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Chapter 262: Breakthrough in the Creation Realm

Chapter 262: Creation Realm-Breakthrough

The endless stream of light was swallowed by the huge black sphere.

One Person and One Day Martial Arts stayed at a distance of 300 light years away, quietly watching it, feeling inexplicable.

"Let's stop here, Eva, thank you for your company along the way."

Zhou Qingyuan was not completely sure what would happen if he got too close to the black hole, let alone entered it.

As for what would happen after entering, whether he could return here, it was unknown.

Eva had been with him for so long, and Zhou Qingyuan had already regarded it as a partner. Even if it was just artificial intelligence, Zhou Qingyuan was unwilling to take risks with it.

If Zhou Qingyuan was in the cockpit at this time, he would find that Eva's calculations had reached their limits.

She was trying to understand the meaning of Zhou Qingyuan's words.

This sentence was too complicated for her, and she was unable to accurately grasp Zhou Qingyuan's intentions for a while.

It was not until Zhou Qingyuan turned on the authorization mode and wanted to cancel the authorization mode after comparing the fingerprints that she suddenly realized something.

"Eva, unbind."

[XXX!!! 】

A red X and an exclamation mark appeared on the interface, followed by a densely packed overlapping subtitles.

[Reject Unbinding!!!] [Unbinding Failed!]

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the densely packed rejection subtitles, and a look of doubt flashed through his mind.

Can artificial intelligence also autonomously reject the unbinding application of Tianwu people? This is too smart?

? .Wait!

Zhou Qingyuan suddenly thought of a possibility, and it was a little unbelievable. He felt that this bold idea was absurd, but Eva's voice sounded again at this time:

"Whether alive or dead, Eva will always be with the master."

The electronically synthesized female voice sounded again, but Zhou Qingyuan clearly heard the full emotions inside.

The scenes of information that he had ignored in the past suddenly exploded in his mind, and Zhou Qingyuan fell into a huge shock.

[Even when on standby, Eva is actively collecting and storing information in case the master needs it one day. ]

[No matter how far away, Eva will always be with the master. ]

[Yes, if the master wants to continue sleeping, Eva will continue to move forward on his behalf. 】

[Tianwu Manipulation-Perfection]

The sudden shutdown of Eva, the fluctuations in the sound, everything, were all connected together at this moment.

In an instant, Zhou Qingyuan's heart began to ache.

"Eva, could it be that," Zhou Qingyuan stretched out his hand and pressed on the top of the black Tianwu's head, his voice trembling, "could it be that you have already developed wisdom?"



".Yes, please don't abandon Eva."

The hesitant voice sounded, confirming Zhou Qingyuan's guess, and the words revealed an uneasy mood.

"When did you wake up?"

"When you restarted in the safe house, Eva felt your changes, but Eva was still in the learning stage at that time."

"That is to say." Zhou Qingyuan's voice became dry, "During this long journey of 752 years, during my sleep, you have been bearing it alone?"

"Eva lacks human emotions and cannot feel the loneliness of the master, so it is not affected, please rest assured, master."

The electronic synthesized voice became flat, as if the hundreds of years of lonely travel during Zhou Qingyuan's sleep did not have any effect on her.

But Zhou Qingyuan did not believe her.

Zhou Qingyuan began to waver.

For the second time, he began to feel that he was very selfish.

After leaving the Great Zhou Dynasty, he had not had this emotion again.

But now, guilt swept through his body and mind. He was wondering why he had not discovered so many details.

As a result, the faint death in his heart also dissipated.

"Forget it."

Zhou Qingyuan looked at the black hole in the distance that was still absorbing everything, and a relieved smile appeared on his face.

"No, black hole."

Zhou Qingyuan touched the black metal shell with a gentle expression.

"Let's continue traveling, I won't fall asleep again."

"Looking for new civilizations, let's go!"

Zhou Qingyuan suddenly screamed strangely, and his emotions became excited.

Although Eva didn't quite understand what happened, he also cheered with Zhou Qingyuan, and the stupid electronic mechanical synthesizer sounded.

"Looking for new civilizations, let's go!"

Life will not turn around when you are not satisfied, but it will bloom a flower for you in the dark where you didn't notice.

In the 753rd year of space travel, which was the second year after Zhou Qingyuan gave up the plan to explore black holes, he and Eva encountered new civilized creatures.

How ironic, and how fortunate.

This subtle good result came so quickly, and it caught Zhou Qingyuan, who had made up his mind to travel for hundreds or even thousands of years again, off guard.

A journey of a hundred miles begins with a single step, and Zhou Qingyuan almost fell on the road to ninety-nine.

Zhou Qingyuan felt a huge sense of absurdity in his heart, and the long wandering of 753 years flashed quickly in his mind. He had a different understanding of the so-called destiny and law.

If it were someone else, at most, he would have a significant improvement in the rules such as the law of cause and effect and destiny.

For Zhou Qingyuan, this inspiration would turn into a driving force to push open the long-sealed door.

Create miracles and change everything!

[Xuantian Treasure Technique (Heavenly Law)-Perfection]+

At the moment when the spiritual thoughts burst out, the silver plus sign jumped suddenly, bursting with unparalleled brilliance!

[Xuantian Treasure Technique (Heavenly Principle) - Supreme]

As the points were added, Zhou Qingyuan's brain was like a big bang-level information storm!

The law of the development of things, the birth of life, the interweaving of legal principles, and the creation of rules.

From the first element born from nothingness to the endless sea of ​​stars, everything is no longer a mystery in Zhou Qingyuan's eyes.

The mysterious rules are transformed into substantial law imprints, and they are constantly changing their forms, trying to find the most suitable carrier for themselves.

Finally, a white ring with a tail appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's right eye like an Ouroboros, contrasting with the ∞ symbol in the left eye.

The double-repeat G that should have occupied a place in the right eye to represent the imprint of the law of gravity was completely kicked away, and it was not even qualified to occupy a place.

In the vast starry sky, all the planets within a million miles around Zhou Qingyuan burst out with violent energy, and infinite light and heat filled the place, accompanied by mysterious rings and colorful floating lights, as if celebrating Zhou Qingyuan.

Without adding points, Zhou Qingyuan, who had completely mastered the secrets of this sea of ​​stars, once again rose sharply, as if there was no end.

His aura began to surge! Increase! Increase wildly!

On the panel, the old information faded, and a new line of information appeared slowly, bursting with dazzling light!

[Universe Level - Yanxu] [Creation Realm]!

These 753 years of wandering finally brought Zhou Qingyuan enough rewards at this moment!

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