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Chapter 153: Zhou Qingyuan cannot be allowed to take risks

In the deep pit, the three-legged divine bird soared out, looking at the two elders from different families collaborating, and laughed angrily.

"You Moose and Sun-devouring Wolf families, are you planning to join forces to annihilate our Golden Crow family today? Fan Konghuang! You are a creature of snakes and rats! Our initial friendship with you is in vain.

Since you don't abide by the rules, do you think I will be pedantic? From now on, your people will be prepared to live in my fear day and night! "

A wry smile appeared on Fan Konghuang's lips, and he consoled him: "Don't worry, we just want to prevent you from taking action, and we have no intention of jointly attacking the Golden Crow clan."

On the surface, he said this, but in his heart, he was thinking about Feng Risheng's true form invading his clan, and he felt very happy.

When you, Feng Risheng, trampled on my dignity as the great elder of the clan with your disagreement, did you ever think that we would be in the situation we are in today? Although I don’t know what happened in the Demon Hunting Ceremony, the two families suffered a small loss when they first cooperated.

However, this operation against the disciples of the Golden Crow clan was extremely successful. Just looking at Feng Risheng's furious look at this moment, you can tell how much damage they have caused to the other party this time.

The wind is rising. Just wait, the hard thing to accept is yet to come! I will make you a loner little by little and eventually kill you!

Feng Risheng looked coldly at Fan Konghuang, who was pretending to be a good guy, without replying. He had figured out the key points in a short time, silently deactivated his true form, and finally returned to the clan.

Are these two people planning to stay here until the Ruyi battle begins? Presumably, the Shenlong clan is also tied to the Yun Mohu clan, otherwise it would be impossible for them to acquiesce in such behavior.

Are these two people planning to completely wipe out the foundation of their Golden Crow clan through the battle of Ruyi? Even with his name, Wanxiang Realm, the Golden Crow family cannot fail.

But in this case, the Golden Crow tribe will definitely have to live a long and dormant life. Just thinking about such a scene made Fengri furious.

Feng Risheng returned to his ancestral land and sat down with a trace of sadness on his expression. The other three elders who had sensed what had happened outside also had anger on their faces, but they didn't know how to deal with it, and their thoughts were in a mess.

At this moment, steady footsteps came from afar, and a handsome man in black stepped through the door. His voice was calm, as if no matter what happened, he could not panic.

"What happened?"

Feng Risheng suddenly raised his head and looked at Zhou Qingyuan, his eyes that had lost hope showed light again.

The incident happened suddenly, and he actually forgot about this killer star? No. Zhou Qingyuan had just been promoted to Ruyi Realm not long ago. If he also died in the Battle of Ruyi, the hope of their Golden Crow clan to turn around in the future would really become slim.

We can't take risks with Zhou Qingyuan!

He is the best hope for a comeback in the current situation!

Given time, when Zhou Qingyuan steps into the Wanxiang Realm, it will be time for the Golden Crow Clan's Double Wanxiang to sound the clarion call for counterattack!

As for this Ruyi battle, there was a trace of sadness in Feng Risheng's eyes, but let's take it one step at a time. Anyway, as long as he is in the family, it is impossible to disappear.

Historically, it is true that the five major tribes have experienced this kind of situation, and it will eventually get better.

Various thoughts were running through Feng Risheng's mind, and just as he was about to say something to stop him, the third elder, Feng Donglai, had already spoken:

"The two Sun-eating Moose families unite."

"Come east!"

Feng Risheng sternly stopped Feng Donglai's behavior, and then realized that he had gone too far. The expression on his face was not very good-looking, and he said with a little weakness:

"Qingyuan, this matter has nothing to do with you. You don't need to get involved. However, it's very dangerous outside recently. It's best not to go out. If you must go out, remember to call me and come with you."

The others looked at Feng Risheng's behavior with confusion in their eyes, but they all kept their thoughts in their hearts and did not speak out.

The look in Feng Donglai's eyes flickered, and he had already guessed Feng Risheng's thoughts. It seemed that the Golden Crow clan was going to shrink their necks and become a human being.

It's been a long time since I've been in such a mess. Obviously, the previous demon hunting ceremony used Zhou Qingyuan's power to defeat the two families' alliance in one fell swoop.

I didn't expect them to be so shameless. They even quietly broke the rules of Ruyijing not to attack at will, and took advantage of the Yun Mohu clan to invade them.

Zhou Qingyuan had just entered Ruyi Realm. Although his power was astonishing, his blood still needed a long time to be refined, so he really shouldn't be allowed to fight in Ruyi.

Sigh. It would have been better if the other party had launched the attack a hundred years later. If it was the fifth elder who was practicing at an unprecedented speed, he must have been close to the peak of Ruyi Realm at this time.

When the time comes, in the ring battle, who can be his one-in-one enemy?

"There are no unbroken eggs when the nest is overturned. Are you sure the family doesn't need my help? I already"

Although Zhou Qingyuan has no interest in intervening in these matters, after all, he is cultivating in the territory of the Golden Crow clan, and to some extent he is protected by them.

He doesn't mind helping them within his ability, but it seems like they don't want to?

"No need, your biggest task now is to continuously refine your bloodline and strive to achieve the perfection of wishful thinking within a hundred years.

Although this may be a fantasy to others, I believe in you. In a hundred years, you will definitely be able to do it! "

Feng Risheng put his arms around Zhou Qingyuan's shoulders and gently pushed the back of his hand with one hand, wanting to take him away from here.

Zhou Qingyuan looked calm, even though he had already reached the perfection of Ruyi Realm in the past few days, and even his bloodline skill Sun and Moon Boundary had broken through the last barrier and reached the ultimate state.

But since Feng Risheng and the others had their own considerations and didn't want him to participate, he wouldn't rush to join them.

Feng Risheng looked at Zhou Qingyuan who was about to be taken away by him, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This is good. As long as Zhou Qingyuan is here, even if the Jinwu clan dies and only he is left in Ruyi Realm, there is still hope!

But at this moment, a sad and angry voice sounded, which made Feng Risheng's heart skip a beat.

"Grand Elder, do you want Zhou Qingyuan to avoid this Ruyi battle?"

"Why! All other disciples are fighting desperately, but you let the most talented disciple in the family hide in the back?

Moreover, he showed such power as soon as he entered the Ruyi realm. Haven't we always advocated that geniuses must also be tempered by blood and fire? What are you doing now?"

Feng Risheng gently pushed Zhou Qingyuan a step, angry at Feng Donglai's ignorance, it was obvious that this matter would soon be evaded! He could not help but turn around and roared:

"What do you know! He is the future hope of our Jinwu clan! Do you want to destroy our hope here?"

"I don't understand what hope is or isn't. I only know that our clan members fell on the demon mountain and were ambushed by those filthy things and died unfairly!"

With so many clan members dead, Feng Donglai was also very emotional at the moment, and he also roared loudly:

"Why should my Jinwu clan fear a deadly battle? If they want to start the Ruyi War, then come!

Even if our Ruyi realm is ten times or twenty times less than theirs, I will bite off one of their hands and one leg!"

".Maybe your idea is right, but as the elder of the family, I will not make this risky decision."

"Elder. You!"

"Alright, alright, stop arguing."

A helpless voice stopped the two people's quarrel that was tending to be heated. It was Zhou Qingyuan who was at the center of the argument.

"The Ruyi Battle is to let each group of Ruyi realm fight against each other in a ring battle? I'll go."

"No, you can't go!"

"Your biggest task now is to refine your bloodline, and nothing else should take up your energy!"

Zhou Qingyuan rubbed his eyebrows and said with a headache: "Don't yell, I've already reached the perfection of the Ruyi realm."


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