I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 282: Severed finger

, The fastest update I can absorb the latest chapter of mental pollution!

"Huh, special dispatcher, don't be fooled!

"Even if it's just a newcomer who has been on the job for two months, it's not enough to be insulted!

"My boss is Cao Cheng, Director Cao!" Xie Yao arched his hands toward the sky.

Then, he sneered, and continued to be honest and pretentious, threatening:

"You guys actually showed hostility to me, and commit the following crimes. You are lucky if you meet me today. If you meet someone else, even if you kill you, the Eastern District can still say nothing?!"

The inspection team members lying on the ground listened to it, sweating coldly, feeling that Xie Yao made a lot of sense, and hurriedly got up one after another, the atmosphere was embarrassing.

After all, in their opinion, this guy slapped himself and the others all over with a slap, and his strength is evident!

Tang Qiyi and Tang Qinian were covering their faces without seeing them.

They felt that Uncle Cao's face was going to be lost by this guy. He was absolutely deliberate. He was retaliating against Cao Cheng's failure to "handle it upright" last time.

This guy is so vengeful... the two women were stunned, and they began to wonder if they could offend him in any other way.

Zou Yuwen sneered: "Oh, you are wearing a hat from the Southern District, and you want to kill the people in the Eastern District. Thank you, Master Xie is such a powerful official."

Xie Yao tilted his head slightly.

Yes, this person is very outstanding. In terms of yin and yang weirdness, he can compete with me.

He immediately admired this unknown passerby.

However, Xie Yao didn't answer the question and said directly: "It seems that you are in charge of the case. What progress has been made?"

Zou Yuwen's face suddenly froze.

Will I tell you that I haven't found anything, even from the scene, I almost thought Bai Yunfeng committed suicide!

"He dismembered all the bodyguards under his hands, then cut off his head and put it on the coffee table respectfully."

He almost wrote that at the time. Fortunately, Mr. Liu Zhi, the president of the Warlock Association, specially sent a little girl to say that this case was done by the person behind the killer who killed Bai Yunfeng’s daughter-in-law before. Only then came to my senses.

Oh, it's impossible!

I would never have a second person to know about such a shameful thing!

It's not alright if I am the king of heaven!

"Ah, the murderer is very difficult to get around. With my ability, it is also difficult to track down quickly, haha, but this is a case in the Eastern District, and it has nothing to do with a place like you and your Southern District where there are usually no cases."

Zou Yuwen said with a strange yin and yang.

Tang Qiyi and Tang Qinian frowned.

There is a knife in these words, which means that you are all Taiping dogs in the southern district, lacking ability and fighting spirit. Only our eastern district talents have the ability to solve the case, where you can stay cool.

Although the two of them are not members of the Southern District Public Security Office, after all, they have an unusual relationship with Cao Cheng. Hearing such slander, it is inevitable to get angry.

"This guy is not a good person..." Tang Qinian meditated.

Tang Qiyi was more direct, with murderous intent hidden in his eyes, and transmitted his voice to his sister: "When my sword opens the gate of heaven, the first one will take this person's head to sacrifice to the sky!"

Tang Qinian turned his head in amazement, and whispered: "Sister, didn't you say that Xie Yao was the first one to kill to sacrifice to the heavens?"

Her voice was very small, but Xie Yao who happened to be next to her could also hear her.

Tang Qiyi: "???"

Xie Yao: "???"

"You still want to kill me?"

Xie Yao was surprised and became vigilant.

"It's not... I... you..."

Tang Qiyi opened her mouth slightly, her eyes gradually dimmed.

It is a pity that Tiancheng will not sell the house for the time being because of a big case, otherwise she feels that she can buckle it out with her toes.

Xie Yao silently moved a little away from her and moved to her sister's side.

Then, he looked at Zou Yuwen and said slowly: "If this is the case, I won't disturb the captain."

Zou Yuwen sat back on the sofa with a smile, and took a sip of tea meaningfully: "Hehe, go slowly and don't deliver it."

Xie Yao nodded and sighed as he walked: "Oh, it's a pity, I just found out who the murderer is, and I specially found a hunting dog to chase the murderer, but it's useless.

"If you don't see the scene of the crime, what can you do if you have a good nose?"


Zou Yuwen sprayed a table of tea, and a carp stood up on the spot.

He ran up and took Xie Yao's hand, as if he had seen his long-lost father, and said respectfully:

"Brother, go slowly! In the Lower East District Special Investigation Team Leader Zou Yuwen, I have long admired my brother's name. This case has helped me like a tiger. No, I just added a helicopter directly. Why don't you worry about it, brother? call!"

"Pouch haha... uh."

Tang Qinian was amused at first, but then he saw his sister look at him jokingly.

Hound...dog nose...he's talking about me? ?

The smile on my sister's face gradually solidified.

Xie Yao simply shook his hand before saying: "Xie Yao, the three investigators of the special investigation team, they are Tang Qiyi and Tang Qinian."

"Hahaha, it turned out to be Brother Xie Yao, with a great reputation!"

Zou Yuwen complimented, but he was suspicious.

Didn’t you say the South District, the third group is the West District, this kid just told me...

Xie Yao was also watching him.

He has never met the captain of the same special team in the North District, but Tang Wenbo in the West District and Xu Qiaoyun in the South District are both serious roles.

Only this Zou Yuwen, who is not stingy and full of scorn, is not like an investigation team leader, but like a bullshit.

But Xie Yao didn't despise him because of this, because his work and speaking style are probably caused by the people and environment around him. This does not change the fact that Zou Yuwen is not a sloppy.

At least, Xie Yao couldn't understand his strength.

Yuanli Wufu... at least the peak of his mind, although he hasn't reached the qi hidden, it should not be far away, very similar to that assassin.

My current Yuanli cultivation base is also the pinnacle of concentration, and I have opened six doors and one window. The concentration of Yuanli is definitely not as good as mine, but the actual combat is not only based on the amount of Yuanli...

Xie Yao didn't talk nonsense with this "honest person" who pretended to be honest, and said directly: "Go up and see the scene first."

Unable to ask for it, Zou Yuwen kicked his men in the elevator: "Hurry up, I don't have any eyesight to see."

"Yes, yes, boss..."

These inspection team members seemed to have long been used to the style of their bosses, and didn't talk nonsense, so they ran out to make room.

Several people went straight to the top floor.

The entire scene of the crime was tightly protected, and they were all inspectors with guns and live ammunition.

"Captain!" There were two people guarding the elevator door, and when they saw that Zou Yuwen was coming up, they immediately saluted.

The three teams of the City Defense Department were arranged to be stationed downstairs.

Zou Yuwen brought Xie Yao to the scene.

From the elevator entrance to the living room, there are blood stains along the way, as well as a large number of residual limbs and broken arms.

There was even more chaos on the wall, and one can imagine how tragic the situation was at that time.

In order to ensure the integrity of the scene, these were only covered with a simple white cloth and not collected.

Those luxurious furniture, decorations, etc. were all broken, which made Xie Yao feel a little heartache.

All four of them put on dust-proof shoe covers and walked in the room where the blood stains had long since dried up.

On the sofa, Bai Yunfeng's staring eyes and staring head was covered with a glass cover.

"..." The Tang sisters' breathing was stagnant, and they covered their heads one after another, their expressions seemed to be slightly painful.

"What's the matter?" Xie Yao keenly noticed the abnormality and turned to ask.

Tang Qiyi didn't want to pay attention to him, but his sister Tang Qinian ignored the previous complaints, and explained softly:

"After taking control of Tang Ling, we are very sensitive to grievances... The grievances here are very heavy, especially that Baiyunfeng, whose grievances are the heaviest."

Resentment... The artifacts of the four major families seem to be related to tombs. Tang Jialing seems to be related to the soul. I don’t know what mirrors, nails, and lamps do. Well, Lu Jiading may be a nail coffin or a nail head. Anti-fraud...

Xie Yao thought for a while, then asked Zou Yuwen: "What about the result of channeling?"

"There is no result. Everyone's spirit bodies here have been torn apart and have undergone a certain degree of distortion." Zou Yuwen said, rubbing his eyebrows.

This is also his biggest headache.

In the past, to solve a case, it was either a person who killed it or a channel, and asked the deceased directly who was the murderer. This kind of thing did not need to be dealt with by a special team.

The special team specializes in handling pollution incidents. It is very simple. The monster wants to kill the other after killing this. Basically, the "murderer" is dealt with on the way to report the crime.

"Is there no psychic result at all?" Xie Yao asked.

Zou Yuwen shook his head regretfully and smashed his mouth: "Our warlock said that they are all mosaics."

Xie Yao was thoughtful.

It is not surprising that Qi Zhuoyang is a candidate for the lamp holder of the Sheng family. It is strange that he can channelize useful information.

He was just thinking, in case there is a bit of fragments, or seeing some clues, now it seems that he will be disappointed.

Thinking of this, Xie Yao suddenly remembered that he hadn't shown the pattern of the shadow lamp that could make puppets to Cai Cai.

Xie Yao is going to go back today and ask, maybe you can get something from Caicai.

Then, he began to walk in the sea of ​​blood on the dead mountain, constantly lifting the body covered with white cloth on the ground.

Zou Yuwen wondered: "What are you looking for?"

"Find my rabbit." Xie Yao said.

Zou Yuwen:? ? ?

What rabbit?

He directly said to Xie Yao that he was dumbfounded, and forgot to maintain his own "joy ratio" personality.

"...Cough, find someone."

Xie Yao coughed to relieve his embarrassment: "Have you counted the identities of all the dead here?"

"Naturally, you are looking for someone?" Zou Yuwen nodded. This is a basic matter, and he can't miss it.

Xie Yao thought this would save him trouble: "Yes, I'm looking for someone, his name is Duan Kun."

"it is good."

Zou Yuwen also asked more, and immediately called a young male police officer wearing glasses, "You can check it out right away, where is the body of a man named Duan Kun."

"Yes, Captain!"

The young male police immediately turned over his notebook.

After a while, he looked weird and said: "Captain, there is no such person..."

"No?" Zou Yuwen looked puzzled.

Xie Yao shook his head and said: "It's impossible not. He is Bai Yunfeng's strongest bodyguard, a D-level warlock. Since Bai Yunfeng is dead, he will either run away and seek refuge in the police station, or he will die first."

Zou Yuwen nodded: "Indeed, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com In addition, no one called Duan Kun came to report the crime."

Xie Yao said: "So he must be dead, what about the corpse?"

The young male policeman was dumbfounded when he was asked, and said nervously, "I, I haven't finished speaking yet."

Xie Yao:...

Zou Yuwen:...

Let you look through the information, you can pant for exhaustion, right?

"Say something quickly." Zou Yuwen said unhappy.

The little police officer pursed his mouth and said: "There were 47 dead at the scene, and there was no one named Duan Kun, but after we finished the statistics, we found a little more.

"They are two fingers, and they don't belong to any of these 47 people."

Xie Yao said, "Take me to see."

If there is no accident, it may belong to Duan Kun, which is the key to tracking Qi Zhuoyang.

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