I can add one every day

Chapter 211: Transformation of the Inner World

In the vast space, Meng Qianji's figure suddenly appeared. His figure had transformed into a cold man with a tear mark on the corner of his eye. He was tall and strong.

Although there are some differences between her face and Zhou Qingyuan's, her overall temperament is almost the same as Zhou Qingyuan's, and even her thoughts are beginning to be closer to Zhou Qingyuan's, and even her divine powers have been imitated by 20%.

In fact, if Zhou Qingyuan had not understood the Xuantian Treasure Technique at this time, I am afraid that all his magical powers would have been imitated by Meng Qianji.

Meng Qianji's ultimate goal is to one day cultivate the Way of Ten Thousand Transformations to the extreme, so that while imitating others, he can also perfectly copy or even surpass the other person's principles.

However, this technique is not without limitations. Once the Wanhua effect is lifted, no matter what insights Meng Qianji gained during the Wanhua period, most of them will eventually be drained away like quicksand in her hand, leaving only a very small part to be absorbed by her. absorb.

This is exactly how she practices the Way of All Transformations.

If Zhou Qingyuan learned about this, he would probably sigh at the magic of Xuantian's magic.

How can these destined people who have been immersed in this way for a long time be able to exert such a powerful effect and imitate everything including a person's personality, appearance, and thoughts?

But if it is just an ordinary transformation technique, how can it be called one of the top ten treasure arts?

There is indeed a reason to take the name Xuantian.

‘Well, is this a newly born magic? It's such a strange feeling, everything has a premonition, it seems to be similar to the magic of fate? ’

Following the inner inspiration, Meng Tianji subconsciously took a step and came to an unfamiliar area. In front of him was a planet covered in yellow.

‘This is the material world [I] was in before? ’

Meng Qianji replaced Zhou Qingyuan's mood and thoughts, and looked up into the void.

'Su Mo predicted my existence in advance through the destiny magic, so he came to intercept me. If I escaped, the next thing I would do would be to find a place to heal my wounds and practice. ’

‘Where will I go? ’

Meng Qianji consciously operated the 20% of the art of heavenly principles, followed the inner inspiration, moved a large distance again, and finally stopped in front of a planet that had lost most of its vitality.

‘The traces of the Star Refining Technique? Yes, I need the energy of a planet to recover from my injury. No, I am not necessarily injured, but even so, it is good to refine the subsequent energy. ’

‘The ancient gods’ lineage’s cultivation methods are really rough. It’s impossible for this planet to recover without ten thousand years of effort.

If Destroyer Star saw it, he would have to do something else. ’

But Meng Qianji suddenly became confused.

She felt that [I] seemed to be able to use the energy of the planet to practice.

This Zhou Qingyuan actually has such terrifying abilities?

Meng Qianji vaguely guessed why Zhang Miao used up the last chance for her to take action.

This person may indeed have investment value. Zhang Miao, who has practiced the [Zongheng] technique, will definitely establish diplomatic relations with him.

In order to confirm the conjecture in his heart, Meng Qianji found an unowned planet again. The yellow light in his hand shone and gradually covered the entire planet.

She actually relied on the Art of Ten Thousand Transformations to forcibly perform the Star Refining Technique that only the Ancient God Clan has mastered!

If Teng Luo were here, he would probably only feel pain on his face. The so-called secrets and pride of the ancient gods seem to have become a joke in the face of super-standard magical powers such as Xuantian Baoshu.

Two hours later, Meng Qianji had just refined the energy of the entire planet, leaving only the last bit of vitality for it to recover.

This speed is much slower than Zhou Qingyuan's quarter of an hour.

Meng Qianji looked at the huge ball in front of him, followed his inner inspiration, and copied all Zhou Qingyuan's actions at that time.


She looked at the imperfectly purified white energy ball in her hand and fell into speechless silence.

Now she has mastered at most 20% of Zhou Qingyuan's legal rules, and she has refined such a thing. If I were to do it myself, how far could it be achieved?

Meng Qianji had a terrible suspicion in his mind.

Is it possible that [I] can rely on this method to practice like crazy?

Yes, according to Su Mo, this person is only at the lower level of the satellite level, but [my] mentality does not pay attention to the difficulty of improving the realm, because I can quickly improve through the Star Refining Art at any time?

Strange, why is [I] still in such a calm mood even though it's like this, and don't take it seriously at all?

Is there anything missing?

Meng Qianji's face resembled Zhou Qingyuan's, slightly frowning, and his expression gradually became serious.

‘[I] am now at the lower level of the satellite level. If I swallowed the white energy of a planet, I must have been promoted.

As long as no one restricts me, [I] will definitely be able to reach the upper satellite level in a very short period of time.’

‘Buzz. ’

In the silent vibration of the air, Meng Qianji transformed into a soft and beautiful woman, and her heart was extremely shocked.

If she doesn't move faster, by the time she finds him, he may have already gained momentum.

Transforming into Zhou Qingyuan again, Meng Qianji used all his magical power to set off quickly, following his inner guidance.

She had to admit that she was interested in this outsider. If she could better understand this person's enhanced effect, she might gain much more than if she imitated 10,000 people!

‘What planet is this? ’

‘The tenth one. ’

On the ruined planet, Zhou Qingyuan sat cross-legged, with a white energy ball floating quietly in his hand.

And he had three such energy balls in his hand at this time.

‘I can feel that these are the last three. When I absorb the energy of these three planets, the evolution of the world in my body will end. ’

While absorbing energy into his body, Zhou Qingyuan opened the system panel and checked them one by one.

[Law of Chaos - Minor Success (Fourth Heaven)]

[Law of Power - Minor Success (Eighth Heaven)]

Two days have passed. He used two points-adding opportunities on the Law of Chaos and the Law of Power, and advanced to the next heaven again.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to continue adding points on a single law, but because of the realm limit, the Law of Power has temporarily reached the upper limit in the eighth heaven, so he was assigned to the Law of Chaos.

Although the outer scene can also enter the inner scene by adding points, Zhou Qingyuan’s [cognition] of the evolution of the world is not enough, so he can only use this conventional practice method to break through the inner scene.

Although this conventional method is like a rocket in the eyes of ordinary people,

As for what rules to add to his inner world and what kind of appearance it would evolve into, Zhou Qingyuan had reached a conclusion in his communication with Teng Luo.

‘Is the world you are talking about really worthwhile? Otherwise, just do as I did and evolve a civilization of immortals. You will surely be able to make them even more powerful. ’

‘No, I have thought it through. I even gave this world a name. ’

‘What name? ’

‘Global High Martial Arts. ’

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