I can add one every day

Chapter 208 It’s not the law that is weak, it’s you

‘What does the Aegis of Power mean? ’

Zhou Qingyuan looked calm and pointed at the gray light film covering his body. He can feel the protection of this light film on him, and it can continue to strengthen as the law of force improves, but that's it.

'That's right, this is a protective feature that can only be acquired by cultivating the Law of Power to a high level. You actually... just stepped into the real world.'

Teng Luo seemed to have thought of something and was speechless.

Yes, it's not surprising what happened to Zhou Qingyuan, why doesn't he understand?

The opponent, who is only at the ninth level of Tiantian, can escape from the hands of the inner scene or even the immortal strongman who masters the Xuantian treasure technique. If it were him, he would have died a long time ago.

It's just that Teng Luo's lack of confidence in the law of power has become more and more. Zhou Qingyuan didn't rely on the law of force to escape from death. With so many ways to deal with the enemy, where was the need for the law of force?

I'm afraid that for the other party, this achievement and progress, which he considers extremely remarkable, are just done casually.

Zhou Qingyuan didn't know Teng Luo's thoughts, but he did have many methods and was never limited to a single ability.

What he is most interested in is how to improve his realm. After reaching the realm, his outstanding talent will clear all technical obstacles for him, and people of the same realm cannot be his opponents. What we have to do now is to step into the inner scene or even the immortal realm as quickly as possible, so that we can fight against Nasu Mo.

Even though the destiny has been fulfilled, he still feels that his destiny has been shaken and cannot be reversed.

He and Na Su Mo will inevitably meet again within a year. Even if he cowers here motionless, there is a chance that the other party will find him.

The last time was just because the other party was not prepared enough. I didn't expect that he could use the law of chaos so well, and he could perfectly separate and transmit the soul in an instant. The next time we meet, the other party will definitely lay out a dragnet.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingyuan frowned slightly.

So insecure!

You have to practice quickly, at least step into the inner scene and have the possibility to resist this person, or beat him to death in one go!

Zhou Qingyuan exhaled, forced himself into a calm state, closed his eyes and meditated.

The next day, Zhou Qingyuan opened his eyes and opened the system panel again. Without hesitation, he continued to add points.

【Exterior Scene-Second Ladder】+

[Exterior Scene - The Third Ladder]

Similar to the domain power that was born in the Immortal Realm before, it reappeared, covering Zhou Qingyuan's body surface with the law of power, and the gray light became thicker. This step should be for those who have not refined the power of the law to a small degree. Protection of oneself.

His vigor and spiritual power have increased by 30% again, and he has gained a little more understanding of the law of power, but there is still something left to achieve a breakthrough.

Zhou Qingyuan closed his eyes and practiced meditation again.

At this moment, Teng Luo's voice sounded again. He had long been accustomed to being numb to Zhou Qingyuan's abnormal breakthrough speed. At this time, he wanted to say something else.

‘Zhou Qingyuan, are you comprehending the law of force? ’

Zhou Qingyuan didn't open his eyes and responded calmly: 'Yes, do you have something you want to tell me? ’

‘Have you guessed it? ’

Teng Luo's voice revealed a hint of loneliness, and he took the initiative to say to Zhou Qingyuan: 'Do you want to change the rules to understand? ’

Zhou Qingyuan opened his eyes and frowned slightly, not understanding what Teng Luo meant. 'Why? ’

Teng Luo thought about it and finally made the suggestion. Now that he had started it, he no longer held it back and threw out all the thoughts in his mind.

‘Now I feel that the Ancient God Clan is on the wrong path. The power of the Law of Power is too single, and it is also straight forward when dealing with enemies. Maybe you should practice in another law. ’

‘Look, although the Ancient God’s training system has a bonus to the law of force, it doesn’t mean we have to practice this law, right? ’

'stop. ’ Zhou Qingyuan called Teng Luo to stop. At this time, the other party’s voice was full of unconfidence, and he had long lost the arrogance of being a member of the ancient god clan.

‘You mean, you think the Law of Power is too weak and not worth spending time to understand? ’

‘.Yes, that’s what I mean. Although I don’t want to admit it, if our family practiced other laws, maybe we wouldn’t have been massacred by that crazy woman. ’

‘So this is what you’ve been thinking about these days? The enemy is ahead, so I kind of admire your optimism. ’

Zhou Qingyuan closed his eyes again and his voice sounded slowly. ‘Since you mentioned it, let me be more straightforward. ’

‘I will never give up practicing the Law of Power. Since I have the blessing of the ancient god’s lineage of cultivation system, why not practice? ’

‘Besides.’ The laws of Zhou Qingyuan’s body energy flowed around him, and he vaguely seemed to have touched the next threshold. ‘In my opinion, it is not the law of force that is weak, but you. ’

The belief is revealed with the words, the powerful hegemonic thoughts reflect the power of the soul, and the law of power gradually strengthens with Zhou Qingyuan's words.

‘If you can cultivate the law of power to an advanced stage, to a level that is unprecedented and unprecedented, how can you be killed by a character who doesn’t know where you came from and run away in embarrassment? ’

The next moment, the aura in Zhou Qingyuan's body surged again, the gray haze on his body solidified again, and the information on the system panel changed accordingly.

[Law of Power-Xiaocheng (Second Heaven)]

Without relying on the added power of the system, he actually broke through the second level of the outer world and relied on his own strength to make another breakthrough in the power of the law in one day.

Teng Luo was speechless again when he saw Zhou Qingyuan like this, and fell into a long silence.

He felt ashamed of his hesitation.

Even an outsider believed in the power of the law of force so much, and climbed at a great speed on this path, but he was shaken unconsciously?

The other party could represent the ancient gods better than him!

Time passed bit by bit.

358 days before the one-year deadline, Zhou Qingyuan opened his eyes again underground and opened the system panel.

Now his strength has increased exponentially.

[Xuantian Treasure Technique (Heavenly Principle)-Introduction]

[Outer Scenery-Fourth Ladder]

[Chaos Law-Minor Success (Third Heaven)]

[Time Law-Introduction (Sixth Heaven)]

[Law of Force-Minor Success (Sixth Heaven)]

Among them, the outer scene realm came to an end at the fourth ladder, and Zhou Qingyuan began to breed the law and principles in his body, gradually evolving towards the real heaven and earth.

When this world becomes a world of its own, it is time for him to step into the inner scene realm.

Now, every move he made had great power, and his spirit was becoming more and more full. At the same time, the law of force was raised to the sixth level of minor success through self-cultivation, and now it is his strongest means.

The law of chaos also climbed to the level of the next level under the realm improvement, but Zhou Qingyuan left the law of time there and had no time to take care of it for the time being.

'Although I can still practice and add some time law, there is no need to be slow.

It's time to use this ultimate version of the Refining Star Technique! '

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