I can add one every day

Chapter 234: Aspirations

‘While using the power of law, can it also help pilots master this power? ’

After a battle ended, Zhou Qingyuan was thoughtful as he looked at the Law of Fire that appeared on the system panel.

This is a very ingenious way of training, and it is extremely suitable for newcomers who have not been exposed to the way of law. It can allow those rookies to overtake in corners in a very short period of time.

It's a pity that it is of no use to Zhou Qingyuan, as his power of law has been cultivated to perfection long ago.

The path to perfection is still elusive and elusive. The long river of time he briefly saw when he first understood the law of perfect time, no matter how hard he tried, he could not realize it again.

According to his guess, it was probably because he had some affinity with the Avenue of Time that he was able to have such insights at the moment of breakthrough before.

However, this did give him some food for thought.

His previous method was to spread the power of law throughout the interior world and let the natives explore spontaneously, but the effect was not good.

The path of Tianwu is a way to make the creatures in the inner world stronger in a short period of time, which he can learn from.

If he simply builds a Tianwu and throws it in, the natives will obviously not be able to handle it. They have to wait until he masters all the basic technologies of Tianwu.

It would be a fantasy for another person to study and understand Tianwu from scratch. After all, it is the accumulation of countless people from generation to generation. Countless scientific research rookies just want to understand the complex rules of the real world from scratch and catch up with the progress. It consumes countless efforts and time, let alone surpassing it.

The current best method is to refine a large and complex project into a large number of branches, and then let dedicated people pick the branches they are good at and develop them in depth.

It's just universal experience, but it obviously doesn't apply to Zhou Qingyuan.

After that, Zhou Qingyuan spent more time going to the library.

[Introduction to Tianwu] [Tianwu Engineering] [Knowing Tianwu from Scratch] [Secrets of Tianwu]. Various books were borrowed by him. During this period, he also temporarily borrowed many collections of handwritten books with the help of his status as a special citizen Ming Yuangguang. As he continued to add points, he got to know Tianwu better and better.

"Xiaoguang, I heard about your family's affairs. You must be having a hard time recently, right?"


Ming Yuanguang looked at the handsome young man in front of him, with hesitation in his eyes.

Damon Vader is the absolute king of this Tianwu Ren Competition. Everyone believes that he will become the first place in this competition, a rising Tianwu Ren star.

Ming Yuanguang originally had a good relationship with him, but since her family was suppressed by the Richard family, she spontaneously broke off this friendship. Although Ming Yuanguang didn't mind her status, she didn't want to be looked down upon.

"I heard that you have been very close to that transfer student recently? There are some things I don't know whether to say or not." Wade showed hesitation on his face and said intermittently:

"That transfer student is always a straight-forward person. Although he has excellent grades, everyone doesn't think very well of him. You are close to such a person."

"What kind of person?"

Ming Yuanguang interrupted Wade's conversation unceremoniously, "Vide, I know what I am doing. I believe in my ability to see people. I don't want to hear slander about my friend from you again."


Looking at Ming Yuanguang's decisive departure, Wade stood there blankly, his face becoming extremely ugly. I thought that Ming Yuanguang would become docile after the Mingyuan family encountered difficulties, but unexpectedly, he became more willful and self-willed.

His original plan of waiting for Ming Yuangguang to bow to him was completely in vain, and he finally couldn't help but take the initiative to care about him.

"Zhou Qingyuan"

It was all caused by this person, who somehow bewitched Ming Yuanguang. Ming Yuanguang, who was supposed to seek help from him, ended up falling into the arms of others.

Ah! Forget it, when the Tianwu Ren Competition comes, he will personally destroy that kid and let Ming Yuanguang know who is the one she can truly rely on. But then, he will never treat her as sincerely as he does now.

Ming Yuanguang didn't know that Wade, who was quite modest and polite on the surface, had such thoughts in his heart, otherwise she might still feel guilty for bringing trouble to Zhou Qingyuan.

Although, she was not worried about Zhou Qingyuan's safety.

In the training room, White Tianwu was crumbling under the attack of Black Tianwu, but compared to the embarrassing situation three months ago, she was much more presentable at this time, and could even occasionally fight back in the gaps intentionally released by Zhou Qingyuan.


The stone sword used for practice was thrown away by the black Tianwu, drawing a dull arc in the air and slamming to the ground.

"That's it for today."

"Yes, master."

After being repeatedly "beaten" by Zhou Qingyuan in the practice room, and then being constantly crushed and rubbed by him in liberal arts, Ming Yuanguang was convinced by Zhou Qingyuan and spontaneously called the teacher.

If the teacher and I were in the same place, he would definitely be able to do countless times better than me.

Looking at Zhou Qingyuan who landed on the shuttle from Tianwu, Ming Yuanguang's eyes showed longing.

"Teacher, thank you for your hard work. Can we have dinner together later? I still have some questions I want to discuss with you."

The silver-haired girl held her hands in her hands and looked at Zhou Qingyuan carefully, waiting for his answer.

Out of the corner of his eye, Zhou Qingyuan caught a glimpse of the girl standing slightly on her tiptoes. Zhou Qingyuan felt a little funny in his heart. He had no need to eat for a long time. Except for occasionally craving for some delicious food, he hadn't eaten for a long time.

But being stared at by the girl's big, watery eyes, he finally failed to make up his mind and nodded in response: "Let's talk about it on the way."

"Okay, I've already reserved a seat."

Ming Yuanguang was the first to walk in front, his face was full of energy and bright. Zhou Qingyuan followed behind with a smile, his heart gradually becoming peaceful in such a life.

"Well, goodbye, teacher."

Ming Yuanguang bid farewell to Zhou Qingyuan and walked briskly into his house. However, he saw his mother, Ming Yuanguang, who had not yet rested, standing in her nightgown and looking at her coldly.

"Mom, haven't you rested yet?"

"My daughter is already married to a second-class citizen, how can I rest?"

Ming Yuanguang paused slightly, and his tone became colder: "That's too exaggerated. I was just discussing the issue with the teacher."

"You even called the teacher? Xiaoguang, what's wrong with you?"

A look of regret appeared on Ming Yuantong's face, and she stepped forward to hold her daughter, "What good are the second-class citizens? Is it because you have been under too much pressure recently, making you do such an abnormal thing?"

Ming Yuanguang felt uncomfortable when he heard someone slandering Zhou Qingyuan, and he frowned and shook off his mother's hand.

"Teacher is the most talented person I have ever seen. He will definitely become a Tianwu man of this class."

"What's the use of becoming a Tianwu? Fight until death to create a first-class family? You don't want the glory and wealth of the Wade family, but you choose such a wrong path?"

"Did Wade tell you?"

Ming Yuanguang saw his mother's momentum stagnate, and sighed: "Mom, my grandfather has lost power. Today's special families don't look down on us, so why should we try to cling to others?"

"I have my own choice. Besides, even if I like the teacher, the teacher may not like me."

".Do you really like him? Ming Yuanguang! Are you crazy!"

What responded to Ming Yuantong was the figure of her daughter leaving resolutely and the whirling night.

The light spots penetrated the gaps in the leaves and swayed slightly. I don't know whose heart was swaying.

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