I Can Absorb Spiritual Contamination

Vol 2 Chapter 265: Fu Zhu

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Do you know that thing well? "

From the scene that just happened, Yan Kai can understand the warning meaning contained in this sentence very well.

Indeed, the spirit-calling banners can't move, the magic spear can't be broken, and this thing blends with the darkness, it is difficult to distinguish, ordinary people encounter, it is really a dead end.

The bridesmaid was still distressed about the bride’s injury, and bit her teeth: “I don’t understand, but I know the rules. The son doesn’t know?”

When I saw other people, I looked at myself with the eyes of the country folks, and my face went dark: "Is it famous?"

"It's more than famous!"

Several big guys were relieved and yelled: "In Jiannan City today, once there is no moonlight at night, there are really few people who dare to go out at will."

"Otherwise, being swallowed by the night, it will disappear completely."

With that said, everyone looked at the bride's disappearing lower body together, and it was horrible.

Said openly: "What kind of monster is that?"

Everyone said in unison: "It's called Night Demon!"

"..." Rao is that the atmosphere is not right now, and Yan Kai almost loses his face to laugh.

They just picked this name arbitrarily, right?

The monster that appears in the dark night is called the night monster? Can you please give me a name? Don’t have such a pictogram. According to this, is it that the monsters that come out of the woods are called tree monsters, and the monsters that appear in the water are called water monsters? It's just... uh... it doesn't seem to be wrong.

Those who are at fault are obviously right in front of these talents.

The bride stopped bleeding and passed out into a coma. She pointed to their beaming outfits: "I'll be honest, don’t you think that your outfit is too out of place? What kind of years have you seen? The people can’t eat enough to eat, are you doing a happy event?"

Several people looked at each other.

The matchmaker said with a weeping face: "My dear, do you think we are doing a normal wedding?"

Yankai looked at their star-dead expressions and shook his head: "No. What do you mean, this is an abnormal happy event?"


They sighed as if they were singing.

"It's an overcast marriage!"

Yin marriage, also called dark marriage, is to find a spouse for the dead.

After the man and woman are married, if the man dies before marriage, the woman will also get married. When visiting the church, the deceased husband’s sister will hold the "God Master Card" and hold the wedding ceremony with the bride.

Could it be that when the bride broke her leg before, she gave a smirk of relief because she didn't have to complete the vaginal marriage?

Yan Kai didn't think it looked like it.

"Who is the yin wedding bridegroom?"

The matchmaker's face turned pale, her hands cramped and she didn't know where to put her hands, whipping, she didn't dare to speak, as if she was afraid of offending something.

The bridesmaid's eyes closed slightly, and she said weakly, "I don't know who it is, I just know that I'm going to marry to Lanruo Temple."

"Lanruo Temple?"

Isn't that the territory of Grandma Shu, everyone knows that it is the territory of demons.


The bridesmaid said casually: "The youngest son of the Xun family was arrested and asked to exchange it with a virgin. It must be a relative of the Xun family. He finally chose to let his eldest daughter marry him."

Suddenly speaking.

That's it, it's such a drama.

He looked at the bridesmaid, she was outstanding, with exquisite features, she wore an elegant red dress, the skirt only covered the thighs, the waist was light, the chest was bulging, and her jade arms gave the bride blood because of the tear off the sleeves. Exposed, his slender fingers are like green onions. In a word, Bo's thighs are long and his skin is white.

Yan Kai suddenly chuckled, "So, let her pretend to be a bride and pretend to be a bridesmaid to confuse her. Is that your countermeasure?"

Everyone was said to be blushing.

She lowered her head: "It's true. Don't dare to deceive your benefactor. The little girl Xun Wanzhi is the Xun's parent and daughter who was used to exchange for her younger brother. I don't want to commit to demons. That's why I came up with this."

He looked at her with a smile but a smile: "Oh, is that right. But, I'm afraid that the demon's desire will be overwhelmed. There will be no return to this trip, right?"

The Tao of Xun Wan: "Every sentence is true and there is no deception."

Yankai shook his head and sighed, "Never mind. Xia Shi, serve some food to entertain the guests."

He said that, but he secretly said in his heart: Just tidy up the rest of you just now.

After all, this Yizhuang is only a sign of the'crematorium', and the inside still maintains the shape of the inn. Yankai let them sit on a table by themselves. Xia Shi brought up a few dishes with a blank expression on his face and placed it heavily on the table. , Didn't say anything, rolled his eyes and didn't look at Yan Kai, and left without angrily.


The vegetable soup was smashing, making people very suspicious that it was going to splash out, and everyone looked straight.

Yan Kai followed behind and wondered a little, what did the little water ghost do, why is he so angry all of a sudden?

This group of welcoming parties was placed in the hall. Several female relatives arranged two rooms. Everyone was grateful and thankful.

"Hey, acting is not bad, but it's a pity that it's a little worse after all."

Yankai observed in the dark.

Others may not see their clues, but they have nothing to hide before the words are opened.

Each of the four bearers has acquired martial arts and even ten-story martial arts! This kind of strength, where it is not a hero or a stranger, would actually be a coolie, which is obviously abnormal.

Although it is uncertain whether this group of people and the so-called "Night Demon" are in the same group, the horror shown by the four acquired and tenth floors is too fake.

If they don’t know what they are, they might have been deceived. Unfortunately, the two-stroke hoisting flags on the door are not friendly. This group of people must have neglected this point. From Yankai’s point of view, this scene is almost done. It's embarrassing to the scalp tingling!

In addition to attracting ghosts, the spirit banners can also use special methods to judge the strength of the opponent, so they can't hide at all.

However, Yan Kai didn't feel that they were coming for him. An NPC in Shangyang City in his small area would not provoke the enemy before he first arrived. There must be something else hidden.

Jiannan City is full of weirdness, but when he speaks, he becomes curious.

In the middle of the night, Yan Kai sat quietly in the room, practising the Cicada Gong.

Now that the Guchan Gong has improved, although it has not yet reached the first level and reached the innate realm, Yan Kai found that his internal strength had begun to change. It was originally colorless and invisible, but now it is slowly turning to pale gold.

This is exactly the hidden special effect of Skull Cicada Art. Although there is no special power blessing, this color alone is already very ridiculous. Yankai feels that if he can't be a demon and can't be mixed in the future, he can switch to a **** stick Not bad.

In the second half of the night, the weather suddenly cleared, the clouds covering the moonlight dispersed, and the moonlight spread into the world like a horse, like a milky way.

"Boom boom!"

The sound of slamming the door seemed particularly abrupt in the dark night, and the hall was agitated, and then quieted down instantly.

All these dozen people were awake, and none of them rested.

The four big guys who had previously counseled were all fierce and sophisticated at the moment, and they gathered together to discuss in a low voice.

"Boss, is that thing here?"

"That's right! That person's intelligence has never been wrong. Since he said'Soul Eater Night, Demon Evil Appears, Watching the Coffin and Floating Red Leaves', then that thing must appear here tonight."

"Yes, the soul-eating beast has already come out, and the next one is the monster."

"What about the young man? The strength seems to be good. Do you want to get rid of him first, so as not to be a miserable life? Is it also for the evil spirit?"

"Don't worry, that person is also strange. I think Miss Lin's family seems to be very interesting to her, haha."

On the other side came the woman's cold snort: "Take care of your dog's mouth."

The man who took the lead just wanted to sneer, his face suddenly changed: "Hush! Coming in! All are on guard!"

The door of the inn was knocked almost to the point of jumping.




There was a young man's voice, seeming to be a little hesitant when he first arrived, and asked softly outside:

"anyone there?"

"Because the brother who secretly admired me came to kill me but he was not strong enough to be killed by me, you are going to avenge him? Does your brother know that you like him, do you just go online like this?"

"The surname Kou is even more comical, because I am a gangster and killed a few enemies, so I am deemed to be an evil spirit outsider? Did your decent teachings learn from dogs?"

"What else is Wen Yejun, because I wanted to kill me to vent my anger because the Kaju I liked was the first to go? Why did you go so early if you really liked it? Wouldn't it be better to keep her in the brothel and betrayed as goods? Is it better to sing and dance to me at Xiangjia?"

In a messy room, Pei Yuan wiped the blood from the wound on his body while looking at the two corpses on the ground, his tone was a bit angry, and a bit angry and unwilling.

Are these people idiots! As the saying goes, if there are grudges and revenge, there are grievances and grievances, but you are better. If you have no grudges, you must create grudges.

Xia Xianyue looked at him in a little astonishment, and opened her small mouth slightly and said, "How do you seem to feel aggrieved? It's obviously that you killed someone, OK? How do I think you are about to cry?"


Pei Yuan didn't answer, don't start bitterly.

It's not that he was wronged for being targeted for no reason. After all, he assumed the cause and effect of this body, and he was naturally prepared for revenge.

But it was this kind of vengeance approach that was close to touching porcelain, and it really made Pei Yuan very entangled. How big is his hatred value? Does this face have the ability to pull hatred?

Really hell!

Pei Yuan shook his head vigorously, threw away and suppressed these emotions, and began to look for the trophy on the ground. By the way, he asked, "By the way, where is my little sister?"

Gu Qingluo ran away before, he knew, but he didn't see it with his own eyes.

But Xia Xianyue should have met, so I have this question.

The latter was staring at the storage bag around Jiang Rou’s waist with his eyes shining brightly, and he had no scruples that the other party was a good partner who was commensurate with her sister Jiuyanhuan not long ago. The tenacity of the heart and the love for money completely crushed Pei. Yuan, after hearing his question, he responded casually, "I haven't seen it, I escaped from the window, I should come back by myself in a while", and quickly opened the storage bag.

Over the years, in order to quickly improve her strength, Xia Xianyue is both practicing martial arts and practicing Taoism. I don't know how many resources have been consumed to pile up such an astonishing metamorphosis of her combat power.

Just like this, Xia Xianyue's purse has been in a state of dryness and emptiness all year round, and the level of desire for money may be completely beyond Pei Yuan's imagination.

Of course, Xia Xianyue will definitely sneer at Pei Yuan's thoughts. You, a big dog family with a family, don't even know the suffering of our common people!

While complaining, Pei Yuan, who was originally thought to be hurting the spring and sorrowful of the autumn, asked: "Hey, how do you divide this time?"

Xia Xianyue's body suddenly stiffened, she looked at him incredible, holding the storage bag that had just been cracked in her hand, and thought unwillingly: You are so sad, why can't you be sad for a while? What if you just let me take everything? Don’t forget, um, it’s me that attracts the prey this time!

Yes, that's right, it's me!

"One person, one, you take Kou Lianxing's one." Xia Xianyue quickly glanced at the corpse of Kou Lianxing that had completely turned into a dregs.

Haha, it was blasted into dregs. The flying sword that had been conceived for many years in the life spirit platform must be gone, and even the storage bag was blown up, only half of it was left. It is conceivable that there are not many left.

Hey, having said that, is Xiang Xilou already so good? Hey, even though Yunzheng is only the pinnacle of the divine mood, he is indeed one of the core disciples of Bai Xi Gong, and he can carry the "Jiao Jin Pu" with the inheritance of martial arts...

Xia Xianyue quickly analyzed it in her mind and made the most favorable judgment consciously.

Anyway, just now everyone killed one of them, and if I distribute them like this, he can't say anything, hehe... the plan works!

Without waiting for Pei Yuan's reaction, Xia Xianyue directly opened the storage bag in her hand and carried out the matter.

"...Why is there only this pill? Not even Fulu, a top-grade sharp weapon, the short dagger, gone?"

Xia Xianyue is suddenly sluggish~www.readwn.com~ All these things add up to twenty thousand taels of silver at most! No, although it is also a top-grade weapon, the dagger is small in size and uses less materials, and the price is often lower by two to thirty percent!

"Unfortunately, the storage bag that I forcibly broke has lost its space utility, otherwise the storage bag itself would be a valuable treasure."

"It seems that they also tried their best this time. In order to save their lives, they used the truly valuable treasures in the battle just now, such as the urn filled with the'Broken Vessel God Sha'. Hey, on his side... "

Xia Xianyue sighed slightly, suddenly raised her brow, and looked behind her back.

His own harvest is so average, so he must be inferior to himself with only half of his storage bag left?

As a result, Pei Yuan shook from the half of the storage bag, and poured out a lot of talismans of various colors, two two-meter-high white jade crystal pillars, a purple gold compass, two large packages of other various forging materials, and deep sea mysterious iron. A pound!

"That's the only thing." Pei Yuanchao looked in the broken storage bag, muttering and threw it aside.


Xia Xianyue was stunned.

what happened? Am I opening it in the wrong way?

She shook her storage bag unwillingly

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