I can add one every day

Chapter 253 Kill him, I will be the real one

[Copy 9527798, Gene source: Tianhe native Zhou Qingyuan. ]

Zhou Qingyuan!!!

No. 3's soul was trembling. If he had a physical body, his eyes would definitely bulge out at this time.

The two geniuses who rose at the same time in Tianshu Tiandou turned out to be this kind of twin relationship? !

As a result, No. 3 hesitated.

If he continued to grab Zhou Qingyuan's body and copy, it would undoubtedly damage his origin, and his next copy would certainly not be able to achieve the current achievements.

But, even if it grows slower, maybe it still has viable value?

The entangled No. 3 woke up everyone again.

"Tsk! What's the matter that you want to wake us up again? You are too indecisive in doing things!"

"Don't make a noise! ​​If there is no real problem, do you think I want it?"

No. 3 responded unceremoniously and told everyone the situation, which shocked everyone.

"Another one? Could it be that good and bad are interdependent, and there must be prosperity before a disaster?"

"This matter is indeed difficult to handle, no wonder you woke us up."

For a moment, everyone fell into silence.

After waking up everyone, No. 3 had an idea and said:

"Actually, this matter is simple. Call both of them together and integrate them into us.

If the original body is not sensible, capture him and use him as the raw material for the production of replicas, and continue to produce replicas and cultivate them in the Tiandou Empire.

I think even if the qualifications of the subsequent generations are not good enough, there are still some advantages."

"There is something a bit troublesome.

The replica does not want to leave the Tiandou Empire and wants to continue to compete in the Tiandou Empire. What do you think is the reason? Is he really addicted to being a beast?"

".I am afraid there is something wrong with the personality shaping. Let me see. The main personality is extreme and irritable, and the secondary personality is indecisive. Why did he set such a personality?"

"Who knows, who set the program at the beginning? Hmm? It seems to be you?"

".I don't remember, never mind, let's observe for a while. Since the replica does not want to leave, let's wait and see for a while. Maybe he can continue to become stronger in the Tiandou Empire?"

"Well, don't worry, No. 3, you continue to observe."


So it fell on me again?

Number Three responded in silence.

However, with the two people's affairs, he would not be too bored.

[Stellar Level - Perfection] +

[Stellar Level - Ultimate]

In the quiet room, Zhou Qingyuan quietly added points.

As the star level reached the ultimate state, the inner world and the outer world further merged, and now the law even lost some meaning to Zhou Qingyuan.

Because all the law powers that exist in the inner world can now act on the outer world, theoretically, he already has all the law power that can be possessed.

But the more so, the more he realized the limitations of the law power.

Opening the system panel, one by one, the ultimate law power is displayed on it, symbolizing that he can't make any progress on the road of law.

But the long river of time that appeared by chance that day clearly told Zhou Qingyuan that there must be a stronger power than the ultimate state in the way of law.

If he can explore the mystery, perhaps he will have the possibility of breaking through to the ultimate level, and even reverse time.

However, this matter is still too far away. The first thing Zhou Qingyuan has to do is to break through to the universe level.

According to what others said afterwards, Haas was a strong man close to the cosmic level.

Based on the characteristics of the other party, Zhou Qingyuan guessed that the cosmic level was to be able to control the "pace" of this world, integrate into it, and then use this trend when fighting the enemy.

This situation is vaguely similar to the law of nature, and Zhou Qingyuan is not unfamiliar with it.

Now that he has actively let go of the law of nature, he has the confidence to break through the cosmic level, and it only takes a while.

One month later, Tiandou Empire.

[300 consecutive wins!!!]

In the lounge, Zhou Qingyuan's clone, who changed his name to Zhou Tiandou, sat in the lounge and continued to exchange the newly obtained points for universal energy and inject them into his body.

Beside him, Agent Type Six bowed his head respectfully and said:

"Now there is no match for a strong man of the same realm as you, and it is meaningless for you to stay here."

"Whether it is meaningful or not, I have the final say."

Zhou Tiandou felt the increasingly powerful energy in his body and showed a bloodthirsty smile.

"But forget it, I'm a little tired of this place, it's time to go out and change the air."

But before leaving, give the world another big gift.

Zhou Tiandou looked at the audience outside the arena who were protected by layers of protection, and the corners of his mouth suddenly cracked to the deepest.

These people treated him like an animal and watched the show for so long, it's time to taste the same taste.


The next moment, 3,600 different ultimate law powers appeared in the Tiandou Empire.

The five elements of the avenue stood side by side, turning into a sky full of rosy clouds, and all those who touched were wiped out out of thin air.

The five thunders were born, hidden in the sky, and the whole starry sky changed color.

The space collapsed, and a deformed beast walked out of it.

The sword light was crisscrossed, and thousands of flying swords rose from the sky.

There were fairies playing the piano in the air, and the air of the fairy barrier was filled, charming and deadly.

Three thousand avenues were parallel, each with its own vision.

A life-and-death fight every day, plus Zhou Qingyuan's talent bonus, and the endless resources of the Tiandou Empire.

In the end, what was forged was such a monstrous creature!

As buildings collapsed and platforms burned, Zhou Tiandou laughed loudly and walked out of the arena step by step.

Only those with auras above the star level were qualified to follow him.

A closer look revealed that except for the one he killed personally, all the twelve famous kings of the Tiandou Empire followed Zhou Tiandou in submission.

In just three days, the Tiandou Empire was destroyed.

Zhou Tiandou came to the highest building of the empire and saw only a huge main brain with countless reticular nerves entangled on it, which looked very terrifying.

"Is the one who rules the empire such a boring thing?"

Zhou Tiandou's face showed a disgusted look, and the next moment the knife flashed, and the black and white air blade cut the entire main brain with the aftertaste of space collapse.

The painful hissing sound resounded here, Zhou Tiandou gently blocked his ears with one hand, and slashed again, ruthlessly ending this thing that he didn't know if it was a life.

"My Lord, what shall we do next?"

The eleven Heavenly Kings knelt before Zhou Tiandou, wishing they could lower their heads into his chest.

"Use up all the resources of this empire, and then go somewhere with me."

Zhou Tiandou swung his body casually, looking at the distant galaxy.

Tianshu Empire, where the main body is?

Zhou Tiandou had a strange smile on his face, and a look of disdain on his face.

The main body?

Kill him, I am the main body!

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