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Chapter 106 Human Disaster

Evidently Zhou Qingyuan pointed the blade at the sky above his head, but the five beasts fighting with the golden elixir fire clearly felt that they were also locked at the same time.

Not only them, but also the wronged souls in the world stopped wailing. The extremely strong murderous aura filled the world, which made the inner demon feel very uneasy.

The sky-blue spiritual light surged, and Zhou Qingyuan's body was full of violent spiritual tides. All the energy of the world was mobilized at this moment, and it was fully mobilized with the two words he uttered.

"Yu Shen."

The murderous intent came with the extreme murderous aura.

The thunderclouds stretched for thousands of miles, and this murderous intent also spread for thousands of miles in one breath, showing a trend of confrontation.

Yinfeng, fire evil, heavy water, the three disasters disappeared spontaneously under the power of the ever-expanding magical power. The pupils of the five giant beasts all shrank, and the expressions in their eyes were different.


The three disasters were solved in advance. Facing Zhou Qingyuan's provocation, the thunderclouds no longer accumulated power, and the five-colored divine thunder bombarded down.


At this moment, the murderous intent in the sky became real, and countless white lights collided with the five-colored divine thunder above their heads.


The five strange beasts looked at the white light in the sky above their heads that was colliding with the heavenly tribulation, and their eyes showed an inexplicable look.

But before they could communicate, the murderous intent that filled the world had already included them and the wronged souls in the sky into the attack.

Under the support of almost endless spiritual energy, the divine power of controlling the gods truly showed its powerful capital as an offensive divine power in front of Zhou Qingyuan!

Nascent Soul Killing Tribulation, Otherworldly Projection, Yin Wind Fire Killing Heavy Water Tribulation, Heart Demon Tribulation, what else?

Even if these tribulations are doubled, what does it matter?

"Gaga gaga gaga gaga! Kill kill kill kill kill!"

The soul demon laughed sharply in the air, and the white light in the sky exerted double the strength under its control, and the five-colored lightning above the head could not move forward.

Thousands of miles away from here, the twelve peak elders standing outside the attack range of the thunder tribulation looked at the murderous intent in the sky and the sky tribulation, and their expressions were dull.

The peak masters were like this, and the Wanhua Sect disciples who were thousands of miles away looked at the white light flashing above their heads and the thundering thunder tribulation clouds, and felt as if they heard the birth of a god.

Using magical powers to attack the Yuanying killing tribulation, such a powerful scene made every cultivator yearn for it and deeply intoxicated.

And all this was just a fireworks show with more special effects for Zhou Qingyuan.

The thunder tribulation and the magical powers fought for a quarter of an hour, and the peak masters were flushed and excited.

The white light scattered, which was the crystal of heaven and earth that fell after the thunder tribulation was dispersed. Each one was the product of the extreme concentration of spiritual energy, which was several times more than the best spiritual stone.

Many disciples were surprised to find that each of them could grab a crystal of heaven and earth to absorb, and suddenly burst into huge cheers.

"This is a bit like the sky full of rosy clouds after the birth of a Divine Transformation cultivator, but..."

"But this is a real blessing, completely different from the false celebration of others when they survive the heavenly tribulation.

What exactly is this world thinking? Why do they set up thunder tribulations to kill cultivators, but then celebrate enthusiastically afterwards?"

"So, this is the blessing of heaven and earth after Zhou Qingyuan survived the Nascent Soul Killing Tribulation?

Let everyone present feel excited about his success?"

The twelve peak masters felt the majestic energy contained in the crystals of heaven and earth, and they all sighed.

The spiritual vein where the Wanhua Sect is located is probably going to be upgraded in this blessing.

For this reason alone, they already owe Zhou Qingyuan, their disciple, a huge favor.

The spiritual energy crystals fell like fine snow, disturbing everything.

Zhou Qingyuan stood there blankly looking at the calamity clouds above his head, but his mood did not get any better.

No matter how they thought, this Nascent Soul Killing Tribulation, which had never appeared in the ages, had never been successfully survived by anyone.

Finally, Zhou Qingyuan cracked it with an absolutely domineering and arrogant attitude.

Yu Feng, the head of Wanfa Peak, was shocked. If other peak heads had not behaved in the same way, she might have exposed something.

When everything was done, she quietly opened the communication array and sent out messages that shocked the six major demon sects in Shifangzhou.

[The magic knife has been refined into a post-natal spiritual treasure by Zhou Qingyuan, a disciple of Wanhua Sect. This person must be a demon and has practiced the method of body refining. ]

[This person has entered the Nascent Soul Realm. The calamity he has gone through is the strongest calamity, the Nascent Soul Killing Calamity, but he still passed it easily. ]

[This child is terrifying. He will become a big trouble in the future. He must not be allowed to stay! I hope the sect master will make a decision soon. ]

"Have you received all the messages?"

The energetic old man sat on a chair made of bones and looked at the other old guys leisurely.

"Got it, it's incredible, it's really incredible."

The purple-robed young monk exclaimed in admiration, and said with emotion:

"The Nascent Soul Killing Tribulation, the shortest-lasting and most powerful heavenly tribulation, was actually blown up by a new monk with his magical powers.

This kind of talent is far from enough to be described as a genius."

"Is this a question of talent? This boy must be a demon who has awakened his wisdom. At this time, he has exposed the clues under the killing tribulation. You and I should take action as soon as possible to force out the secret of spiritual energy body forging."

Ji Hua looked at the octogenarian beside him and said bluntly:

"Changping old man, you should not live for a few days, right?

Capture this boy, the secret of body forging will be shared by the six of us, and breaking through the bottleneck is just around the corner.

By then, increasing life span will be just a matter of course."

"Hehe, I have no objection."

"So it's settled? The six of us will mobilize the power of the entire sect to capture this boy and wipe out the Wanhua Sect?"

The six great elders of the Demon Sect, whose cultivation was all stuck in the early stage of the transformation of the spirit, had already reached an agreement in the rapid communication between their consciousness and words.

"Then, let's get started."

Wang Huai, who was sitting on the bones, stood up, and the white bone bell in the middle of the bones, which had not been rung for decades, began to hum.

"All the Yuanying cultivators of the Baigu Sect will gather to destroy the Wanhua Sect."

"All the Yuanying cultivators of the Soul Devouring Sect will gather to destroy the Wanhua Sect."

"All the Yuanying cultivators of the Hehuan Sect will gather to destroy the Wanhua Sect."


As the great elders and the old gods came out of the mountains, the six major demon sects in the Ten Directions Continent took action together.

The Hehuan Patriarch, with a lustful look on his face, imagined the taste of the Wanhua Sect's female cultivators, and excitedly stretched out his long tongue to lick his lips.

The old man in Changping, wearing a red robe, spread his sleeves and smiled in an ambiguous way:

"Oh, I really envy you for having so many disciples and such a big mountain gate.

Unlike me, all my disciples are here."

He lifted his robe, revealing a series of small and exquisite dolls.

The Xuehe Sect's Grand Elder Li Yuan glanced at them expressionlessly, feeling unhappy.

The original leader of the Xuehe Sect, Li Hua, and the future leader Qiu Chiyin, whom he chose, both died inexplicably.

Now, although his Xuehe Sect is a large sect in the area, he has almost no useful people under his command.

Fortunately, he doesn't need to consider the issue of disciples now.

This is the second one who has mastered the body-building method. He must seize the opportunity to figure out the secret of the physical body!

In this way, those cultivators who are stuck in the early stage of the transformation of the spirit and cannot make any progress will definitely find a chance to break through.

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