I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 272: Peak on the 1st

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Although chess pieces can improve their comprehension within a certain period of time, they can be promoted to the late stage of concentration so quickly, then at least the previous period is at least the middle stage, or even the middle stage success?

The talent is good, but unfortunately it is definitely not a certain student.

Tsk tsk, good chess pieces, cheaper for these outsiders.

Yi Gao's dean of academic affairs smacked his lips, feeling a great pity, and suddenly felt a biting chill rise behind him, making him like an ice cellar.

He felt cold in his hands and feet, and he did not dare to move at all, because he felt as if he would die if he moved too much!

What a fuck, what a fuck! Who is going to kill me? It's so strong, it's not a force that I can resist at all, the principals save me!

The director called for help silently, his body stiff.

This biting chill only lasted for a breath, and then it receded like a tide.


The director, who had only been in office for more than half a month, felt that he had walked early before the ghost door closed, and he touched his back, all with sweat.

"...I was scared to death, who is so bold who dares to attack me here..."

The director breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, his eyes were taken aback, and his reaction was not right.

No, there are three principals beside me, who can kill me?

He turned his head blankly and saw Zhang Qiren whose eyes were concentrated on him.


"Principal Zhang?"

How could it be him?

The director's voice trembled a little, and he moved to the side of Liu Zhi subconsciously.

He felt that he had broken through some big secret that made this big man want to kill him.

At the same time, Liu Zhi and Yan Xiao both looked at Zhang Qiren with a three-point bewilderment and seven-point scrutiny.

What are you doing?

The two of them were reluctant and asked silently.

Just now Zhang Qiren almost did it. They were so close, and they couldn't feel it, wouldn't they live on a dog at an age?

Zhang Qiren stood with his hands in his hands, with a daunting expression, as if the old man didn't want to say more.

Why, am I going to tell you two that I almost wiped out the memories of everyone here just now?

The purpose is to prevent Xie Yao's martial arts cultivation from advancing by leaps and bounds from being spread out.

But at the last minute, he stopped in time.

Because, it suddenly occurred to him that this time the responsibility could be transferred to the game theory map.

After all, everyone knows this thing is powerful, but they don't know how powerful it is.

So it’s normal to use a chess piece to go up to three levels, isn’t it?

What, why did you ask others why they didn’t upgrade so quickly?

Haha, the old man disdains to answer, people and their physique cannot be generalized, I want to go!

With such a protective layer, Zhang Qiren thought about it, and didn't try to erase the short-term memories of everyone present.

After all, there are still two of the same rank here, and they will not be affected by this method.

Really want to do it, but it arouses their suspicion.

"Hehe, I just thought he lied to me, so I tried him to see if he was a **** inserted by the Sheng family." Zhang Qiren backhanded the director a hat.

The two colleagues nodded, feeling reasonable, and looked at the dean with the same look.

Especially Liu Zhi.

The last Lu Jia knew that he was a young man with ulterior motives, but it was a deal with the Sheng family, and he knew it well;

After the death of the surnamed Lu, he also took the opportunity to tear up the contract with the Sheng family and found a clean family to be the dean of the dean, no longer giving the Sheng family the opportunity to interfere in the affairs of No.

Don't blame the president for not talking about martial arts, it's because your people are useless to be killed, and you can't blame me.

But now, being said by Zhang Qiren, the more he looks at this new director, the better he can.

The Sheng family's hands and eyes are open to the sky, will this also be the Sheng family's?

The director cried loudly: "Principal, I, I am wronged, how could I collude with the Sheng family?"

Halfway through, he suddenly froze.

No, the Sheng family is not a mere existence, they are upholding Yuanzhou's largest power, what are you doing against him like this?

He looked at the headmasters with eyes full of distrust.

"Ah, it's okay." Liu Zhi turned around, leaving him a back, not wanting to talk more.

Zhang Qiren succeeded in causing trouble, and said with satisfaction: "Well, I don't want to waste time here, I am going to see my good apprentice!"

After speaking, the evil wind gathered under his feet and drifted away.


Inside the house.

Xie Yao opened his eyes and found that the "Broken Time" in his hand no longer had the original effect, lying on his palm, knowing that it had no effect on him.

Then, he moved his muscles and bones, feeling the incomparable vitality in his body, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

This thing is really amazing!

The condensed mood originally required water milling effort and slowly accumulated.

And this chess piece is equivalent to greatly shortening this process, and within a certain period of time, eliminating the bottleneck of upgrading.

However, Xie Yao took the opportunity to make a big effort, and with the help of the Ju Yuan Array, he sucked his Yuan Li to the full, and directly raised his Yuan Li to the limit that Yuan Li could accommodate at this stage.

Of course, it is the super sensitivity of his Wu Gu Jin body to Yuan Li that can make him so fast.

If you change to an ordinary person, you can expand your Qi Hai Yuan power by 30% in such a short time, and you will have a good talent.

However, the biggest benefit here is not that the air sea capacity has increased.

But there is a kind of ‘intention’.

Break the formation.

It comes from the chess piece itself. Xie Yao now believes that what Cai Cai said is true. This chess piece is indeed suitable for Wufu.

The meaning contained in it, if it is expected to be good, should be infused by a senior expert and passed down. For the younger generation, this is an adventure and a heritage.

"The only strange thing is, why is it not attached to the eight gates, but hung on the awe-inspiring bridge of heaven and earth?"

"Since it is the inheritance of the martial arts of the predecessors, no matter whether it has the faculties that still exist today, the essence will never change, and it can be used to get through one of the eight disciplines."

"Why is it attached to Hao Ran Qi?"

Xie Yao was a little strange.

After thinking about it, there are two possibilities.

Either it is because it has a vision and sees the preciousness and rareness of the "door of the avenue" that it has created, its greedy body, and its lowliness;

Either it is that the fascination represented by this broken array is the same period as Hao Ranqi.

Tang Wenbo said that Haoran Qi's path was cut off, indicating that he used to open one of the eight existing avenues just like other geniuses, but it was broken later for inexplicable reasons.

But if breaking the formation had existed before the Haoran Qi was cut off, then the current situation would be understandable.

"Anyway, my current strength has improved a lot."

"Even, as long as you consolidate this skyrocketing cultivation base, you can consider asking the captain for advice on how to achieve Qi Yin."

Xie Yao squeezed his fist, his heart was fiery.

If he meets the elder of the near Dao Sect again, he can punch out the opponent's dog brain.

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door.

Xie Yao calmed his mind instantly, with no sadness or joy on his face, opened the door, looked at Zhang Qiren who walked in, and nodded: "Teacher, you are back again."


Zhang Qiren wanted to beat him a little, but the teacher called him comfortably, so he didn't bully him.

He looked around, shielding the inside and outside, preventing outsiders from snooping, and at the same time asked: "Are you serious about the late stage?"

Xie Yao shook his head.


Zhang Qiren breathed a sigh of relief, thinking this was right. No one can climb to the sky in one step. It's still early in the morning, and late at noon.

Although as a warlock, he doesn't look down on the vulgar martial artist, but Zhang Qiren knows one or two about the difficulty of condensing his mood and improving his strength.

While he felt that it should be so, he was disappointed again, but he still enlightened Xie Yao:

"Well, you have to eat one bite at a time. You have to go step by step. Don't get discouraged. Slowly improve."

Xie Yao raised his head and looked at Zhang Qiren quietly. After he finished speaking, he slowly said, "I'm concentrating on the peak."


Zhang Qiren looked at Xie Yao, his eyes narrowed: "Oh, why don't you say it earlier?"

Your kid deliberately wanted to make a fool of me?

Xie Yao laughed wildly in his heart, with no surprises on the surface: "It is the basic courtesy of being a student to wait for the teacher to finish speaking."

Zhang Qiren:...

Do you think you are humorous?

After a long while, Zhang Qiren asked, "Where is the potion?"

Xie Yao lowered his head: "It's coming soon, the first-order potion is about to be completely digested. I will soon start preparing to resonate with other potions and try to explore the second-order potion."

He was talking nonsense with his eyes open.

One is that there is no feeling of'complete digestion' at all.

Second, the second-order potion was not something he could realize by himself, so he had to open the treasure chest.

Speaking of this~www.readwn.com~ Xie Yao couldn't help but looked at the golden egg.

The golden egg rolled around and put a line of big characters on his head: "Sign-in progress: 5!"

"Hmph, don't always delay." Zhang Qiren warned.

Zhang Qiren glanced at his disciple, both satisfied and upset.

To his satisfaction, Xie Yao's martial arts are all focused on the peak, and he can immediately try to attack Qi Yin, and he is almost at the same level as his teacher.

But the warlock level is still only E-level, he is a real, fledgling little rookie.

This makes Zhang Qiren feel very angry.

The key point is that he was furious, but he couldn't say anything, he could only pretend to warn a few words, and walked away staring.

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