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Chapter 129: Huge Gu Breeding Farm

In the Sun Devouring Wolf territory, between the deep lakes, a guest who had never visited before was welcomed.

"Oh~ Look who's here? A rare guest."

The blue-eyed giant wolf perched on the side of the crescent-shaped lake opened its eyes, with a creepy cold light in its pupils.

Opposite the giant wolf, a middle-aged man with two horns on his head and wearing a brown robe was walking on the water.

"It seems that you are going to take part in my previous proposal?"

"Fan Konghuang."

The blue-eyed giant wolf opened its narrow wolf mouth, revealing a human-like evil smile on its face.

The middle-aged man with two horns on his head looked stern, but still said with caution:

"I just want to see what you can say."

"Hahaha, okay, you will see my sincerity."

Kou Zhongqiu did not take Fan Konghuang's vigilance seriously at all, and continued with a big laugh:

"The five major families have always maintained this disgusting balance. Now, it's time to break it."

"What do you want to do? Do you want to go to war with them directly?"

Kou Zhongqiu's eyes showed a trace of astonishment, surprised at the emptiness of Fan Konghuang's mind, and couldn't help saying:

"Has your brain died because of years of peace? How can you say such brainless words?"

Simply a sentence, but Fan Konghuang was stunned.

He remembered that as one of the five major families, Moose also survived the struggle with the other four families.

How come he has become like an innocent child now? He said such simple words?

After a moment, his eyes regained clarity, and he said to Kou Zhongqiu meaningfully:

"You are right, perhaps many years of peace have made me forget a lot of things, so. How will you help me remember?"


"Then. Let's start with this demon hunting ceremony, how about it?"

The Changsheng Realm is divided and ruled by the five major families, and there are many demons in the connection.

These monsters have no mind, but are beasts completely controlled by the power of blood.

But because of this, they have stronger physiques than other creatures in the Changsheng Realm.

Under a tacit balance, the Wanxiang strongmen in the five major families did not take action to eliminate these monsters, but let them develop, reproduce, and invade.

Because only in this way can the new generation of clansmen grow up in the trial of blood and fire.

The demon hunting ceremony is an annual event held by the five major clans and their affiliated clans.

People in the Changsheng Realm are generally tired of the long life. They are eager to break through themselves in battle and find the true meaning of blood.

Legend has it that there is a secret hidden in the world of immortality, which can only be understood by practicing the way of blood warriors to the highest realm of Dharmakaya.

This is the long-cherished wish of all blood warriors but they cannot fulfill it in their lifetime.

The call from the blood makes them unable to restrain their pursuit of power and easily throw their lives behind when necessary.

The annual Demon Hunting Ceremony is the best carrier to practice this process.

On this day, almost all blood warriors above the Kaimai Realm will spare their work and participate in this annual event.

Even though the mortality rate of the Demon Hunting Ceremony has remained high due to its special nature.

This is why the population of the creatures in the world of immortality has not exploded despite their long lifespans.

The weak continue to die, selecting new strong ones, and the new strong ones slowly die in the struggle, giving birth to stronger ones.

There are lives that continue to pass away, and new lives are constantly born, and the cycle repeats.

And today, a new batch of challengers has arrived here.

Four sky-supporting stone pillars meet at a very high point, and underneath is a huge hexagram magic array.

Four giant light curtains isolate everything from the outside world, and the elders of the five major families are all present.

Kou Zhongqiu stood in front of the light curtain, saw the barrier on all sides, squinted his eyes and smiled:

"There are only four barriers, but there are five families. Maybe it's time to reduce one."

"Yes, maybe this time, there will be some surprises waiting for us."

Feng Risheng put on an ugly face and confronted Kou Zhongqiu.

Compared with their directness, Mo Qiuzhen and Yun Ye, the elder of the Yunmohu family, looked at each other coldly, with cold light in their eyes.

Among the five major families, only Fan Konghuang stood between the Dragon and Tiger families with a smile, acting as a lubricant, and seemed to offend no one.

But no one knew what was hidden under that smile.

Zhou Qingyuan followed the team and stood in front of the huge light curtain. The waiting process was a little boring. He opened the panel again to confirm the current status.

[Blood Rage (race power) - Perfection]

[Sun and Moon Boundary (bloodline skill) - Perfection]

[Spirit Awakening - Perfection]

During the days of waiting for the Monster Hunting Ceremony, he first upgraded his race power Blood Rage to the Perfection level, and then upgraded his bloodline skill to Perfection.

To his surprise, the potential of Sun and Moon Boundary was far greater than he had imagined.

With his background and reserve, he was unable to upgrade this move to the Perfection level, which in turn showed the power of this move.

As for why he had not yet entered the Meridian Opening Realm, it was related to one of the purposes of his trip.

The ninth level of Meridian Opening corresponds to nine battle patterns, and each battle pattern can increase the power of the bloodline, which is something that every Meridian Opening Realm cannot avoid.

And the only way to obtain battle patterns is to keep killing monsters.

After understanding this period of time, Zhou Qingyuan found that the Immortal Realm was not peaceful.

Bloodline is supreme, bloody conflicts are staged every day, and people here have already regarded fighting as commonplace.

Indistinctly, he felt that this world was like a huge cage that would only breed the most powerful bloodline warriors.

Combined with the secrets that have been circulating in the Changsheng Realm, and the huge teleportation array left in the middle, Zhou Qingyuan was slightly looking forward to it.

Is there something behind this that is stirring up the storm?

Forget it, wait until he reaches the top of this world and then study it.

"The Demon Hunting Ceremony is open, all disciples participating in the ceremony, prepare to enter!"

The voices of the elders of the five major families came from the sky, and the huge light curtain that separated everyone began to flow and gradually disappeared.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and one by one, the children of the family entered the range of the hexagram array.

As everyone took their positions, the five people in the sky nodded, and the hexagram array lit up with huge light, and waves of teleportation waves appeared among everyone.

"Zhou Qingyuan, if you encounter any trouble, you can come to me."

After returning to the family, Feng Jinyu, who had digested the Holy Heart Blood and re-entered the Kaimai Realm, took the initiative to show goodwill to Zhou Qingyuan.

He just nodded and quietly felt the power of the formation under him.

'This formation, with countless small formations embedded inside, also hides a backdoor? '

Zhou Qingyuan vaguely realized that the current teleportation was just activating a small formation.

Forget it, let's get through this demon hunting ceremony first.

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