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Chapter 165 A guest from afar

The anger of the Vientiane Realm is simply not something that a rookie in the Reborn Realm like the bald old man can bear.

Even if Feng Risheng didn't use any power, when he started to get angry, his mental aura was so frightening that the old man was shaking all over.

"I know, I'll take you there."

Only then did he realize how big a trap he had created. He dared to deceive such a powerful person without knowing his life or death. He was really deceived by lard.

However, if Zhou Qingyuan was a person in this world and did not have magical assistance, he might really be fooled by his words.

Is the Dharmakaya the inner expression of the mind? interesting.

Just these words have allowed the talented Zhou Qingyuan to find a new direction. Even if the next action does not yield any results, it is enough for him to find a new direction to explore.

A breeze enveloped the bald old man, and he was surprised to find that his speed instantly increased more than a hundred times, and he could still fly in the air. While he was delighted by the novelty, he felt even more bitter.

Did he actually take the initiative to provoke such a person?

I should have been more cautious in the first place.

That's right, for this kind of person who is determined not to give up until he reaches the Yellow River, what he regrets is not why he deceived Zhou Qingyuan, but that his deception was not advanced enough and he did not deceive his own heart.

This time, he will definitely be scolded by his brother.

Thinking of his brother, the bald old man had complicated emotions in his heart. If he didn't want to give his little girl a future, why should he take this risk?

Now, as his most beloved brother is implicated, how things will develop has completely exceeded the old man's plan.

I just hope that this so-called Dao Lord is really a man of his word.

The silhouettes of the three people traveled quickly between the sky and the earth at such a fast speed that it was nothing.

But from time to time, there would be terrifying fluctuations coming out of thin air in the distance, which made the old man feel a little confused.

Since Taojun unified this world, when will this world have such a dangerous scene?

At this moment, Feng Risheng’s sigh sounded:

"I didn't expect that after you unified this world, there would still be so many scandalous things happening behind your back?"

"This is normal, it doesn't matter, just kill him."

Zhou Qingyuan's expression was indifferent. After Fang Tiandi recognized him, his consciousness returned to the detection distance of 40,000 miles. At this moment, within his consciousness' perception, injustice was happening at every turn.

With the help of divine powers combined with observation, he quickly distinguished which people were bed bugs in the sewer, and sent down divine punishment to wipe them away.

In this process, even Zhou Qingyuan himself did not realize that his humanity was slowly weakening and developing towards divinity.

The power of life and death that controls all lives has gradually made him lose respect for life.

If he continues like this, maybe one day he will truly be in harmony with this world and become the agent of heaven and earth.

No one knows whether he was who he was at that time or whether it was him.

The bald old man listened to the conversation between the two and still didn't understand that the previous dangerous fluctuations were all caused by Zhou Qingyuan.

He clearly didn't even move his hands!

The bald old man secretly complained in his heart, and he really began to regret it. Why did he take the initiative to contact this killing star?

Just return this murderous intention to Daojun! I bother!

At this moment, Zhou Qingyuan glanced at the bald old man with a half-smile, goosebumps all over his body, and he quickly said good things in his heart.

I firmly support all decisions made by Mr. Daojun!

The direction guided by Lord Dao is my lifelong pursuit!

Seeing Zhou Qingyuan withdraw his gaze, the bald old man breathed a sigh of relief. In his anxious mood, he finally arrived at Bai Cui Valley where his brother lived in seclusion.

"This place is quite remote, no wonder no one has found it."

The three of them passed through the lush and endless sea of ​​trees, and the bald old man guided them to a narrow gap in the sea of ​​trees. Then, he shouted loudly into the gap.

"Brother! Brother Qingcheng! It's me!"

No one responded.

There was a hint of embarrassment on the bald old man's face as he explained: "My brother lives here.

But in fact, I haven't seen him in hundreds of years, and I don't know if he is still here. "


Looking at the narrow gap that was only three fingers wide, Zhou Qingyuan's eyes showed strong interest.

Just now, his consciousness passed through the gap and was about to enter it, but there was nothing inside.

Something tricked his senses.

The likelihood of finding the real thing is getting higher and higher.

Seeing that there was no response from the bald old man no matter how he responded, Zhou Qingyuan stopped him from continuing to shout.

Feng Risheng looked at the gap and transformed into the original form of the Golden Crow. Unfortunately, no matter how he restrained his body, it could only be the size of two fists and could not get through at all.

Although he could just wipe out the entire mountain and then go in, with Zhou Qingyuan here, he would not act so recklessly.

"I can't get through with conventional means, so I won't go in. It just so happens that I'll guard him. You can go in by yourself."

Feng Risheng put a big hand on the bald old man and looked at Zhou Qingyuan respectfully, without doubting the other person's ability.

"That's fine."

Zhou Qingyuan suddenly transformed into a mini candle dragon the size of a mosquito, which penetrated straight into the narrow gap.

Although they are very powerful, in terms of magic, bloodline warriors are really far behind.

Now that the people of the Changsheng Realm and the Zhuri Realm have merged, the two systems are constantly communicating and colliding, and perhaps a completely new path will be created in the future. I am looking forward to what they can achieve.

Zhou Qingyuan's thoughts diverged, and he quickly shuttled through the gap, but what he didn't expect was that the mountain wall was so narrow and long that even at his speed, it took him ten breaths to touch the bottom.

Although he didn't fly at full speed, it was still amazing.

After passing through the narrow gap and turning a corner, Zhou Qingyuan stopped in front of a boundary line with a raised brow.

There is a formation here.

He opened his mouth and a little spiritual light came out of his mouth and gently fell on the boundary.

In an instant, a crisp humming sound rang out, triggering the realm mechanism of the formation, and he just waited quietly outside.

The person who lived in seclusion could actually lay down a formation that concealed his spiritual sense perception, which showed that his attainments were not low and he was qualified to be respected by him.

"You are a guest from afar, please come in."

To Zhou Qingyuan's surprise, a younger voice came from the thick fog in front of him, which was very different from the voice of an old man he thought.

Zhou Qingyuan was looking forward to it more and more.

"Sorry for disturbing you."

The fog was lifted, revealing the huge valley.

The power of the formation was temporarily withdrawn, and Zhou Qingyuan, who was skilled and courageous, stepped in, not afraid of being ambushed.

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