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Chapter 133 Villain

[Magic Power: Blood Burst]

Golden-red lines covered Zhou Qingyuan's body, and the Golden Crow lines on the back of his hand glowed like blood.

But the next moment, the true form of the Candle Dragon with a human head and a snake body let out a hissing sound, directly suppressing the light on the back of his hand.

The monster-like shadow flashed on Zhou Qingyuan's body, and everyone's heart twisted hard at this moment, and their gums couldn't help but ache.

"Hiss hiss hiss~~~~"

The sound of blood flowing and surging sounded from Zhou Qingyuan's body, and the steaming heat rose with the clear sound of blood flowing that everyone in the field could hear.

At this moment, his skin turned red like a boiled shrimp, and all his muscles began to move together.

"Who are you!"

"Idiot, you can tell from his tattoo that he is from the Golden Crow family."

"Friend of the Golden Crow family, what's the matter with disturbing you rashly?"

Kou Yun took a step forward and asked Zhou Qingyuan politely.

He came with bad intentions.

If he could fool him, he would try to punish him later.

But at the same time, Kou Yun's hands behind his back had quietly warned everyone to be prepared.

"Nothing, just sending you to hell."

"What, is the Jinwu family going to destroy it?"


Zhou Qingyuan's figure suddenly disappeared from the spot, and the next one appeared next to the moose tribe member who was speaking, and punched him to pieces.

The flesh and blood completely lost its structure under the huge force and was about to collapse in an instant.


The Soul Demon Knife appeared in front of the flesh and blood that was about to explode in ecstasy, and the magic eye instantly turned into a huge mouth and swallowed the flesh and blood that was about to explode.

"I forgot that you can eat these people, but it's a waste to let you drink the demon blood."

"Gaga gaga gaga~~"

The swallowing sound rang out in the field, and with Zhou Qingyuan's words, it revealed an evil taste.

The blood warriors in the field felt goose bumps all over their bodies, and a trembling sense of horror instantly climbed into their hearts.

"When did the Jinwu family produce such a freak?"

Some people couldn't help but take a step back when they saw the Soul Demon Blade devouring all the flesh and blood.

This retreat seemed to become a signal, and several people couldn't help but take a step back.

The person who was killed was also at the second level of Kaimai like them. Doesn't it mean that this person only needs one move to kill them?

"Why are you panicking! Can you just run away?"

At this critical moment, Kou Yun took a heavy step, and the race's magical power was activated.

Two wolf ears grew on his head, sharp claws grew on his hands, and a green light was reflected in his pupils, locking Zhou Qingyuan's figure.

For the Jinwu people who suddenly appeared in front of him, he had no confidence that he could defeat them.

Just now, he didn't even see the opponent's move clearly.

But as he said before, where can you run away?

With the strength shown by the opponent before, how many people can run away?

In this demon hunting ceremony with a limited area, where can you run away?

"Either kill him, or we will be killed by him!"

Kou Yun almost roared out this sentence, and stepped heavily on the ground, rushing towards Zhou Qingyuan first.

This group of people will react, it just takes a little time and courage, and Kou Yun will give them this courage!


Kou Yun looked at the man with amazing momentum and smiled frivolously at him, and his heart was angry.

The next moment, a delicately shaped one-handed long sword appeared in the other party's hand, and Kou Yun even clearly saw the process of the other party's muscles tightening.

But he only saw this process.

The smile on Zhou Qingyuan's mouth became the last picture of his life.

The knife flashed, and the half-transformed wolf-shaped body was easily cut in half, and there was no chance to deeply stimulate the blood to burst out completely.

This is good, Kou Yun's death not only did not bring any courage to everyone, but made everyone determined to escape at the moment.

From the opposite direction, he also brought the courage to escape to everyone.

Run, most of them will die here.

Don't run, everyone will die.

They still knew what to choose.

Even Kou Yun, who had mastered the magical power of the race, could not survive a single move from the opponent. The gap between them and this monster that suddenly appeared was like a natural chasm.

Unfortunately, they did not understand this fact thoroughly enough after all.

Otherwise, they would understand that whether running or escaping, there was actually no difference.


The flash of the knife, the sound of flesh and blood being devoured and chewed, no one except Zhou Qingyuan stood in the field.

"Shut up."


Zhou Qingyuan looked at the Soul Demon Knife, which had become much sharper again, and patted its blade gently.

Not bad, it seems that this thing will not be eliminated so quickly.

One after another, the Soul Demon Knife collected storage bags around Zhou Qingyuan like a lackey, but unfortunately he did not find anything worthy of his surprise this time, just some corpses of monsters.

However, at least he could take it back to the Golden Crow Clan to supply the new blood pool that had not yet been fully formed.

"Where is my limit?"

Amidst the steam, Zhou Qingyuan's skin gradually returned to its original color, and the red-gold lines retracted into his body.

Since the second-level Kaimai couldn't even withstand his attack, it was time to move on to the next area.

Speaking of which, along the way, there were really few people from the Jinwu family.

It seems that the joint attack by the Sun-Eating Wolf Family and the Moose Family is quite effective.

Let's help them, it's just a side job anyway.

As his thoughts flowed, Zhou Qingyuan came to the place where he had agreed to meet Feng Jinyu, and saw that the other party was now waiting under a tree with his legs together.

"We have cleaned up here, let's go, let's go to the next level of the demon domain."

Feng Jinyu's eyes showed doubt again, and he asked tentatively:

"In the Demon Hunting Ceremony, each person can only cross one area at most, and can only cross from a low-level area to a high-level area. You know this, right?"

"I know."

Zhou Qingyuan said calmly, stretched out his hand and pointed, and the Soul Demon Knife had already lifted Feng Jinyu up and took her to the border.

Do you know you still have to go?

Feng Jinyu kept this sentence in her heart. She always felt that since Zhou Qingyuan said this, he naturally had a way to deal with it in his heart.

But how to do it?

The golden pass appeared in Zhou Qingyuan's hand.

Compared to before, it has expanded a lot, obviously because Zhou Qingyuan hunted more demon kings, which made him obtain more fragments of the power of the array rules.

"Well, this time it's a bit troublesome."

As Feng Jinyu said, she only saw Zhou Qingyuan take out a set of combination array flags from the storage bag, arranged them at different points on the border line, and pinched a few magic formulas that she couldn't understand.

The next moment, the powerful barrier on the border line disappeared, and Zhou Qingyuan had already stepped into it.

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