I can add one every day

Chapter 214: One-year period is drastically reduced

‘Are you also looking for the master of [Heavenly Principle]? ’

‘From what you said, there is already news. ’

Wan Guan showed an excited smile on his face, ‘Tell me, what is the strength of that person? Is it worth my effort? As a person from the outside world, he must have his own unique features? ’

‘Especially very special. But’

Zhang Miao deliberately kept it a secret, but when he saw Wan Guan’s expression become a little unfriendly, his heart trembled and he immediately said;

‘But he has just comprehended the treasure technique not long ago, and has not grown up yet. His current strength is only the lower satellite level. ’

When he heard that it was satellite level, it was as if a basin of cold water was poured directly from Wan Guan’s head, instantly making him lose interest and even feel a little unlucky.

Forget it, let’s talk about it later.

But he wanted to leave, but Zhang Miao didn’t want him to leave just like that. This person must join the game!

‘He has already provoked Su Mo and Ji Yin, and the two are about to attack him. It is estimated that he will not live to grow up. ’

Wan Guan paused and suddenly thought of something.

‘That is to say, if I want to protect this kid, I will face Ji Yin and Su Mo at the same time? ’

Zhang Miao showed a gentle smile on his face: ‘Yes, that’s it. ’


Where is that kid? I will protect him. Unless Qi Guiliu comes out of seclusion, no one else can touch him! ’

‘In Wanhua Forest. ’

Zhang Miao just gave the answer, and Wan Guan disappeared from the spot and hurried to Wanhua Forest.

At this time, Zhang Miao received another message from Ji Yin:

‘Forget it if you don’t say it. ’

Still the same arrogance. Zhang Miao smiled slightly. Such a beauty, let her be arrogant, he is willing to indulge her.

Moreover, if she doesn’t indulge her, how can she join the game?

‘He is in Wanhua Forest, go find him. ’

As for the fact that Meng Qianji has accepted Zhou Qingyuan and Wan Guan is also rushing there, Zhang Miao will certainly not tell her.

Among so many people, the only one Zhang Miao is sure not to bet on is not the weak Zhou Qingyuan, but Ji Yin.

‘Burn the fire more vigorously.’

‘Master of Heavenly Principle, as an outsider, can you survive in such a mess? I am looking forward to it.’

Zhang Miao muttered to himself, and sent a divine thought to Su Mo.

‘The person you are looking for is in Wanhua Forest and has been recruited by Wanhua. What are your plans?’

Su Mo, who was far away on the main star of the Su Dynasty, felt it in his heart and received Zhang Miao’s divine thought transmission, and a smile slightly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This kid is really unlucky. He just escaped from my hands for a few days, and his tracks are exposed?

What is said that the Xuantian treasure technique is not subject to the spying of fate, but he still fell into it obediently?

He then sent a message back to Zhang Miao, summoning all the planetary satellites and planetary levels to go out, and ten thousand warships began to warm up.

‘What are your plans? Of course, kill without mercy! ’

Wanhua Forest is rooted in Tianlan Star. It is a planet surrounded by emerald green vines. Nearly 90% of the interior is green, and only 10% is opened up to be used as a meeting hall.

‘This is my main planet. Most of them are children I adopted. They naturally practice my Wanhua Dao. ’

Back to her home venue, Meng Qianji's smile became more sincere. It can be seen that she likes it here very much.

Zhou Qingyuan walked on the planet, strolled among the vegetation, looked at the strange-looking creatures attached to it, and clearly felt the soul fluctuations from them, as if he had realized something.

These people. All of them are transformed from people.

But compared with Meng Qianji's methods, their changes are much simpler and more straightforward, lacking souls.

‘These are children who have just started to practice the Wanhua Dao. I let them simulate other creatures, constantly lengthen the simulation time and then wake them up, so that they can feel the way of change in this way. ’

Meng Qianji's eyes were bright, ‘My dream in this life is to let everyone master the Wanhua Dao! ’

Zhou Qingyuan’s eyebrows twitched slightly, and he became interested.

‘Isn’t Wanhua the Xuantian Treasure Technique? I thought the Xuantian Treasure Technique was unique to everyone. ’

Meng Qianji nodded and said, ‘It is unique. But since the Xuantian Treasure Technique was originally understood by us, I don’t think other people can’t learn it.

I share my experience with them and help them develop a systematic learning plan. At present, several of my disciples have already got three points of my essence.

I believe that sooner or later, all this will bear fruit. ’

Zhou Qingyuan was infected by Meng Qianji, and his heart was also relieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

This destined person seems to be normal, not all of them are like Su Luo, who is like a psychopath.

‘Do you need my help? ’

‘What you have to do now is to become stronger first. If I need your help, I will not hesitate to ask. ’

Meng Qianji, who was walking in front and leading the way, suddenly turned his head and smiled at Zhou Qingyuan, ‘After all, you are now equivalent to my subordinates. You should call me Master Lin like them. ’

‘Yes, Master Lin. ’

Zhou Qingyuan sat in his own villa, feeling somewhat peaceful.

But he heard from Wanhua that a treasure master named Zhang Miao was looking for him, which made him a little alert.

According to the information given by Meng Qianji, he already understood the level of his strength in this galaxy.

The other party thought he was in the outer scene realm and compared his strength to the lower satellite level. This kind of strength cannot be said to be common in the Tianhe system, but it is indeed not small, and it is neither good nor bad.

Zhou Qingyuan, who has already entered the inner world, is actually already at the middle level of the satellite. With the continuous evolution of the inner world, he will soon climb to the upper level of the satellite.

But this is far from enough.

He was forced to provoke one of the strongest people in this planet.

‘Su Mo. The lower level of the planet is equivalent to the immortal realm of the ancient god.’

‘You must break through to the immortal realm described in the Star Refining Art in the shortest possible time.’

Zhou Qingyuan’s smile disappeared, and he sat cross-legged and practiced the law of time with all his strength.

Other laws must be put aside. He must raise the law of time as soon as possible in a short period of time to accelerate the evolution of the inner world.

When the inner world can provide him with enough energy, this inner world will be completed.

The current three-fold acceleration speed is too slow.

At least it must be increased to a hundred times or a thousand times! With his own practice and the extra points before midnight, Zhou Qingyuan's law of time rapidly improved in his heaven-defying understanding, and it was synchronized with the development of the inner world.

It was at this time that he discovered that the evolution of the inner world was actually the best way to comprehend the law of time.

In this way, his speed could be further improved!

While Zhou Qingyuan was practicing with all his strength, the one-year period had been shortened to only the last seven days.

Su Mo summoned the strong men from all the planets and decided to fight Wan Hua with real swords and guns to kill Zhou Qingyuan!

‘It just so happens that we haven’t fought for a long time, so let’s use this as an excuse to have some fun.’

Su Mo sat in the battleship, looking at the vast space, feeling comfortable.

At the same time, Ji Yin, Wan Guan, and Zhang Miao, the three of them had already set out.

Their goals all pointed to one place!

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