of feeling happy, Zhou Qingyuan felt a little disappointed.

Through this law imprint, he has a deeper understanding of the [past], but because of this, he understands that simply mastering the method of turning back time is not enough.

If he cannot achieve the survival of [the present] and deduce the [future], he still cannot truly reverse time and resurrect the dead.

But isn’t the opportunity right in front of us?

Zhou Qingyuan raised his head and looked at the three old men with a hint of determination in his eyes.

"Are the three major terms of time that you mentioned [past], [present], and [future]?"

The three old men all felt the change in Zhou Qingyuan's aura and nodded slightly.

This boy has a calm mind, is strong and soft at the same time, and has amazing talents. He is countless times better than that Mo You, and he is qualified to be their fellow traveler.

"Yes, now you have truly mastered the method of [the past], and [the present] is already in your hands. Of the three major items of time, you are only missing one [the future]."

The old man in green took a step forward, and the auras of the three old men rose simultaneously. Their figures instantly rose up infinitely in Zhou Qingyuan's spiritual perception, as if mountains were rising from the ground, and like countless stars falling, it was extremely shocking.

“And the three of us just master the methods of the future!

Now that you have completely mastered [the past] and [the present], we can no longer kill you easily. Are you willing to trust us? ! "

The tyrannical power of law came here, and Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help being a little distracted by the power of this law. His heart, which was originally silent, started to beat.

The method of the future lies within the bodies of these three people!

"My name is Zhou Qingyuan, what do you call the three fellow Taoists?"

Such words are meant to be heart-to-heart.

The three old men looked at each other and laughed.

"Hahahahaha!!! We are all creatures born at the beginning of the century. We have long forgotten our names. You can call us by our colors."

"Zhou Qingyuan, let's go, we'll take you to see the source of the destruction of this world!"

The three old men stretched out their hands to Zhou Qingyuan, and he no longer had any vigilance in his heart, and he joined the hands of the three old men.

The three old men laughed and took a step forward, and disappeared with Zhou Qingyuan's figure.

The layers of frozen space returned to normal, and all trajectories returned to normal, as if nothing had happened here.

The three people in the Creation Realm who were still in retreat to exchange their experiences and learning were also unaware of this.

While they were still trying hard to catch up with Zhou Qingyuan's progress, they didn't know that the other party had achieved another major breakthrough in the law.

Zhou Qingyuan walked too fast, so it was destined that he would not have a partner on his life path.

Because no one could keep up with his speed of becoming stronger.

At the center of the universe, the three old men and Zhou Qingyuan appeared together.

What came into view was endless darkness, without even a single star dotting the space.

This was an extremely rare thing.

"Is this the source of all destruction?"


Zhou Qingyuan fell silent as he looked at the huge black vortex spinning in the center of the universe and the golden gate floating in the air behind the vortex.

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