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Chapter 199: One person's success brings prosperity to the whole family

"Bet? Great!"

Teng Luo immediately became interested when he heard that Zhou Qingyuan wanted to bet. He was worried about how to build a good relationship with Zhou Qingyuan, a promising new ancient god, and it would be best to be tied to him. Isn't this bet the best opportunity?

"Tell me, what is the bet? It's no fun to bet without a bet."

"If I lose, you can say anything." Zhou Qingyuan smiled elegantly, "I can't lose at all."

Okay, confidence is good! You don't know how difficult it is to practice the ninth level of stepping on the sky!

There are no planets that can be refined in this world to serve as energy. Zhou Qingyuan's practice speed must be sharply reduced. Even if he is very talented, he will waste countless time!

"Okay, as long as you can enter the ninth level of stepping on the sky within a hundred years, you win! Tell me, what will you do to me if you win?"

Hundred years? Zhou Qingyuan's smile widened again, and he couldn't help laughing and said, "I don't want you to do anything."

"But when you lose, you must remember that you will always owe me one, Teng Luo, you just need to remember this."

"How can this be possible?" Teng Luo was dissatisfied at the moment, "Do you think I am a villain who can't afford to lose? State the actual conditions, and I will accept them no matter what."

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head and couldn't help saying, "Forget it, I'm afraid you will think that I deliberately designed to harm you, which will cause you to be dissatisfied."

"What should I be dissatisfied with?" Teng Luo's doubtful voice sounded, but Zhou Qingyuan's attention had quietly shifted.

In front of him, the system panel that only he could see quietly emerged.

[Refining Star Art-Minor Success]+

[Stepping on the Sky Realm-Second Stage]+

Then let's give the "Ancient God Lord" from the real world a little spiritual shock.

Zhou Qingyuan's face was full of smiles, and he gently clicked on the silver plus sign after the second stage of stepping on the sky.

"Hey, why are you ignoring me in the middle of a conversation? I'm not saying that you have a problem of disrespecting people." If Teng Luo had a physical body, his face would definitely look like he had seen a ghost. "You have broken through!!!"

Teng Luo's voice almost roared in Zhou Qingyuan's mind, making him uneasy.

"Don't make a fuss. Lord Ancient God has been traveling around the world in the real world for so many years. Shouldn't he be accustomed to all kinds of situations?"

"The bet we made just now is for a hundred years, right?"

"That's right."

"." Teng Luo was silent.

I'm so stupid, really.

I know that he is a monster that cannot be guessed by common sense, but I always use old concepts to guess him. I actually compared the cultivation speed of the genius disciples in the clan with him!

I'm so stupid, really.

Teng Luo also felt guilty at this time. Why did Zhou Qingyuan have such a frivolous attitude when talking about the bet. No wonder the other party was unwilling to make the bet clear.

For the other party, this is clearly a winning bet.

Forget it, seeing that the other party is in a good mood, his goal has been initially achieved.

As for the bet? He will naturally keep it in mind.

However, with the outstanding talent shown by Zhou Qingyuan, Teng Luo has no confidence in whether he can repay this person.

The entire Yunhaitian is very large, so large that even if Zhou Qingyuan takes action personally, he cannot solve all the disaster beasts in a short time.

But it doesn’t matter, he didn’t intend to be a nanny for those people. More often, he just does it casually out of interest, just as a pastime outside of cultivation.

And those disaster beasts are also quite durable, which is more suitable for him to experiment with various new ideas and ideas.

For the people in Yunhaitian, although Zhou Qingyuan did not help them completely solve this problem, with Zhou Qingyuan as a guarantee, they have no worries.

After all, when things become irreversible, Zhou Qingyuan will still take action.

So what else do they have to worry about?

At the same time, Zhou Qingyuan had already brought a large number of "believers" from the Changsheng Realm to Yunhaitian, helping them to quickly step into the path of divine thoughts and quickly spread among various forces.

These people are all the most outstanding figures in the Changsheng Realm, and many of them have ascended from the Zhuri Xiuxian Realm to the Changsheng Realm, and they have also adapted very well to the existence in the Changsheng Realm.

Not long after arriving in Yunhaitian, they immediately burst out with unprecedented potential and grew up rapidly under Zhou Qingyuan's great cultivation.

Gradually, the focus of people in this world began to shift from internal struggles to the struggle with disaster beasts, and the trend of cultivation prevailed.

It's sad to say. Although the threat of disaster beasts is like the sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's head, it will completely erupt in hundreds of years. Despite this, they can only see the immediate benefits and are good at internal struggles.

Some people were even so bold as to attack the seed personnel in the lower world promoted by Zhou Qingyuan, but he noticed them in an instant, took them one by one, and grabbed a large plant at a time, uprooting all the pests.

Since all those who knew about it were ordered to keep silent, Zhou Qingyuan deliberately carried out a sting operation and massacred many medium-sized forces. He also dealt with nearly 10% of the total number of people in the most popular Confucian school.

"Kong Er, if you can't do these things well, then let someone else do it." In front of all the elders of the Kong family, Zhou Qingyuan patted the once arrogant Nine Heavens Nianzhe with his scabbard with disdain. "But I think your Confucian lineage can also be disbanded."

"Master Daojun, please give me three days, and all the people involved must be brought to you."

"Shuiyun, you follow up on this matter."

"Yes, Master Daojun."

After Zhou Qingyuan led the people from the lower world to this world, his legendary experience swept across the entire Yunhaitian like the wind, much faster than the speed of spreading in the virtual world.

Now, the title of Wanfa Daojun has become a consensus among everyone.

Zhou Qingyuan noticed this at first, but didn't care, but Teng Luo spoke at the right time and gave him a suggestion.

"You have a large number of believers in the Changsheng World and the Zhuri World. I see that in the Changsheng World, there is almost a sculpture of you in every town, and your experience is sung everywhere.

In fact, you should take advantage of this. When you get to the real world, you can take another system, the belief system."

"Since it can't be used now, let's wait until the real world."

The two of them naturally saved the truth that they could not chew too much. For Zhou Qingyuan, the diverse systems are just like using stones from other mountains to polish jade, but they are just used to break through bottlenecks and provide inspiration.

Before he had completed one system, he wanted to advance multiple systems at the same time. He was not so arrogant.

Teng Luo had only mentioned it casually. Seeing that Zhou Qingyuan knew what was going on, he did not say anything more about it.

"Hey, it's snowing." Zhou Qingyuan walked out of the Taoist temple and reached out to catch a large ball of light snow. "Strange, it looks like cotton wool."

"By the beginning of next spring, I should be at the ninth level of the Heavenly Stepping Stage, right?"

Looking at the snowball in his hand, Zhou Qingyuan smiled slightly.

Teng Luo's soul floated beside Zhou Qingyuan, and he also felt a long-lost sense of tranquility.

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