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Chapter 239 Hello, Tianwu people

"Xia, are you really willing?"

Vader stared at Siya's face. He didn't like his cousin's face. Although the skin was very good and the facial features were quite good apart from each other, when put together, they looked completely different.

He often imagined that the people under him were bright lights.

The other person's face is so delicate and perfect, fair and delicate, with moving curvature, ten thousand times better than Xia's face.

The other person's silver hair was so holy and noble. Compared with her, Shia's orange-red hair only made Wade feel old-fashioned and disgusting.

"Yes, Vader, I will help you kill him."

Shia revealed the news that Vader wanted to hear most, and his breathing could not help but become heavier. Even Shia's "ugly face" was somewhat pleasing to his eyes.

"Shia, my dear Shia!"

Vader couldn't help but stepped forward and kissed Sia's face. Sia also wanted to respond enthusiastically, but Vader stopped her.

Wade didn't want to kiss his head indirectly.

So he held down Sia's head and brought her down again.

This woman is not worthy of his sincere treatment, but she still has some value.

Vader smiled.

He has never been so powerful.

And after the evil fire in his body is released, Shia will help him solve the source of all his anger.

Zhou Qingyuan, hahahahahahaha!

At the space airport, a transport army composed of ten Tianwu people has arrived.

The 100-meter-tall black Tianwu is framed within steel bars, showing a standing posture.

Apart from the most primitive Tianwu aircraft, there is only one Tianwu aircraft with such a huge body.

Exclusive to Tianwu.

This is the ultimate weapon that can only be used by ace Tianwu who can achieve a synchronization rate of over 80%.

It can carry the power of five perfect laws at the same time, and because of its special nature, it cannot be stored in the storage space before being bound to its identity.

"Thank you for your hard work. There must have been no accidents on the way."

"No, no, who dares to touch the goods of Tianshu Heavy Industry?"

"Check it and complete the handover."

Seeing that the task was about to be completed, the captain of the Tianwu people in charge of the escort breathed out a sigh of relief and was not in a hurry to leave.

Together with the team members, they looked at the huge Tianwu that had opened the curtain for acceptance. Several people couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

"The sexy lines, the hardness of black carbon gold, the five law bearing grooves, and the nuclear crystal vibrating knife. It's just awesome. It would be great if it were mine. I don't know who is so lucky."

"Good luck? How can the Tianwu people who can achieve a synchronization rate of more than 80% be lucky?"

"Hey, by the way, I feel like I haven't been away from the empire for long. In the blink of an eye, a new ace Tianwu will be born? Which one of those six old people is it?"

"No, he is a newcomer. It is said that his talent is so good that he caused Academician Dolon and Professor Paloma to get into a fight during the awarding ceremony."

"Guigui. Are the newcomers so scary now?"

Several people were secretly stunned, and were about to continue talking about the newcomer, but suddenly they heard the captain say, "Hush! Academician Duolong is here!"

"The academician actually came in person?"

Everyone's hearts trembled as they responded quietly.

Anyone who is a Tianwu person has definitely read the works of Academician Duolong, and half of them are his disciples.

Originally, they should have only glanced at each other from a distance and bowed their heads respectfully to say hello.

But at this moment, they saw the young man in black walking side by side with Professor Doron.

The clothes are simple, but the temperament is eye-catching. Just standing there, you can't help but attract the attention of everyone present.

Walking side by side with them was Academician Dolon's wife, Emeritus Professor Ms. Paloma.

The two founders of Tianwu exchanged greetings with each other, and the identity of the young man in the middle was not revealed.

The new ace Tianwu Ren.

"What a young face!"

"Okay, shut up."

Everyone stood still and bowed their heads to Duolong who was approaching.

As the captain, Yaowu Ze took a step forward and took the initiative to act as the middleman.

"Hello, academician."

"Wu Ze, are you leading the team this time? That's fine, you did a good job."

Seeing Academician Duolong remembering him, Yaowuze felt a flash of pride in his heart and walked ahead to introduce him.

"We brought this Tianwu from the Tianwu R\u0026D base in Tianrong Star. It is 90% new and has never been used except for debugging."

"The base heard about its owner's talent and boldly dismantled the auxiliary adaptation system, which will have a certain impact on the synchronization rate.

However, if the Tianwu people's synchronization rate itself reaches the standard, then they will definitely be able to operate it more freely. "

Duolong listened to the introduction and kept nodding. "Not bad, very clever handling, just right for my students."

"Your student?" Paloma's tone was a bit sarcastic, and she subconsciously choked: "This is a student of our Azure Party, not yours alone, understand?"

Duolona's wife had no choice but to fall silent suddenly.

Yaowuze looked at his eyes, nose and heart, pretending he didn't hear anything.

After Paloma finished choking, she changed her attitude. She smiled and enthusiastically introduced this team of Tianwu people to Zhou Qingyuan, hoping to gain some connections for him.

Zhou Qingyuan was not keen on these things, but he did not lose face with the old woman and communicated respectfully.

It wasn't until he touched Tianwu's exclusive black gold shell that the smile on his face became a little more real.

Mecha is a man’s romance.

In fact, he never really understood this saying that was popular in his previous life.

But after getting in touch with Tianwu, he gradually began to experience this kind of happiness.

A man should be big, strong and fierce.

The Tianwu mecha perfectly meets the needs and imagination of men.

"Isn't it beautiful? It's an incredible creation."

Duolong stood beside Zhou Qingyuan, and seeing the smile on his face, he felt relieved.

Zhou Qingyuan's temperament was too cold. If this person was indifferent to the exclusive Tianwu, he would really be a little worried.

Paloma smiled gently at this time: "Go up and take a look. This Tianwu has preset your identity card.

After the iris is unlocked and bound to the identity, it will be your personal exclusive Tianwu."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded, and his body moved automatically without wind, and entered the cockpit.

"By the way, remember to give it a name."

The voice of the academician came from afar, and Zhou Qingyuan also had an idea in his mind.

Give it a name? It feels like raising a pet in the previous life.

As Zhou Qingyuan entered the cockpit, it was automatically sealed, and the space inside began to change. A transparent screen image appeared in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

After taking out the personal terminal to scan and compare the iris, the sleeping giant beast began to roar, and a series of lights lit up one by one. Zhou Qingyuan felt that his emotions were rising along with the lights.

[Hello, Tianwu people]

[Please give me a name]

Looking at the text on the screen, Zhou Qingyuan fell silent for a while.

He was a bad namer. The only smart tool he had used in his previous life was Xiao Ai.

For a moment, he was really a bit embarrassed.

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