I can add one every day

Chapter 244 We have reached our limit

How much power would one of the real leaders of a special family unleash?

The people of the Azure Party felt it soon.

And they were unable to bear it.

It was like a small boat crushed by a storm and tsunami, extremely embarrassed.

All those who joined the Azure Party were closely investigated overnight, and anyone who committed a crime or acted in a borderline manner was prosecuted. The judicial process, which was extremely slow in the past, reached an unprecedented speed at this moment.

Subpoenas and arrest warrants were sent to the homes of the Azure Party members one by one.

At the same time, many people were horrified to find that the artificial intelligence alarms near their homes were manually turned off, and many unfamiliar faces appeared in all the neighborhoods.

In just three days, sixteen Azure Party members were imprisoned, and all kinds of scandals about the Azure Party, some true and some fabricated, were mixed together and flying around.

What worried them even more was that although the Damon family had not really taken action against them at this time, the strangers who wandered around their door all day long were not the most terrifying warning?

If they don't hand over Zhou Qingyuan, they may face more than just imprisonment.

On the dark web, the bounty for Zhou Qingyuan has reached an astonishing 10 million crystal coins, just to buy a piece of information about Zhou Qingyuan.

As long as someone knows where Zhou Qingyuan is and the information is true, there will be 10 million crystal coins!

With 10 million crystal coins, countless planetary-level powerhouses can be piled up, and after several years, it is very likely that one of these people will become a star-level powerhouse.

Even in the special family, the star-level is the backbone.

Haas doesn't need to do anything, just this one move, he isolated the Tianqing Party.

All the first-class families were tempted by the sky-high bounty and took action spontaneously.

In just three days, the Tianqing Party couldn't hold on.

According to the few informants they had left, those who were imprisoned were all given special care, and every day, the lynching they received would be aggravated.

It's not that there weren't people from the Tianqing Party who gathered together to file a lawsuit against the Supreme Court of Review, but it was useless.

The news was like a drop in the ocean, and there was no sound. Some people were also imprisoned for spreading rumors.

All the cruel facts are reminding the Tianqing Party that if Zhou Qingyuan is not taught out, you people will not be able to bear the anger of the Damon family.

These people who are pampered in their daily lives only discovered at this time that the usual respect for each other is just an illusion in peacetime.

When all the hypocrisy and morality are torn apart, the order of justice is broken.

When these old families who once accumulated amazing wealth by dark means really took action, those who did not grasp the essence of power were actually no different from the lambs who stayed.

On the fourth day, all the remaining Tianqing Party members who dared to act came to Paloma and Duolong together.

"If this continues, all of us will be doomed! Damn it! You must make a choice between us and that new party member!"

"Hand him over! Why do you have to go to such lengths for a newcomer? Why do we have to endure this?"

"It's simply an unprovoked disaster!"

The crowd chattered around Paloma and Doron, and the leader among them had long been sent to prison by their once close partner, the Damon family.

Leaderless, a group of first-class citizens who used to claim to be elites all lost their sense of proportion in the face of overwhelming power, no longer having the dignity of the past, only exquisite self-interest.

"Everyone, if we hand over our partners today because of the pressure from the Damon family, then what about next time? What about the next time?"

Doron's voice was old and firm, and very inspiring: "The truth is on our side, how can we bow our heads because of power?"

"Fuck you! Doron! Do you think we are three-year-old children?"

A well-dressed gentleman stepped out, but the most vulgar words came out of his mouth.

"You brought the trouble to us. We have already shown our kindness by not settling accounts with you. Now you want us to take the blame with you?

Yes, that kid has a great future, but even if he becomes an ace Tianwu, what can he do?

Can an ace Tianwu withstand the anger of the Damon family?

Do you have to drag all of us to be buried with that kid? Damn it! If it weren't too late, I would have quit the party right now!"

Doron felt a pain in his heart when he heard these words. Just when he was about to say something, he saw a familiar companion coming out.

"Doron, although it's shameful, he is right. Look at the people around you, look at us, all of us, we are already overwhelmed!"

"Xi Sa, even you."

Doron's face showed an extremely painful look, but when he looked around, he found that everyone was looking at him in a listless manner. The successive blows in the past three days seemed to stay on their faces forever, and everyone looked extremely uneasy.

Duolong's heart trembled suddenly. He turned his head subconsciously and looked at Paloma.

His wife, who always argued with him in the past, now had a very complicated expression, with guilt and heartache intertwined. Duolong even saw tears in her eyes.

At this moment, I should also have such an expression that is uglier than crying, right?

Duolong subconsciously had this thought in his heart, and fatigue swept over his body.

How should he explain to Zhou Qingyuan?

"Xiaoguang, did Zhou Qingyuan really not contact you privately?"

"Why don't you try to contact him and just say we can provide him with shelter?"

Ming Yuanguang looked at the relatives and elders who were smiling falsely, and felt angry.

When she heard that Xia from the Damon family had assassinated the teacher, she was angry and worried at first.

She didn't expect that the teacher not only did not get into trouble, but decisively killed the man, which made her feel overwhelmed.

It was just this revenge. Just by looking at the greedy faces of her family, she could guess how dangerous the teacher's current situation was.

Provide shelter to the teacher? They must be eager to cut off the teacher's head and give it to Nahas as a gift, right?

Do these people really think she is stupid?

"The teacher didn't contact me."

Ming Yuanguang responded lightly, but the others didn't believe it and asked:

"Is it true? Aren't you his favorite student? Didn't Sister Tong say that you were in love before?"

"Don't lie to us. If you delay for a long time, no one can help your lover."

"Xiaoguang, you should distinguish between family and personal feelings?"

Looking at the sincere expressions of the few people, Ming Yuanguang showed a sneer on his face and slammed the table.

"At the beginning, you asked me not to contact the teacher, and you were so angry that you wanted to sever the mother-daughter relationship with me.

Now I don't contact the teacher, but you are unwilling?

If you really want to help the teacher, withdraw the reward on the dark web!"

"How can you talk like that!"

Some people are dissatisfied with Ming Yuanguang's attitude, but Ming Yuanguang has now become a Tianwu man by his own strength, and is also a leader in the family. How can he be afraid of a mere uncle?

However, she did not lie, and the teacher did not contact him.

Thinking of this, Ming Yuanguang's heart darkened.

Even the family members thought that the teacher would ask her for help, so why didn't the teacher come to her?

Did he not want to cause trouble for himself?

Yes, he was too weak and could not help the teacher at all.

My grandfather created such a big family business with his own strength, but as his descendant, he seemed to have not inherited any of his advantages.

If I am strong enough now, maybe I can help the teacher?

Ming Yuanguang has never been so eager for power.

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