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Chapter 196 Is there really such a person in the world?

Following Zhou Qingyuan's action, Yuan Jing immediately prepared for battle, and at the same time, his mind quickly communicated with all the fellow disciples of the Mesozoic era in the Eighth Heaven behind him.

'Attack together, form the Brahma Wheel Array, quickly! '

The crowd was not prepared yet, and did not understand why the host was making such a big fuss, nor did they understand why the young man from that sect suddenly wanted to attack them.

The next moment, Yuan Jing's mind had become the main carrier, quickly pulling and connecting everyone's mental power together, and the strength directly climbed from the Ninth Layer Six to the Ninth Layer Seven!

In the virtual world, the solemn Buddha holding a Zen stick stood upright, ready for battle.

Chongxu followed behind Zhou Qingyuan, with a worried look on his face, wondering why the disciple suddenly became so impulsive?

He had just entered the Ninth Heaven, how could he be the opponent of all the people in Buddhism combined?


Thunder was born in the virtual world, and a Chaos Sword that pulled thunder quickly formed in black and white, and the law was intertwined.

Before the Buddha could make any move, the blade with chaotic colors trembled slightly, and the next moment it disappeared between heaven and earth.

The black and white sword intertwined with thunder traveled in the virtual world, and the star power that could occupy a place even in the real world completely devoured this virtual world.

If the disaster beast was the dilemma that Yun Haitian was destined to face in the future, then the chaotic sword that disappeared in everyone's perception at this moment was the catastrophe they could not survive today!

The boundary between light and darkness appeared in the middle of everyone's mind, and a clear and transparent line ran through the bodies of all the bald monks here, regardless of their high or low realm, age, or what kind of adventures and magical powers they possessed.

The divine thoughts that everyone was proud of were shattered under such a heavenly blow. First, the mental power was easily split into two halves, followed by the flesh, and then everything involved, even the back-hand life-saving means laid out 100,000 miles away, also cracked and collapsed together.

Everything melted away silently, and no one even had time to scream.

Even Yuan Jing, the strongest among the crowd, only managed to hold on for a moment longer under the principle of light and darkness.

At the end of his life, Yuan Jing's mind was full of flashes.

He had been practicing hard since he was young, and when he left the temple, he was the leader of the contemporary generation. He and Kong Er and Chongxu dominated the younger generation and were very popular.

Chongxu was frivolous, Kong Er was rigid, but he was the only one with a pure glass heart. He would definitely make it to the end among the three of them!

But why did Chongxu, who disliked practicing the most, easily surpass the two of them and truly become the first in that sect? Why did his cultivation level become like a drop in the ocean after entering the Ninth Heaven, without any movement?

The strong unwillingness and resentment made him study the way of mind seeding. At the risk of schizophrenia, he kept devouring the divine thoughts of others. He finally surpassed Chongxu, and successfully devoured the divine thoughts of his master in the previous incident.

It should be him who will rule the Yunhai genius in the future, right?

How could this happen?

Where did this person come from? Damn God, is he playing tricks on me?

Even at the last moment before his death, Yuan Jing still couldn't get rid of it, his eyes were red and he wanted to roar to the sky.

He was unwilling! He had obviously reached the top! Why did such a person suddenly appear? !

Fifteen breaths later, the vision of light and darkness disappeared, and no creature stood in the virtual world.

The darkness and light and shadow that covered the sky and the sun began to slowly fade away.

At this moment, on the high platform where everyone was at the ceremony, all the Buddhist disciples who came to participate had disappeared on the spot, as if they were swallowed up.

Zhou Qingyuan launched an attack from the virtual world, and instantly destroyed everyone's spirit and material existence together. To other people who were not at a high level, it was as if a gust of wind blew and everyone disappeared.

Silently, so terrifying.

The whole audience was silent, and there was no sound.

It was such a terrifying and hot scene, but no one dared to speak. It was as if this place had become a haunted place. If anyone opened his mouth, they would be taken away instantly.

In the suffocating atmosphere, Chongxu, who was halfway through transmitting his thoughts to Zhou Qingyuan, was stunned in place. Even if he sensed Zhou Qingyuan's methods in the virtual world, he could not understand what was happening in front of him.

He had just stepped into the ninth level, why did he have such power? The methods he used were not our Yun Haitian's methods.

Who taught him? Who is he.

"What did you do!" Kong Er looked at the large empty space in front of him, staring at Zhou Qingyuan in disbelief, shaking all over, including his thoughts.

He had lived for thousands of years, and had never seen such a scene. Wasn't this person Chongxu's new disciple? It was indeed a scam! This person must be a master who returned from the starry sky from the Shinto Palace!

Starry sky! Starry sky! The method above the sky is so powerful? Hundreds of high-level mind masters, together with Yuan Jing, a top ninth-level strongman, had their mind formation set up. Not only was it broken in an instant, but the aftermath also wiped out everyone in one breath? !

"What do you mean by you?" Zhou Qingyuan raised a mind knife transformed from his spirit and pointed it at Kong Er. "Submit, or die. Make a choice for you and the disciples behind you."

"I" Kong Er trembled even more violently. For the first time, he realized that he was so unwilling to die.

"Wait, Qing Qingyuan," Chongxu hurriedly stopped Zhou Qingyuan, hesitating in his words. Does such a strong man deserve to be called by his first name? Such a person is actually his disciple?

Who would believe it?

Even if the masters and the others come back, they will praise my declining joke skills, right?

At this time, Kong Er once again looked back at the clean and empty land where Yuan Jing was before, and fully understood what was going on.

The newly recruited disciples of Chongxu who were about to participate in the Nianzhe Ceremony wiped out all the elites brought by Buddhism! Destroy all the Buddhism he bet on!

"I am willing to serve you as my master, and please give our disciples a way out."

Without hesitation, Kong Er knelt down on his knees in front of Zhou Qingyuan and knocked him down hard.

The disciples and disciples behind Kong Er watched this scene and felt something was stuck in their throats. They could not say anything and just stared blankly at the handsome young Taoist.

Are there really people in the world who are so contrary to common sense?

"very good."

Seeing Kong Er kowtow in submission, Zhou Qingyuan nodded indifferently, and then with a wave of his mind, everyone above the seventh level of the sky was pulled by him and flew together.

"Follow me to destroy the Buddha Kingdom, clear away all resources, and then I will take you to defeat the scourge of the virtual world."

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