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Chapter 23: The Ultimate Qi Condensation

Half a day later, two rubbings of Qi Condensation Methods appeared in front of Zhou Qingyuan.

[Bi Hai Chao Tian Qi Condensation Method] [Feng Juan Can Yun Qi Condensation Method]

After killing Qi Guangtai, the leader of the Kuang Sha Gang, with one sword, Xu Yong's admiration and respect for Zhou Qingyuan were no longer a matter of admiration and respect.

He was afraid of the power displayed by this kid, and felt that if the other party wanted to attack him, it would be easy to take him down.

Therefore, he became more and more obedient, and only hoped that this young master would leave quickly after obtaining the Qi Condensation Method.

In fact, Zhou Qingyuan really had no interest in anything about the Haijiang Gang.

In a world with extraordinary power, the so-called power, status, and money have lost their original meaning.

As long as there is power, these are just things that are at your fingertips.

It only took eight days for Zhou Qingyuan to perfect these two Qi Condensation Methods.

As these two Qi Condensation Methods reached perfection, plus a Qi Condensation Method that Zhou Qingyuan himself comprehended, the words representing the three Qi Condensation Methods changed again.

[Qi Condensation Method - Perfection] +

"The four ultimate realms of the four realms of body building have brought me four physical changes, copper skin, silver bones, dragon tendons and divine blood.

The ultimate Xingyiquan allowed me to cultivate internal energy and reach the state of Qi Condensation on my own.

I don't know what the ultimate Qi Condensation Method will bring me?"

Zhou Qingyuan clicked hard on the white + sign as he wished.

[Qi Condensation Method - Perfection]

As the text on the panel changed, Zhou Qingyuan's inner Qi, as vast as the sea, began to roar.

The Qi Sea, which had already reached the limit of the body's capacity, continued to rise.

Gradually, Zhou Qingyuan's face began to turn red, and he felt that his body was about to be burst by the majestic internal Qi in his body.

But he believed in the system and just calmly sensed the changes in his body without panicking.

The Qi of the Qi reached the real limit of the body at a certain moment, and when Zhou Qingyuan couldn't help but expel this Qi from his body, the Qi in his body began to change.

The liquid version of the Qi Sea turned into tiny crystals, each of which condensed a large amount of internal Qi liquid and shuttled through the Qi Sea.

This simple change alone doubled the internal Qi that Zhou Qingyuan could accommodate in his body.

Obviously, the changes after the Qi Condensation Realm are more significant than the changes brought about by the fourth stage of body forging.

The doubled internal Qi expansion made Zhou Qingyuan, whose internal Qi was already far superior to others, even more terrifying.

Now, in terms of the total amount of internal Qi, he is probably equivalent to ten Qi Condensation Realms combined.

After all, how much internal Qi a Qi Condensation Realm can have is determined to a certain extent by the attainments made in the fourth stage of body forging.

And whether Zhou Qingyuan was in the previous body forging or the later Qi Condensation Realm, he was obviously more stable than others.

"After condensing Qi, it is the realm of Qi Refining.

The method of Qi Refining has completely exceeded the scope that ordinary people can access, even those top gangs in Lujiang City do not have it."

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed. It is only a month away from the small martial arts examination. Zhou Qingyuan has achieved his goal ahead of time. It is also good to rest in the next period of time.

After that, Zhou Qingyuan began to recuperate and no longer walked around.

Since the moonlight slash ended Qi Guangtai, the Haijiang Gang, which had been prepared, directly swallowed the headquarters of the Kuangsha Gang easily.

After seeing Zhou Qingyuan's moonlight slash, many people in the Kuangsha Gang regarded him as a banished immortal and had no intention of resisting at all.

After this battle, Zhou Qingyuan was directly promoted from hall master to helmsman, and his power was equal to that of the three elders.

In fact, before Zhou Qingyuan spoke, many people in the gang had already spoken up for him and felt that the gang should set up a deputy gang leader position for him.

However, Zhou Qingyuan was not interested in these things. Power and status were like passing clouds to him. Not only that, he did not want any resources in the gang, and only took the tributes from his subordinates.

At the beginning, Xu Yong was very nervous, fearing that Zhou Qingyuan would rise up one day and lead a group of younger brothers to rebel against him.

After a long time, he found that Zhou Qingyuan really did not want anything every day. His only interest was to collect sword techniques. After that, he was relieved and worshipped Zhou Qingyuan as a big Buddha.

In fact, it was not only him, but almost everyone in the Haijiang Gang was like this.

Every gang member who had seen the sword of the exiled immortal was eager to squeeze under Zhou Qingyuan's rudder. The sword techniques that Zhou Qingyuan was interested in had long been densely placed in front of his desk, and were collected by the old servants one by one.

Now, there are two bookshelves of various sword techniques in Zhou Qingyuan's office building, with no less than a hundred books.

After hearing that Zhou Qingyuan was going to participate in the Xiaowu Examination, as the time of the Xiaowu Examination approached, more and more information about the Xiaowu Examination appeared on his desk.

It was only at this time that he knew that the Xiaowu Examination was not only about martial arts, but also about policy discussion, which accounted for 30% of the total score.

If you are from an ordinary family, you are not qualified to get involved in this. Unless you can get a good score in the top three in the final martial arts examination, you will have the hope of occupying a position.

Otherwise, the first invisible threshold will directly screen them out.

In fact, it is impossible for ordinary people to defeat those nobles in the Xiaowu Examination. This first policy discussion screens more people who have no information channels and insufficient family wealth.

Fortunately, Zhou Qingyuan is now wealthy and his status is also considered a family of gentry. It is not a problem to find a teacher to tutor him at home.

After all, the title of Xiaowu Ju was already in his pocket.

In September, Xiaowu Ju officially began.

A group of contestants who were only at the Yijin Duangu realm were no match for Zhou Qingyuan.

Sixty-four to thirty-two, thirty-two to sixteen, sixteen to eight, eight to four.

No one could last more than three seconds under Zhou Qingyuan.

Seeing a dark horse with such amazing strength suddenly appear, some people began to get anxious.

In Zhou Qingyuan's mansion, two old servants trembled and handed over a post written in human blood.

[That's it, don't say I didn't warn you]

"Find a place to throw it away, don't use this kind of thing to bother me in the future."

Zhou Qingyuan held a copy of [Dragon Sword Technique] in his hand, lying on a rocking chair and reading it casually, without any interest in the so-called blood-stained post.

"It's just a small martial arts competition held every year, but some people still take it so seriously that they even use threats."

"Master, who knows what these people will do in the next competition, so it's better to be careful."

Zhou Qingyuan nodded. The comfortable life during this period may have made him forget the dirty tricks of the nobles.

But it doesn't matter. The reason why he worked so hard to become stronger before was not to bow to anyone?

The Qi Condensation Realm is perfect, and he has the qualifications in Lujiang City.

"Calm down, let me see what other tricks those people have."

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