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After Xie Yao finished speaking, he ignored the ‘Gladi’s arena’ below.

It seemed that he didn't care about Zhang Jiankun hitting more than a dozen by himself, whether there was a risk of being killed.

In fact, he kept one hand. Everyone of the dozen or so members of Wang's slave-catching team was saved by him.

They are hidden, but as long as Zhang Jiankun is good at observing and discovering the enemy's problems, and then energizing them one by one, these auras can instantly explode the heart of the slave hunter.

After all, what Xie Yao wanted was a reliable and capable person, not a strong fighter.

He also needs Zhang Jiankun to prove his use value.

Then, Xie Yao sank in, looking at himself inwardly, and was taken aback.

A wave of willingness instilled from the void strengthened himself and made him warm as if soaked in hot water.

"...Is it really effective? I first let her admit that she was forced to sell abalone, and then come forward to stop it, and then she will be able to successfully earn the merit and willingness needed by the Diamond Power!?"

Xie Yao himself was stunned.

He was just thinking on a whim just now. He just tried it like this. He never expected that the "Vision One" he chose would really be deceived.

This time the amount of willpower is only a little less than the amount obtained from the little girl Mingke, and it is definitely the amount that can be obtained by the real ‘saving the prostitute from the good’.

If you think about it, it's reasonable.

After all, this woman didn't want to sell. She has always worked hard in the caravan to earn money, looking forward to finding a suitable man to marry one day.

Since Xie Yao stopped Wang Ze's ‘persecution’ behavior and allowed women to preserve their innocence, the vision would naturally approve of this behavior.

It turns out that you can squeeze the wool like this!

Xie Yao suddenly felt that he had discovered a new world.

Of course, there are a few things to pay attention to. First of all, this degree must be controlled. For example, Xie Yao was almost beaten by himself just now. Fortunately, Wang Ze really had bad thoughts about women at the beginning, so that Xie Yao can succeed.


Xie Yao's eyes gradually returned to focus, looked at the woman, and whispered: "I ask you something."

"Huh? My lord, please." The woman was startled.

When Xie Yao was looking inward just now, it seemed to her that her eyes seemed to have been staring at her, staring at her hairy inside, and thinking that such a powerful person, could it be that she also coveted her own body?

She was very scared at first. She wanted to refuse and was afraid of being beaten to death, but when she looked at Xie Yao's face, she suddenly felt not very resistant and even looked forward to it.

Since you can't refuse, then enjoy it!

Then Xie Yao asked, "You have just been sent out of the city. Have you ever been a street girl before?"

woman:? ? ?

"No, I haven't done it!" The woman's head shook like a rattle.

Xie Yao smiled happily. This proves that the conclusions and methods he has just drawn are indeed effective and feasible!

At this time, Zhang Jiankun almost got the result.

Although the opponent's strength is not weak, half of them have opened their eyes, and the rest are also full of muscles and bones, and are about to be on the verge of physical skills.

But Zhang Jiankun is a martial artist with four orifices after all, and Xie Yao has taught fascinating skills.

But if it is head-to-head, Zhang Jiankun will be able to kill five or six people at most, even if he is up to the sky, after all, the gap between the second and fourth orifices in the early stage of resuscitation is not that big.

Fortunately, Zhang Jiankun is an old man. In terms of combat experience, this guy has always maintained a weak and powerful style of play that was extremely trivial and extremely trivial.

At the beginning, he used his fists and knives to test the strength of the slave trappers.

Every time he hit a punch, he suddenly stopped his hand before he hit it, and the whole person slipped to the side. The opponent's individual strength was not as good as him, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

The members of that group of caravans began to stand there to watch, commenting and wondering after their lives were no longer threatened.

But after a while, Zhang Jiankun keenly discovered that these slave trappers had a peculiar and strange aura.

Some are on the waist, some are on the bend of the legs, and some are on the forehead.

And the only thing in common is that as long as you gently tap these weird spots with your Yuan force, the next moment, the other party will suddenly burst his heart and die on the spot.

The clever old man soon discovered that this was the key to breaking the game Xie Yao left him!

After realizing this, the wretched old man quickly changed his strategy and wandered wildly.

At the same time, he kept throwing out piece after piece, the little stones infused with his vitality, accurately hitting the "critical" of the slave hunter.

After a while, one person was detonated and died screaming and exploding.

In less than ten minutes, the rest of the Wang family was wiped out.

There are still some people who are in charge of watching the wind outside, but they have seen the bad situation a long time ago and ran into the night against the wind.

Xie Yao didn't chase them either. First, he didn't like these thugs at all. Second, even in such a weird windy night, even he was unwilling to walk in easily. The ghost knew where he would be taken. .

Those remnants of the slave hunting team will not know how many will survive by then.

But Xie Yao didn't care about it. It was the greatest kindness not to chase after him.

"Good job." Xie Yao nodded to Zhang Jiankun.

Lao Zhang was ecstatic in his heart, and followed Xie Yao to a corner.

At the same time, he took the initiative to drive away the members of the caravan who had come up and wanted to get close, leaving only his own daughter.

"My lord, when you are in the wilderness this time, is there anything you want me to do?" Zhang Jiankun asked.

While he was speaking, he seemed to be self-proclaimed as Xie Yao's subordinate, but his speech and attitude were very measured. When Xie Yao showed a little dissatisfaction, he could immediately take a step back and explain clearly.

Thinking carefully about this, naturally Xie Yao couldn't hide it.

But he did not intend to dismantle it either.

Lao Zhang just behaved well, courageous and intent, and wretched, and did not speak martial ethics. Xie Yao felt that such a person would be completely reliable as long as he provided military protection.

"Well, there is really something. I want to find a building in the market town. It is characterized by red chimneys and the exterior walls are only painted with lime.

"Red chimney?"

Zhang Jiankun became surprised and looked at the two Tang sisters. Judging from their figures, they weren't the two big beauties they had seen last time.

Your lord is really romantic, such a stunning beauty, he is tired of playing in just a few days, and he is looking for a new love... ahem!

But after thinking about it, Zhang Jiankun was very acquainted. He didn't mention this at all, but frowned and thought about it: "Such buildings are old buildings, I know, there are still less than ten households in the town."

"Ten households?"

Xie Yao and the Tang sisters looked at each other.

This isn't bad news, it's easy to find out. After Tang Qi-nian approaches, you can use the road bell to determine which one it is.

"Then you will walk with me next and take me to see." Xie Yao said.

Zhang Jiankun knew that this was another chance to gain favorability, so he couldn't ask for it: "Yes."

Xie Yao lighted a bonfire again~www.readwn.com~ and made a pot for supper.

The little girl Zhang Lingxia had been looking at him timidly, but she didn't dare to say hello for a while.

Obviously, she was a little frightened by Xie Yao's inhumanly powerful and superior posture.

In this situation, it was not until Xie Yao messed up her hair that the girl relaxed a little, and began to chirp again.

"By the way, Lao Zhang, what big news is there in the market these few days?" Xie Yao asked casually.

Zhang Jiankun thought for a while and said: "It's not big news, but now there is an interesting thing. A group of missionaries have come to the market town, saying that they have inherited the will of some **** and want to spread the light on the wasteland.

"They took a little child and said that it was the heir of God."

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