I can add one every day

Chapter 267 Seven-day sermon, uninvited guests

"Sun Du, Feng Luan, Xiao Ze, I am proud of you."

Above the Immortal Palace, hundreds of universe-level masters sat on the cushions below, while Zhou Qingyuan, Xu Xiao and three fortune-level masters sat above.

Zhou Qingyuan keenly observed that these three people were actually cold-hearted people, and their respect for Xu Xiao was actually limited to the surface.

But because of Xu Xiao's connection, the four fortune-level masters gathered together, and the four of them were obviously a little moved.

It is not easy to find a fortune-level master in the universe to exchange ideas.

Even Zhou Qingyuan has never used his full strength, let alone one-third of his energy.

Moreover, after entering the fortune-level, he felt that his aura was improving every moment.

The same was true for the three people.

With the natural development of time, their connection with this universe has been spontaneously strengthened, the universe has deepened, and becoming stronger has become as easy as breathing.

As for where their return journey is and where the opportunity for immortality is hidden, no one knows for the time being.


Xu Xiao cleared his throat, the kind expression on his face disappeared, and he announced the explosive news that Zhou Qingyuan told him with a serious face.

"This universe is about to be destroyed, just after 1671!"

When this was said, everyone had different expressions.

Zhou Qingyuan didn't care about other people's opinions. He mainly focused on observing the reactions of the three Creation Realm.

Two people looked surprised, while one looked calm. I don't know if he didn't believe the news or had heard it before?

"Everyone, the disaster of world destruction has arrived. In the face of the disaster, I hope that more new forces will emerge and jointly explore ways to avoid the disaster."

Then, he made way, and Zhou Qingyuan had already walked behind him.

"I will ask this fellow Daoist Zhou who is in the realm of creation to preach to you for seven days and explain the great way of the universe.

After that, all of you can carry your insights and scatter to find your own opportunities.

I hope that I can see you here again thousands of years later and hear good news from you."

After speaking, Xu Xiao stepped back, and Zhou Qingyuan took his place. With a wave of his hand, the lotus throne descended from the sky to set him off.

In just this moment of action, countless Dao rhymes were born, and the great trend of the universe completely descended here at this moment.

The next moment, Zhou Qingyuan did not stop at all and started to preach.

"I have been wandering in this universe for more than 700 years, watching the birth of black holes and the destruction of stars, and then I felt the great way of gravity, and I will share it with you."

The cultivators were previously wondering what realm the four cultivators on the stage who could not sense the breath had reached. Suddenly, they heard the ancestor say that the universe here was going to be destroyed, and they were already in doubt.

And when they heard that Zhou Qingyuan was already in the realm of creation and was going to preach to them for seven days, they were even more surprised and a little suspicious.

What kind of person is the Creation Realm? How can the ancestor be able to meet a strong person of this realm and let him serve them, the younger generation?

But when Zhou Qingyuan opened his mouth, strange phenomena appeared, and there were pieces of good luck falling, which merged into the enlightened ones. The hundreds of cultivators below the stage were ready in an instant, throwing away all distractions and throwing themselves into the heaven-defying opportunity created by the ancestor for them!

The expressions of the other three Creation Realm cultivators on the table also changed from interest to solemnity in an instant. They sat cross-legged and stopped talking tacitly.

Zhou Qingyuan preached for seven consecutive days. He first used the gravity law close to the ultimate level to detonate a huge movement, and then explained it in a simple way, starting from the application of the law of the star level, and then talking about the universe level layer by layer.

In this way, six days passed, and the six laws of time, space, gravity, cause and effect, fate, and killing were all explained.

Everyone wished that these six days of preaching could be repeated until they completely understood it.

For this reason, even if they kept hearing that this universe was destroyed, they would not have any regrets.

Hearing the truth in the morning, dying in the evening, that's all.

But no matter how they thought, the six days of preaching finally passed, and the seventh day's preaching contained all of Zhou Qingyuan's current understanding of the realm of creation.

At this moment, everyone unconsciously straightened their backs, their faces almost pious, looking at the man sitting on the lotus platform with a sincere face.

Such a great man sincerely preached for them without asking for any return, how could they really have no expression?

Everyone immediately understood the deep meaning of the old ancestor's words.

After this sermon, it's time for them to go out and find their own chances of survival, and finally come here to share and report back to Lord Jun.

This deal is very fair, and it can even be said that they have made a lot of money.

Even if they took all their valuables in exchange for this opportunity to preach, no one would hesitate.

After six days of preaching, sixty-six of the one hundred people who listened to the sermon broke through the small realm on the spot, and the other thirty or forty people either had their own plans or their foundation was not good enough and needed to continue to accumulate.

But Zhou Qingyuan's preaching was not a one-time achievement for these people. In their long lives, they had plenty of time to keep digging for this treasure.

No, there was only 1,671 years left.

Everyone was nervous, and at this moment, Zhou Qingyuan, who had finally stopped preaching for six consecutive days, suddenly opened his eyes between breaths.

He had clearly completed this behavior, but everyone's ears just heard a violent inhalation and exhalation sound, as if this behavior had just begun.

By the way, they also spontaneously followed this sound and exhaled once, and all distracting thoughts disappeared.

"On the seventh day, I will use my shallow understanding to talk about what is the creation level."

The highlight is coming!

The three people on the stage who had already had some respect for Zhou Qingyuan shouted in their hearts, leaning forward subconsciously, wanting to get closer to the True Lord on the lotus throne.

This person's low-level narration alone allowed them to sort out their own paths and fill in the gaps. What if he shared the insights of the Creation Realm? !

The three people had already made up their minds that after Zhou Qingyuan preached, they would also repay this person's selfless behavior and preach for three days respectively.

Unexpectedly, this time, when they responded to the call of the ancestor on a whim, they actually encountered such a good thing!

The three looked at each other and saw the relief and deep meaning in each other's eyes.

Regarding the matter of the destruction and restart of the universe, they will each use their own means to obtain evidence later, but the most important thing at present is the discussion of the few people!

No matter who it is, they can't disturb them!

"The Creator is endless and the cycle never stops."

As Zhou Qingyuan spoke again, the seventh day of the sermon on the Creation Level officially began.

However, an uninvited guest suddenly sensed the call of the universe, caught another mysterious rhythm of time, and rushed here suddenly.

"How can I let you live a thousand years after trying to steal my Dao fruit?

This time, I will take your head directly!"

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