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Chapter 257: The universe restarts, destroying Zhou Tiandou


As Zhou Tiandou and Zhou Qingyuan stood together, the door quickly opened.

The two of them had already sensed the secretive aura on the tower, so naturally it was impossible for them to continue taking action at this time.

For Zhou Tiandou, if things go wrong, he might be able to evacuate in time, and he can even use Zhou Qingyuan as a backup.

For Zhou Qingyuan, after adding points to enter the cosmic level, the clone is no longer in his eyes at all.

The opponent has never seen the long river of time, the longest acceleration can only reach five times, and the foundation is not as deep as his, so it is impossible to be his opponent at the same level.

The two of them have their own thoughts and mentality.

But when the door opened, their eyes suddenly widened, and all distracting thoughts in their brains were thrown away.

In the dark and spacious room, ten black boxes are connected to countless network nerve lines. The sound of bubbles sounds, and there is something hidden inside that cannot be discovered.


The lights in each section light up together, matching the rhythm, and the fronts of the black boxes are opened, revealing the brains pierced by dense circuits inside.

The ten projections, either men or women, are all elegant and elegant, standing quietly.

Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly as he felt the aura as majestic as the starry sky in the black box.

Why does such a tyrannical being exist in such a strange way?

Zhou Qingyuan was still confused here, but Zhou Tiandou on the other side spat unceremoniously.

He had seen similar scenery like this in the Tiandou Empire, and now the two empires were connected together.

"So you guys set up that disgusting arena?"

No. 3 walked out at the right time. The ten of them had one mind. It didn't matter who was in charge. Naturally, he who was on duty took the lead.

"Without that arena, you wouldn't have been able to grow so fast, right?"

The image of No. 3 is a young man wearing brown jeans, who looks a little out of touch.

But what made Zhou Qingyuan feel very awkward was that in addition to this, he keenly sensed various demeanor and temperament from the other person, which did not seem to be exuded by one person at all.

"You can call me No. 3," the young man in jeans took off his hat and saluted gracefully. He smiled and said to the two of them, "Now, I sincerely invite you to join our immortality plan."

As if guessing that the two of them would not catch a cold at first, No. 3 kept talking and explained directly:

"You know, every universe has its destiny."

"This universe is called the Tiandu system, and every Yuanhui will usher in a restart.

And there are only less than 2,423 years until our next restart.

Once the universe begins to restart, everything in it will be destroyed, and there will be no possibility of survival.


No. 3 gave it up and saw that the two of them were still interested in listening, so he said with a smile:

"Unless we step onto the road of immortality together and break away from the universe, we can still survive in the next era when the universe is destroyed."

Immortal Zhou Qingyuan had an idea and asked proactively: "What is immortality? How does it compare to the cosmic level?"

No. 3 laughed dumbly, pointed at Zhou Qingyuan and said: "Although your talent is amazing, you still have a long way to go before becoming immortal.

This road is so long that it will be impossible to walk through it in your lifetime. "

Having said this, No. 3 looked solemn and said loudly: "Cosmic level, he is also considered the top powerhouse in this world.

But in front of these truly strong people like me who have opened up a new path, we are just getting started.

Not to mention that you have just entered the cosmic level, and you have to go through three realms: peeping into the void, hole into the void, and expanding into the void.

Even after crossing this realm, there is still a chasm to go before the road to immortality. "

"The realm of creation! This is a realm that can only be reached by truly mastering the power of a law to break through illusions!

This is a realm that the ten of us are currently exploring.

And after this state, it is possible to reach the immortal road we expected! "

"And it just so happens that our time is only two thousand four hundred and twenty-three years."

No. 3 stretched out his hand towards the two of them, with an unfaded admiration for the avenue on his face, and said seriously:

"Two of you, the road is boundless and time waits for no one.

Why not join us and explore this immortal road together? "

"Tch! I thought you called us here to say something, but I'm not interested!"

The first person to refuse was Zhou Tiandou.

An arrogant look appeared on his face, and he said disdainfully: "You want me to become a human being like you and hide in a black box all day long?"

He seemed to have thought of something, and the expression on his face became even more proud.

"I have cultivated to the cosmic level in less than a year. The path of immortality in your eyes is just a matter of time with me!

Two thousand four hundred and twenty three years? I don’t need that long at all!

Just wait until I find the opportunity for immortality, and then help you weaklings escape from the sanctions of the universe's destruction! "

Zhou Tiandou's words were so straightforward and confident, and combined with his experience, the space present felt stagnant for a moment.

The next moment, a female voice suppressing anger could not help but sound.

"Arrogant! Do you think your cultivation speed is all due to yourself?

Without the infusion of the universal energy we collected, do you think you could quickly replenish the energy needed for cultivation?

Without those resources, no matter how good your talent is, you still have to practice diligently step by step like an old ox plowing the land?

Who do you think paved your way to heaven? What does it have to do with you? In the final analysis, your talent is just copied from Zhou Qingyuan!

Without actual experience, relying solely on his talent is no different from copying others' ideas?

Now that your realms are equal, how much more do you think you can improve? "

As they spoke, a terrifying pressure was generated around the two of them, making Zhou Tiandou's expression become a little more serious.

But the woman's words did not make him feel ashamed, but responded coldly:

"Since I got it, it's mine. What's the point of you telling me about your help now?

If I change places, I won't be able to find resources myself?"

Then, as if he thought of something, he looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a playful look, and suddenly said:

"How about this, if you help me kill this original body, I will join you, how about it? ”


In silence, all eyes were focused on Zhou Qingyuan.

Because of Zhou Tiandou’s words, he was like being put on a fire without responding.

His answer was also crucial.

But at this moment, something unexpected happened!

The ∞ symbol flashed in Zhou Qingyuan’s eyes, and quickly enlarged to cover the world.

At ten times the speed, Zhou Qingyuan suddenly attacked!

In one tenth of a second, the red line penetrated Zhou Tiandou’s body before he could react, followed by endless killing and extermination of life.

When half of the time had passed, A moment later, the light shone in the room, and Zhou Qingyuan was the only one standing where Zhou Tiandou was.

A drop of rich golden blood slowly floated in the air and was taken back into Zhou Qingyuan's body.

His aura rose suddenly.

The ten strong men watched this scene with interest, but did not try to stop it.

Obviously, whether in terms of strength or thought, this copy named Zhou Tiandou was obviously inferior to his original owner, so why should they go far away when the other party was unwilling?

Besides, Zhou Qingyuan was still here, so what was the difficulty in copying another one?

"So. What's your answer?"

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