I can add one every day

Chapter 18 Bone Forging Perfection

"You are worthy of being called a good citizen?"

Faced with Chen Qinghe's accusation, all past memories emerged, and Zhou Qingyuan's anger was suddenly ignited.

If he had not come here as a slave, if these people had not treated slaves so contemptuously, why would he fight with others for his life?

He might not be a good citizen, and he did have some sins of killing, but it was not the turn of Chen Qinghe, who was born with everything going smoothly, to accuse him.

"I want to ask the Lord of the Mansion, if you were a slave, what could you do in this world?"

"Of course, I would work diligently for my master, reproduce offspring, and repay my master."

"What a diligent worker, what a repayer of my master."

Zhou Qingyuan laughed angrily, stared at Chen Qinghe, and said fluently:

"Why are some people born to be clothed in fine clothes and eat delicious food, and regard the lives of servants as playthings?

And some people are born to be slaves, doing the most humble and arduous work every day, and even so, they can't even have a full meal, and often have to be whipped, living a precarious life.

Slaves are obviously the hardest-working people in the world, why can't they get any change after their efforts?

Are slaves born to be humble?

Are kings, princes, generals and ministers born noble?

Is this fair?"

Zhou Qingyuan spoke faster and faster, his words were urgent, and he stared straight at Chen Qinghe with bright eyes.

"Hahahahahahahaha, well said, this dynasty has long been terminally ill."

In the cell at the deepest part of the prison, a white-haired old man laughed heartily and clapped his hands continuously.

Faced with Zhou Qingyuan's questioning, Chen Qinghe, who always claimed to be well-read, was speechless at this moment and didn't know how to respond.

He was taught since childhood that the king was noble and the people were light. Everyone he came into contact with told him that slaves were the most humble species, with dirty blood flowing in their bones, and people who came into contact with them would even become corrupt in their thoughts.

He never thought that there were actually slaves who could say such words? He subconsciously wanted to open his mouth to refute, but was shocked to find that if he really wanted to reason instead of overwhelm the other party with power, he couldn't say a word.

Chen Qinghe stayed in prison with Zhou Qingyuan for three hours, and no one knew what they communicated.

On the third day of Zhou Qingyuan's imprisonment, a jailbreak occurred in the prison.

The white-haired old man who was imprisoned in the deepest part of the prison walked out calmly with the support of a group of people.

"My friend, the weak have no right to speak, let alone the right to change their fate. If one day you come out of prison, you can come to Kangcheng to find me."

Without asking the old man for help, Zhou Qingyuan just asked a question lightly: "Does Kangcheng have a method above the fourth level of body forging?"

The white-haired old man looked at Zhou Qingyuan with a little surprise, nodded and said: "Yes, as long as you can come."

After that, he didn't look back and strode away.

Chen Qinghe's late figure appeared in the prison, looking anxious.

In the past three days, Zhou Qingyuan's previous words have been constantly echoing in his mind, and his long-solidified thoughts have been greatly challenged.

When he calmed down, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that Zhou Qingyuan was right, and an inexplicable emotion emerged in his heart, which he couldn't say and couldn't find the answer.

Until he heard about the prison being robbed just now, he, who had been pampered since childhood, suddenly realized that this emotion in his heart was the guilt of the lucky ones towards the unfortunate ones.

After confirming that Zhou Qingyuan was still in prison, Chen Qinghe sighed with mixed feelings.

"Okay, stop chasing, everyone go back to their respective posts."

After dismissing everyone, Chen Qinghe opened the prison door, did not close it, sat down next to Zhou Qingyuan, exhaled, and said slowly:

"I have been thinking about what you said these days, and I have to admit that you are right.

There are so many simple truths, I have lived for so long without realizing them, I just think everything is taken for granted.

I have read the books of sages since I was a child, and the books only taught me how to be loyal to the monarch and protect the people, which made me forget that slaves are also people."

Chen Qinghe looked at Zhou Qingyuan, his expression serious: "I want to ask you one last question, no matter what your answer is, I will let you go today."

He untied Zhou Qingyuan The shackles on his hands, with expectation on his face, said:

"Since you know that the life of a slave is difficult, is there a solution? If so, I am willing to help you with all my strength as the prefect, and we will start to change from this Pengcheng."

Zhou Qingyuan shook his head and said lightly:

"Slaves are lowly, this is the consensus of the world. What can be changed by relying on your and my strength alone? It's just a death wish."

Chen Qinghe looked disappointed and sighed:

"I thought you had some insights, but it turns out you are just a person who cherishes your life?"

"Who can resonate with the cry of ants? When I am invincible one day, I may try to change all this."

Zhou Qingyuan looked calm, and his words revealed a firm strength. As for what Chen Qinghe thought, he didn't care.

The Earthly Evil Bone Forging Art has been perfected. It will take another day for him to enter the perfect state of bone forging. This prison can't hold him.

Even if Chen Qinghe doesn't let him go, he has plenty of ways to leave here.

Chen Qinghe sighed. He thought he had met a life confidant who could enlighten him, but he didn't expect that he was just a selfish person who focused on preserving himself.

"Just think that I misjudged you. Go away."

Zhou Qingyuan opened his mouth, thought for a while and said:

"When I have enough power one day, I will try to change the world, but before that, I need some time."

Chen Qinghe thought Zhou Qingyuan was just joking and shook his head and said, "You are in the Bone Refining Realm, aren't you afraid of slipping your tongue when you say such things?

Do you know that above the four realms of body refining are the three realms of true qi, and above the three realms of true qi is the realm of breaking orifices?

As a poor person with no resources, it is hard to say whether you can reach those realms in your lifetime, let alone surpass them.

Moreover, these methods are just the methods left by the aristocratic families. Some residues left.

If you have seen the people of the aristocratic family, you will understand that they are not the same species as us. "

Speaking of this, Chen Qinghe also said after realizing it:

"The real power is firmly controlled by them, and we really can't make any waves. "

"I have used my private power to change your identity. From now on, you are a noble from the land of Bashu.

From now on, you will never be criticized because of your origin. "

Chen Qinghe took out Zhou Qingyuan's identity card from his sleeve and handed it to him.

Zhou Qingyuan's face was moved. He saw that Chen Qinghe had the intention to die. He was afraid that he would carry out a series of drastic reforms in Pengcheng later, and he couldn't help but persuade him again.

"As long as I am alive, everything is hopeful. If you don't believe it, just wait for a year, and everything will have results. "

After that, he stopped persuading and turned away.

Chen Qinghe looked at Zhou Qingyuan who left calmly, not knowing the source of his strong self-confidence, and muttered to himself:

"One year is fine, so I can make some preparations for the aftermath. I can wait for a year."

Zhou Qingyuan's return caused quite a stir in the Disha Club. Several elders became more and more convinced that he had a strong backing, and their doubts about his identity were completely dispelled, but they also became more and more confused about why this gentleman wanted to join their Disha Club.

As for what they think, Zhou Qingyuan doesn't care, as long as they don't get in his way.

On the second day, the + sign on [Disha Bone Forging Art-Dacheng] lit up again, and Zhou Qingyuan concentrated his mind and clicked on the rising + sign.

[Disha Bone Forging Art-Perfection]

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